Unlockable MSAW
Use 5SQQ-STHA-ZFFV-7XEV a profile name (new profile). Note there must be a dash between each set of alphanumerics. Once you confirm the profile name, the game will ask for a second (real) profile name. This code lets you have an MSAW in place of your side arm.
Submitted by wurd77, arthurportii, spunky725, Tom Farley, pitbulllvr661, Michael Henry Mah, Justin232, tragikthekid, killahsteel
Verified by MarkRyan-IGN (original only)
Verified by MarkRyan-IGN (original only)
Black PS2 Unlockables
By completing the game on the various difficulty settings, you will unlock rewards.
Black Ops Difficulty Setting Complete the game on the Hard difficulty setting.
Have M16A2-All
Levels Complete the game on the Black Ops difficulty setting. The M16A2 can be used on any difficulty setting once unlocked.
Silver Weapons (unlimited ammo)
Complete the game on either the Normal or Hard difficulty setting to unlock them for that difficulty level.
Unlock the BFG Gun
Unlock BFG Gun for City Streets Level
Enter any of the following codes as your profile name. Make sure you include the - symbol when entering the code (it's next to the ! symbol). After entering the code and clicking "Done", you'll be able to enter your real profile name. This is how you know the code was accepted. When you begin the first level, you'll have an M249 machine gun instead of your normal gun.
Cheat Codes:
Have M16A2-All
Levels Complete the game on the Black Ops difficulty setting. The M16A2 can be used on any difficulty setting once unlocked.
Silver Weapons (unlimited ammo)
Complete the game on either the Normal or Hard difficulty setting to unlock them for that difficulty level.
Unlock the BFG Gun
Unlock BFG Gun for City Streets Level
Enter any of the following codes as your profile name. Make sure you include the - symbol when entering the code (it's next to the ! symbol). After entering the code and clicking "Done", you'll be able to enter your real profile name. This is how you know the code was accepted. When you begin the first level, you'll have an M249 machine gun instead of your normal gun.
Cheat Codes:
Walk over to shaking patches of tall grass to have a chance to encounter Audino. Note: Use Repel in grass to find shaking patches easier.
Use the Nintendo WiFi connection to get the Mystery Gift (the Liberty Pass) from the main menu before April 10, 2011. Use the Liberty Pass to catch Victini in the dungeon of the tower at Liberty Garden.
Drop off a Zoroark and Lucario at the Pokemon Day Care, and their egg will be a Zora.
To easily catch the Pokemon that show up in different seasons, instead of waiting for the season to change, simply change the system date under the DS settings to the desired month of the season you want it to be. Then, go to any zone, and it will be the corresponding season you changed the date to. You can now catch the different seasonal Pokemon and gain the seasonal items. -From: Kojihidari
Drop off any desired Pokemon at the Day Care Center on Route 3. For each step you take, your Pokemon in the Day Care Center will gain 1 experience point. Run back and forth on the Skyarrow Bridge twenty or more times, and your Pokemon should level-up a few levels by the time you are done. Repeat this process for any desired Pokemon. Note: Make sure you have a lot of money, as you must pay 100 coins each time your Pokemon levels-up.
After defeating the Elite Four, go to the Giant Chasm with two Blisseys in the back of your party. After encountering the Ditto, send in Blissey. Let the Ditto transform into Blissey, then switch out, and defeat the fake Blissey for easy experience.
During the Victini event, after you defeat the Team Plasma members on your way to Victini, save the game. Keep fighting Victini for 500 to 700 experience points. Note: Victini reappears every time you run away or accidentally defeat it.
To easily increase a Pokemon's base stats, go to one of the bridges (for example, Driftveil Drawbridge or Marvelous Bridge). There will be flying Pokemon shadows that appear on them and Wings that increase a Pokemon's base stats will appear approximately 60% of the time; the other 40% of the time wild Ducklett and Swanna will appear. The Wings that appear are: Health Wing - HP, Muscle Wing - Attack, Resist Wing - Defense, Genius Wing - Special Attack, Clever Wing - Special Defense, Swift Wing - Speed, Pretty Wing - no effect; its only purpose is to be sold. Note: All Wings except the Pretty Wing will raise the base stats until they reach 255. -From: jjsandt
Once you defeat the Elite 4 for the first time during the story, you can travel the eastern side of Unova. From Nimbasa City, go east, and you will end up on Marvelous Bridge. Once there, notice that you will occasionally hear a "wing-flap" sound, and a small dark area (similar to those seen in lakes and caves) will appear in a random location on the bridge. There will be a 50% chance that when you step on the dark spot, it will either be a "Wing" or a Swanna, the White Bird Pokemon. These "Wings" include the Health Wing, Muscle Wing, Resist Wing, Genius Wing, Clever Wing, Swift Wing, and Pretty Wing. They all give effects similar to those of the Vitamins (Protien, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, etc.) but can be sold for 1,500 PokeDollars. They are very easy to obtain. Keep finding these "Wings" and sell them in large quantities.
In Driftveil City, there is a market where you can buy medicinal herbs, which include Heal Powder, Energy Powder, Energy Root, and Revival Herb. The Heal Powder recovers any status problems of a single Pokemon and is the equivalent of a Full Heal, which costs 600 PokeDollars, but only costs 450 PokeDollars. The EnergyPowder recovers 50 HP and is the equivalent of a Super Potion, which costs 700 PokeDollars, but only costs 500 PokeDollars. The Energy Root recovers 200 HP and is the equivalent of a Hyper Potion, which costs 1,200 PokeDollars, but only costs 800 PokeDollars. The Revival Root is the equivalent of a Max Revive and only costs 2,800 PokeDollars, which is a high price, but at least "Max Revives" can be bought in the game.
When you encounter a Pokemon you want to catch, weaken it in whatever way desired (HP reduction, status infliction, etc.), then throw an ordinary Poke Ball. When the view zooms in on the Pokemon, use your stylus to trace counter-clockwise circles around the Poke Ball symbol on the touch screen. While doing so, make sure to not trace your circles too fast or too slow. Try to find a good median speed to trace with. This should either make the contained Pokemon roll more or get captured in one roll. Note: This trick seems to work best on higher level Pokemon (at least high level 30s), but it does not work every time you try to catch a Pokemon; it can simply make captures easier with ordinary Poke Balls.
Set the system date to your birthday. Then, go to the Pokemon Musical, and talk to the owner upstairs to get the birthday cake prop. Next, talk to the nurse at a Pokemon Center, and she will ask if it is your birthday. Answer "Yes", and she will wish you a happy birthday. Additionally, the mist will be gone in Routes 14 and 15.
Effect | Code |
Exchange Weapons for Health | While playing the game hold all the shoulder buttons and press TRIANGLE, X, SQUARE, O. |
God Mode | Set the control option to ''Classic''. Hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 and quickly press Up, X, Left, Circle during game play. |
Infinite Health and Turbo | During gameplay, hold down all four shoulder buttons, and tap Right, Left, Down, Up. |
Infinite Weapons | At anytime during gameplay, hold all of the shoulder buttons and then quickly press UP, X, LEFT, CIRCLE. |
Invulnerability | Hold L1+R1+L2+R2 and then press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up. |
Mega Machine Guns | While playing the game hold R1+R2+L1+L2 and press X X Triangle. |
New View For Weapons | Mske sure you have Classic controls on. Press Right, and Select, and you'll find more views. |
One Hit Kills | At anytime during gameplay hold all of the shoulder buttons and quickly press X, X, UP. |
Fireball and Frezze attack
During game, with your yellow bar full, hold down L1, L2, R1, R2, and press right, left up. This will shoot a devasting fireball and also a freeze ball.
Effect | Code |
Fireball and freeze attack. | L1, L2, R1, R2, Right, Left, Up. |
Special Attacks
Effect | Code |
Be Invisible | Left, Left, Down, Down |
Charged up mine | Right, Left, Down (hold down for like 2 seconds) |
Freeze | Up, Down, Up |
Freeze Attack | RIGHT, LEFT, UP |
Have energy shield | Right, Right, Down, Down |
Mine | Right, Left, Down |
Shoot weapons from back | Left, Right, Down+Button to fire weapon |
Unlockable Levels
Unlockable | How to Unlock |
Elevators Level | On the Highway Loop Level, go to the bridge with a gap. Go to the side farthest from the tunnel, turn left and use a gas tank on the closest big ball structure to the bridge. It will roll off and make a hole in the tunnel. Get the black cube in the hole. |
Freeway Level | Select your best vehicle and go into Endurance Mode. Select the Snowy Roads level. Proceed to destroy ten vehicles without dying once. |
Mini-Suburbs Level | Select your best vehicle and go into Endurance Mode. Select the Drive-In level. Proceed to destroy ten vehicles without dying once. |
Minion's Stadium | Go to the building with the elevators in the downtown area. Take elevator to the second floor and go to the back left corner and slowly fall off the corner so you will land on a narrow ledge above the first floor. There is a pickup there. |
Power Plant | Find the end of the Snowy Roads level with the long building(by width). Go down the ledge by it and there will be a lower area on the hill. On the lower area there is a rico. Near it there is part of a grey mountain with a black cube on it. Hit the cube. |
Prison Ship Level | Select your best vehicle and go into Endurance Mode. Select the Zorko Bros. Junkyard level. Proceed to destroy fifteen vehicles without dying once. |
Sewers | In Skyscrapers, go to the bottom of the plane ramp and cross the billboard to the other building. Turn left and face the plane with the gap in front of you, aim at the third light from the left and slowly go over the side. You'll die, but you'll unlock it |
Skyscrapers | Go to the final level (where you fight Warhawk). Then drive towards the building that the Tanker comes off. You will see a black cube right in the air. Drive and run into it. |
Stadium Level | Cross the bridge. Shoot the middle of the left building then ride up the elevator and cross the bridge. Fall off and find the rotating coffee cup. |
Warhawk Level | Blow the "Big Boy" object with Fire Missiles. When metal crushing device comes down, turbo and go up. Face the shack and collect the floating object. |
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