Cheat Codes
The following cheat codes are available for Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes from Liberty City on the PC (personal computer).
Please note; many of the codes are the same as the codes entered for the original versions of the included games (The Lost and The Damned, and The Ballad of Gay Tony). There are also a few new codes, all of which are included below for your convenience.
How and When to Enter the Codes
Cheats for GTA IV: Episodes from Liberty City are entered into the in-game cell phone as phone numbers. Previously entered cheats can be activated from the 'cheats' menu found within the cell phone at any time.
Technical note: These codes will work on the new code base found within Episodes from Liberty City
Give Armor
Cheat code: 362-555-0100
Gives Health, Armor And Ammo
Cheat code: 482-555-0100
Lower Wanted Level
Cheat code: 267-555-0100
Raise Wanted Level
Cheat code: 267-555-0150
Weapon Package #1
Cheat code: 486-555-0150
Weapon Package #2
Cheat code: 486-555-0100
Original codes for Lost and the Damned
Spawn a Cognoscenti
Cheat code: 227-555-0142
Spawn a Comet
Cheat code: 227-555-0175
Spawn a FIB Buffalo
Cheat code: 227-555-0100
Spawn a Jetmax
Cheat code: 938-555-0100
Spawn a Sanchez
Cheat code: 625-555-0150
Spawn a Turismo
Cheat code: 227-555-0147
Spawn an NRG-900
Cheat code: 625-555-0100
Spawn Annihilator
Cheat code: 359-555-0100
Spawn Burrito
Cheat code: 826-555-0150
Spawn Double T
Cheat code: 245-555-0125
Spawn Hakuchou
Cheat code: 245-555-0199
Spawn Hexer
Cheat code: 245-555-0150
Spawn Innovation
Cheat code: 245-555-0100
Spawn Slamvan
Cheat code: 826-555-0100
Original codes for Ballad of Gay Tony
Akuma (Bike)
Cheat code: 625-555-0200
APC (Tank)
Cheat code: 272-555-8265
Buzzard (Helicopter)
Cheat code: 359-555-2899
Change Weather
Cheat code: 468-555-0100
Floater (Boat)
Cheat code: 938-555-0150
Health and Armour
Cheat code: 362-555-0100
Health, Armor and Advanced Weapons
Cheat code: 482-555-0100
Cheat code: 359-555-7272
Raise Wanted Level
Cheat code: 267-555-0150
Remove Wanted Level
Cheat code: 267-555-0100
Sniper Rifle Bullets Explode
Cheat code: 486-555-2526
Spawn Annihilator
Cheat code: 359-555-0100
Spawn Bullet GT
Cheat code: 227-555-9666
Spawn Cognoscenti
Cheat code: 227-555-0142
Spawn Comet
Cheat code: 227-555-0175
Spawn Jetmax
Cheat code: 938-555-0100
Spawn NRG-900
Cheat code: 625-555-0100
Spawn Sanchez
Cheat code: 625-555-0150
Spawn Super GT
Cheat code: 227-555-0168
Spawn Turismo
Cheat code: 227-555-0147
Spawns a FIB Buffalo
Cheat code: 227-555-0100
Super Punch (exploding punches)
Cheat code: 276-555-2666
Vader (Bike)
Cheat code: 625-555-3273
Weapons (Advanced, New Weapons)
Cheat code: 486-555-0100
Weapons (Poor)
Cheat code: 486-555-0150
GTA Liberty City Stories Cheat Codes
Enter these during gameplay
CHEAT | Effect |
TRIANGLE, R1, L1, DOWN, DOWN, R1, R1, TRIANGLE | All Vehicles Chrome Plated |
CIRCLE, RIGHT, X, UP, RIGHT, X, L1, SQUARE | Change Bike Tire Size |
L1, R1, L1, R1, UP, DOWN, L1, R1 | Display Game Credits |
DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, X, L1, R1 | Bobble Head World |
L1, L1, CIRCLE, R1, R1, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, X | Sunny Weather |
UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, UP, DOWN, SQUARE, L1, R1 | Clear Weather |
UP, DOWN, X, UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, L1, R1 | Overcast Weather |
SQUARE, SQUARE, R1, X, X, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE | Aggressive Drivers |
L1, DOWN, LEFT, R1, X, CIRCLE, UP, TRIANGLE | Commit Suicide |
L1, UP, LEFT, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, DOWN, X | Perfect Traction |
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, DOWN, X | Faster Gameplay |
R1, TRIANGLE, X, R1, SQUARE, CIRCLE, LEFT, RIGHT | Slower Gameplay |
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE | Peds Have Weapons |
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, LEFT, SQUARE | Peds Riot |
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, UP, TRIANGLE | Peds Attack You |
UP, DOWN, SQUARE, UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, L1, R1 | Rainy Weather |
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, X, SQUARE | Destroy All Cars |
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE, X | Faster Clock |
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE | Spawn Rhino |
UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, UP, DOWN, X, L1, R1 | Foggy Weather |
L1, R1, X, L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1 | Full Health (Red Bar) |
L1, R1, TRIANGLE, L1, R1, CIRCLE, L1, R1 | Money Cheat ($250,000) |
L1, R1, CIRCLE, L1, R1, X, L1, R1 | Full Armor (Blue Bar) |
UP, X, X, DOWN, LEFT, X, X, RIGHT | Weapon set 3 |
L1, L1, TRIANGLE, R1, R1, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE | Never Wanted |
CIRCLE, X, DOWN, CIRCLE, X, UP, L1, L1 | Cars Drive On Water |
L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1, TRIANGLE, L1, R1 | Raise Wanted Level |
L1, UP, RIGHT, R1, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, DOWN, X | Raise Media Attention |
X, Square, Down, X, Square, Up, R1, R1 | Calls closest Ped to come hop on/in your vehicle. |
GTA Liberty City Stories Unlockables
Mission Unlockables
UNLOCKABLE | How to Unlock |
Beat all rampages. | M60 machine gun |
Complete the Frighteners mission | Avenging Angel's Outfit |
Complete the Rollercoaster Ride mission | Chauffer's Outfit |
Complete the The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade mission | Overalls Outfit |
Complete the Don in 60 seconds mission | Micro SMG able to be purchased at Ammu-Nation |
Complete the mission "Making Toni". | Antonio Outfit |
Complete the mission "A Walk In The Park". | Sweats Outfit |
Complete the mission "Overdose of Trouble". | Goodfella Outfit |
Complete the mission "A Date with Death". | Tuxedo Outfit |
Beat Level 6 of Car Salesman | Generate $4000 at Capital Autos |
Beat the game 100% | Infinite Ammo |
Complete the game 100% | Rhino Tank in Ft. Staunton |
Finsh all story mode missions | 'King' Jumpsuit Costume |
Get at least 21 points in the Scrapyard Challenge | 4X money at scrapyard |
Get at least 31 points in the Scrapyard Challenge | 8X money at scrapyard |
Sell 40 motorcycles in Belleville Park, Staunton Island | Generate cash from "Hogs & Cogs" |
Drop off 100 Passengers in the Taxi | Bickle '76 |
Complete the Scrapyard motorcycle challenge | Generate 4x the cash for cars in the Scrapyard |
Beat Ambulance Missions Level 12 | Infinite Sprint |
Complete all ten courses in the "Bump & Grinds" at the dirt bike course in Portland | Upgraded Sanchez |
Complete Level 12 In Vigilante Missions | 150 Max Armor Points |
Completing Avenging Angels missions in Portland | Super Angel Bike (Bulletproof) generated at Portland safe-house |
Completing Avenging Angels missions in Staunton Island | Getting Busted Won't Cost Money |
Completing Tourism missions | Super Land Stalker (Bulletproof) generated at Shoreside Vale safe-house |
Complete Level 10 in Noodle Delivery Missions at Noodle Punk in Portland | Extra 25 Max Health Points |
Complete Level 12 In Firefighter Missions | Fireproof Toni |
Complete Level 10 in Pizza Deliveriy Missions at Joe's Pizza in Staunton Island | Extra 25 Max Health Points |
Complete 1 Unique Jump | Underwear costume |
Complete the game 100% | Vehicles Take Double Damage |
Beat Level 15 of the Avenging Angels missions in Shoreside Vale | Hero Costume |
Beat level four of the car salesman sidequest | Hellenbach GT |
Take Waynes Bike in Biker Heat Mission. | Bullet Proof PCJ 600 |
Beat SlashTV 2 times | Cox Mascot Outfit |
Complete Love Media | V8 Ghost |
Complete Love Media | PCJ |
Complete all 26 unique jumps | Get 10000$ |
complete mission "shoot the messenger" | Wise Guy clothes |
complete the mission "Crazy '69' | Dragon Jump Suit |
Drive to your house at the start of the game and walk into the clothes icon | Leone's Outfit |
Beat the game 100% | Generate a boat Speeder at Portland Ferry Docks |
Hidden Package Rewards
Find the hidden packages.
UNLOCKABLE | How to Unlock |
010 Packages | Pistol at Safehouse |
020 Packages | Generate a shotgun at all safe houses |
030 Packages | Generate a armour at all safe houses |
040 Packages | Generate a MP5 at all safe houses |
050 Packages | Generate a python at all safe houses |
060 Packages | Generate a M4 at all safe houses |
070 Packages | Generate a sniper rifle at all safe houses |
080 Packages | Generate a flamethrower at all safe houses |
090 Packages | Generate a rocketlauncher at all safe houses |
100 Packages | Gives you $50,000 |
GTA Liberty City Stories Easter Eggs
Moon Increases in Size
When it's night-time, take out your Sniper Rifle and look for the Moon in the sky. Zoom in and shoot the Moon. The Moon will increase in size the more you shoot it and then go back to it's original small state when you shot it enough times.
You aren't supposed to be here, pt III
In the back alley of the Libery Tree Bank in Staunton Island, climb over the wall and go to the far north west corner of the alley. There is now a sign that says,
"You just can't get enough of this alley, can you?" and a cartoon smile with arms on a plastered up poster.
GTA III has a sign that says "You aren't supposed to be here." and the PSP version of this game has a sign in the same place that says "Hello Again" with a smile.
GTA Liberty City Stories Secrets
Bullet proof PCJ-600
In the mission "Biker Heat", when you chase down Wayne, kill him WHILE HE'S ON THE BIKE (he cannot fall off the bike or it will not be bullet-proof anymore), steal it, and then save it for a bullet-proof PCJ.
Bulletproof Stretch
You must be on Staunton Island and on the mission "Search and Rescue" which is given to you by Sal over the pay phone. Go pick up the limo from Sal's garage, then drive the limo to YOUR garage. Do NOT go to the yellow marker. Go straight from the Sal's garage to yours. After the limo is in your garage, fail the mission (die or blow up the limo while it is in your garage) and then the Bulletproof Stretch is yours. This works with other mission vehicles as well.
Rampage without getting wanted
Start a new game. Instead of taking Vincenzo to the Safe House, leave him in the car and don\'t get in. Now you can roam free and do whatever you want without getting any stars at all!
$50 Good citizen bonus
Just like in Vice City, you can receive $50 as reward for helping cops apprehend criminals on the street. Occasionally, you'll see cops chasing criminals on the street. Most of the time, these criminals happen to be gang members. No matter who they are, just do a melee attack on them and you should receive $50 as good citizen bonus.
GTA Liberty City Stories Glitches
Double Ammunition
It is possible to duplicate any amount of ammunition for a specific gun. This happens during any missions or odd jobs where you are driven by someone and have to shoot things with a crosshair and some type of automatic gun with unlimited ammo. Just have the gun in your inventory that you want to duplicate ammo selected before you start the mission or odd job. Certain missions where there is more than just the shooting part only require having the gun selected when you go into the shooting part of the mission. When the mission is completed or failed you should notice the selected gun has twice the initial ammo.
Infinite Time for Fires in Fire Truck Missions
To exploit this glitch it's just a matter of putting the fire out as the clock is going to hit 0. If done correctly, the timer will disappear allowing infinite time to cruise to the next fire.
Keep more than one vehicle in your garage.
Normaly you can only keep one vehicle in your garage due to the fact that if one vehicle is being stored the door will not open for the one your in, so get out of your car (a bike works easier) and push it next to the garage doors, when you get close enough it will open and let you push your vehicle into the garage. This is very handy when you want both a car and a bike at your fingertips.
Near Infinite Sprint Trick
Just tap default X button to sprint instead of holding it down. You cycle the sprint so it's like you never start. This can be done at any time; whether during a mission or exploration.
Full health:
L, R,
, L, R,
, L, R during game play.
Body armor:
L, R,
, L, R,
, L, R during game play.
L, R,
, L, R,
, L, R during game play.
Weapons (tier 1):
, Down, Left,
, Right during game play.
Weapons (tier 2):
, Down, Left,
, Right during game play.
Weapons (tier 3):
, Down, Left,
, Right during game play.
Wanted level disabled:
L, L,
, R, R,
during game play.
Wanted level increased:
L, R,
, L, R,
, L, R during game play.
Chrome traffic:
, R, L, Down, Down, R, R, 
during game play.
Better handling vehicles:
L, Up, Left, R,
, Down, 
during game play. Press
Down when this code is enabled to make your car jump.
Destroy all cars:
L, L, Left, L, L, Right,
during game play.
Inflate tires when on a flat: Press
,R1,L1,sR1,square,R1,L1 during game play.
Drive on water:
, Down,
, Up, L, L during game play.
Change motorcycle tire size:
, Right,
, Up, Right,
, L, 
during game play.
Spawn Rhino:
L, L, Left, L, L, Right,
during game play.
Spawn Trashmaster:
, Down,
, Up, L, L during game play.
Sunny weather:
L, L,
, R, R,
during game play.
Clear weather:
Up, Down,
, Up, Down,
, L, R during game play.
Overcast weather:
Up, Down,
, Up, Down,
, L, R during game play.
Rainy weather:
Up, Down,
, Up, Down,
, L, R during game play.
Foggy weather:
Up, Down,
, Up, Down,
, L, R during game play.
Pedestrians riot:
L, L, R, L, L, R, Left, 
during game play.
Pedestrians have weapons:
R, R, L, R, R, L, Right, 
during game play.
Pedestrians attack you:
L, L, R, L, L, R, Up, 
during game play.
Pedestrians follow you:
Down, Down, Down,
, L, R during game play.
Random pedestrian costumes:
L, L, Left, L, L, Right,
during game play.
Faster game time:
L, L, Left, L, L, Right,
during game play.
Faster gameplay:
R, R, L, R, R, L, Down, 
during game play.
Slower gameplay:
, R,
, Left, Right during game play.
Big head mode:
Down, Down, Down,
, L, R during game play.
Upside down:
Down, Down, Down,
, R, L during game play.
Return to normal from upside down:
, Up, Up, Right, L, R during game play.
Commit suicide:
L, Down, Left, R,
, Up, 
during game play.
View game credits:
Press L, R, L, R, Up, Down, L, R during game play.
Hidden Package Rewards: The following items will appear in your safehouses when you've collected the required amount of hidden packages.
Handgun | 10 hidden packages |
Shotgun | 20 hidden packages |
Body armor | 30 hidden packages |
MP5 gun | 40 hidden packages. |
Python gun | 50 hidden packages |
M4 gun | 60 hidden packages |
Laser-aimed sniper rifle | 70 hidden packages |
Flamethrower | 80 hidden packages |
Rocket launcher | 90 hidden packages |
$50,000 | 100 hidden packages |
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