Cheat mode
Select the "My 2010 FIFA World Cup" option, then choose "EA Sports Extras", and "Unlockable Code Entry". Enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding bonus:
Result | Code |
Adidas Ultimate 11 and Classic 11 teams | WSBJ-PJYO-DFYQ-IIGK |
Adidas adiPure III TRX (Black/Sun) shoes | HHDO-PWPM-IXZQ-OJOZ |
Adidas F50 adizero (Black/Sun/Sun) shoes | SGFS-TZPP-XCHH-MJMH |
Adidas F50 adizero (Chameleon) shoes | VOKM-NEZT-JOQP-ULUT |
Adidas F50 adizero (Sun/Black/Gold) shoes | YOZC-CVIF-JGKQ-JWTW |
Adidas Predator_X (Black/Sun) shoes | OCEG-ZCUH-XOBS-BNFU |
African Dance celebration | KBRR-WKUI-RSTW-UJQW |
Baby Cradle celebration | UGSI-MLBH-LFPU-BFJY |
Dying Fly celebration | DVMN-JPBT-LHJZ-GECP |
River Dance celebration | MIKA-KPUM-EEWN-TQVE |
Side Slide celebration | VNDW-DUDL-MGRN-HDNV |
Speed Skating celebration | LHEH-JZTP-YYQD-JQXB |
The Flying Dive celebration | DBQD-UXQT-RWTV-XYDC |
The Prancing Bird celebration | TWVB-IXYA-CAOL-GOWO |
New boots codes
Enter the following codes to unlock new models of adidas boots.
Effect | Code |
Adidas F50 adizero – Black/Sun/Sun | SGFSTZPPXCHHMJMH |
Adidas F50 adizero – Chameleon | VOKMNEZTJOQPULUT |
Adidas F50 adizero – Sun/Black/Gold | YOZCCVIFJGKQJWTW |
Adidas Predator_X – Black/Sun | OCEGZCUHXOBSBNFU |
Coco-Cola Celebrations
Select "My 2010 FIFA World Cup", then choose "EA Sports Extras" and "Unlockable Code Entry".
Effect | Code |
Adidas Ultimate 11 and Classic 11 team | WSBJPJYODFYQIIGK |
African Dance celebration | KBRRWKUIRSTWUJQW |
Baby Cradle celebration | UGSIMLBHLFPUBFJY |
Dying Fly celebration | DVMNJPBTLHJZGECP |
River Dance celebration | MIKAKPUMEEWNTQVE |
Side Slide celebration | VNDWDUDLMGRNHDNV |
Speed Skating celebration | LHEHJZTPYYQDJQXB |
The Flying Dive celebration | DBQDUXQTRWTVXYDC |
The Prancing Bird celebration | TWVBIXYACAOLGOWO |
Cheat mode
Select the "My 2010 Fifa World Cup" option, choose "EA Sports Extras" then "Unlockable Code Entry". Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat option.
Effect | Code |
rslwan urraa lghgwrtlur scphtmhye
Unlock the Coca-Cola celebrations with the appropriate "Cheat mode" codes, then use one of the following button combinations to perform the corresponding celebration:
- African Dance: Press LT + B.
- Baby Cradle: Press LT + A.
- River Dance: Press RB + X.
- Side Slide: Press RB + Y.
- Speed Skating: Press RB + A.
- The Flying Dive: Press LT + Y.
- The Prancing Bird: Press RB + B.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding goal celebration pack:
- Pack #1: Get the Adidas Golden Boot Award (win the FIFA World Cup and have one of your team's members be the top scorer of the World Cup).
- Pack #2: Take the lead by scoring within the first five minutes of a match.
- Pack #3: Score within five minutes following a goal you just made.
- Pack #4: Score 100 goals.
- Pack #5: Score three goals with the same player in a single match.
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Single Star Group Stage (30 points): Finish the Group Stage in the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1/2 - 1 star team.
- Two Star Group Stage (20 points): Finish the Group Stage in the Online FIFA World Cup with a 1.5 - 2 star team.
- Three Star Group Stage (5 points): Finish the Group Stage in the Online FIFA World Cup with a 2.5 - 3 star team.
- Against all odds (75 points): Win the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1/2 - 1 star team.
- Ultimate Underdogs (50 points): Win the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1.5 - 2 star team.
- Played well as a team (15 points): Win the Online FIFA World Cup with a 2.5 - 3 star team.
- Dream Come True (5 points): Advance past the group stage in the Online FIFA World Cup with a team rated 3 stars or lower.
- Undefeated Group Stage (15 points): Win all three group games and advance to the knockout stage in the Online FIFA World Cup.
- Hospitality and Victories (10 points): As the lead profile advance through the group stage as South Africa in 2010 FIFA World Cup
- We'll just score more (10 points): As the lead profile Concede 14+ In the Finals & Win the World Cup. Semi-Pro or higher difficulty.
- Concede No Goals (10 points): As the lead profile Advance to the round of 16 without conceding a goal: Semi-pro+ difficulty
- Defend, Defend, Defend (10 points): Lift the World Cup Trophy in the 2010 FIFA World Cup scoring 11 or fewer total goals (Lead Profile).
- Second Trip, First Goal (10 points): Qualify & Score in the finals using any team that's been to the finals & not scored (Lead Profile).
- First Team Selection (15 points): Get promoted to the First team and play a match in Captain your Country.
- Managers First Choice (15 points): With a Virtual Pro play a game as the #1 ranked squad member in Captain your Country.
- Co-op Success (5 points): All four co-op players get a match rating of 7 or above in a captain your country match.
- Practice Penalty Kicks (10 points): Score at least 5 penalty Kicks in Penalty Shootout Practice
- Masterful Performance (20 points): Finish a captain your country where one of the players wins an end of tournament award.
- The Captain (10 points): In a Captain your Country campaign play a game as the captain for your country's first team.
- Solid Performer (10 points): Achieve an average match rating of 8 at the end of a single Captain your Country campaign.
- Fair Play (5 points): In a single Captain your country campaign Receive no match bans.
- Hold the Line (5 points): Earn a match rating of 8 or above as a Defender in Captain your Country.
- Most Hat-tricks (20 points): In Captain your Country score 2 or more hat-tricks in the Finals to beat the standing record.
- 2010 FIFA World Cup Mastery (125 points): Defeat all 32 teams that qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
- 2006 FIFA World Cup Final (10 points): Beat France using Italy on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
- 2002 FIFA World Cup Final (10 points): Beat Germany using Brazil on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
- 1998 FIFA World Cup Final (10 points): Defeat Brazil using France on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
- Lightning Quick Strike (20 points): Score in under 90 seconds to beat the standing record for fastest goal in a World Cup finals match.
- Europe Qualifier (20 points): As the lead profile qualify as a team from Europe in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
- Asia Qualifier (20 points): As the lead profile qualify as a team from Asia in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
- Oceania Qualifier (20 points): As the lead profile qualify as a team from Oceania in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
- CONCACAF Qualifier (20 points): As the lead profile qualify as a team from CONCACAF in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
- South America Qualifier (20 points): As the lead profile qualify as a team from South America in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
- Africa Qualifier (20 points): As the lead profile qualify as a team from Africa in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
- World Cup Winner (125 points): As the lead profile win the FIFA World Cup Final in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
- Victorious! (100 points): Win the FIFA World Cup in a Captain your Country campaign.
- Shameful (0 points): I've quit out of at least 5 ranked matches while losing.
Additionally, there are seven secret achievements:
Cheat Codes
The following cheat codes are available for 2010 FIFA World Cup South Afrika on the PlayStation 3 (PS3).
From the main menu navigate to My 2010 FIFA World Cup, EA Sports Extras, then Unlockable Code Entry. Next, enter one or more of the following codes to unlock the celebrations.
Adidas Ultimate 11 and Classic 11 team.
African Dance celebration.
Baby Cradle celebration.
Dying Fly celebration.
River Dance celebration.
Side Slide celebration.
Speed Skating celebration.
The Flying Dive celebration.
The Prancing Bird celebration.
Performing the Coca-Cola Celebrations
At this time I do not have the key press combinations to perform the above celebrations on the PS3 version of the game. If you have that list please let me know.
The following trophies can be unlocked in the PS3 version of 2010 FIFA World Cup South Afrika.
1998 FIFA World Cup Final (Bronze Trophy)
Beat Brazil using France on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
Beat Brazil using France on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
2 Button Mentor (Bronze Trophy)
Play and win a co-op game where at least one user is on 2 Button Controls.
Play and win a co-op game where at least one user is on 2 Button Controls.
2002 FIFA World Cup Final (Bronze Trophy)
Beat Germany using Brazil on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
Beat Germany using Brazil on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
2006 FIFA World Cup Final (Bronze Trophy)
Beat France using Italy on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
Beat France using Italy on Semi-Pro or Higher Difficulty.
2010 FIFA World Cup Mastery (Silver Trophy)
Defeat all 32 teams that qualify for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Defeat all 32 teams that qualify for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
adidas Golden Shoe (Bronze Trophy)
Beat the standing record by scoring 10 goals in an Online FIFA World Cup™ with a single player.
Beat the standing record by scoring 10 goals in an Online FIFA World Cup™ with a single player.
Africa Qualifier (Bronze Trophy)
Qualify as a team from Africa in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Qualify as a team from Africa in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Against all odds (Gold Trophy)
Win the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1/2 - 1 star team.
Win the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1/2 - 1 star team.
Asia Qualifier (Bronze Trophy)
Qualify as a team from Asia in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Qualify as a team from Asia in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Better luck needed next time (Bronze Trophy)
Finish the group stage without advancing to the Knockout stage of the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup™.
Finish the group stage without advancing to the Knockout stage of the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup™.
Co-op Success (Bronze Trophy)
All four co-op players get a match rating of 7 or above in a captain your country match.
All four co-op players get a match rating of 7 or above in a captain your country match.
CONCACAF Qualifier (Bronze Trophy)
Qualify as a team from CONCACAF in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Qualify as a team from CONCACAF in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Concede No Goals (Bronze Trophy)
Advance from the Group stage in 2010 FIFA World Cup without conceding a goal: Semi-pro difficulty.
Advance from the Group stage in 2010 FIFA World Cup without conceding a goal: Semi-pro difficulty.
Defend, Defend, Defend (Bronze Trophy)
Lift the World Cup Trophy in the 2010 FIFA World Cup scoring 11 or fewer total goals (Record).
Lift the World Cup Trophy in the 2010 FIFA World Cup scoring 11 or fewer total goals (Record).
Dreams Come True (Bronze Trophy)
Advance past the group stage in the Online FIFA World Cup with a team rated 3 stars or lower.
Advance past the group stage in the Online FIFA World Cup with a team rated 3 stars or lower.
Europe Qualifier (Bronze Trophy)
Qualify as a team from Europe in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Qualify as a team from Europe in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Fair Play (Silver Trophy)
In a single Captain your country campaign Receive no match bans.
In a single Captain your country campaign Receive no match bans.
First Team Selecton (Bronze Trophy)
Get promoted to the First team and play a match in Captain your Country.
Get promoted to the First team and play a match in Captain your Country.
First time on the world stage (Bronze Trophy)
Play in the Online FIFA World Cup™ with a team that have never qualified for the FIFA World Cup™ Finals.
Play in the Online FIFA World Cup™ with a team that have never qualified for the FIFA World Cup™ Finals.
Hold the Line (Bronze Trophy)
Earn a match rating of 8 or above as a Defender in Captain your Country.
Earn a match rating of 8 or above as a Defender in Captain your Country.
Hospitality and Victories (Bronze Trophy)
Advance through the group stage as South Africa in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Advance through the group stage as South Africa in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Lightning Quick Strike (Silver Trophy)
Score in under 90 seconds to beat the standing record for fastest goal in a World Cup finals match.
Score in under 90 seconds to beat the standing record for fastest goal in a World Cup finals match.
Managers First Choice (Silver Trophy)
With a Virtual Pro play a game as the #1 ranked squad member in Captain your Country.
With a Virtual Pro play a game as the #1 ranked squad member in Captain your Country.
Masterful Performance (Silver Trophy)
Finish a captain your country where one of the players wins an end of tournament award.
Finish a captain your country where one of the players wins an end of tournament award.
Most Hat-tricks (Bronze Trophy)
In Captain your Country score 2 or more hat-tricks in the Finals to beat the standing record.
In Captain your Country score 2 or more hat-tricks in the Finals to beat the standing record.
Oceania Qualifier (Bronze Trophy)
Qualify as a team from Oceania in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Qualify as a team from Oceania in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Played well as a team (Bronze Trophy)
Win the Online FIFA World Cup with a 2.5 - 3 star team.
Win the Online FIFA World Cup with a 2.5 - 3 star team.
Practice Makes Perfect (Bronze Trophy)
Enter the training grounds to practice after a loss.
Enter the training grounds to practice after a loss.
Practice Penalty Kicks (Bronze Trophy)
Score at least 5 penalty Kicks in Penalty Shootout Practice.
Score at least 5 penalty Kicks in Penalty Shootout Practice.
Pressure Cooker (Bronze Trophy)
Score in a penalty shootout using your Virtual Pro and win the game.
Score in a penalty shootout using your Virtual Pro and win the game.
Second Trip, First Goal (Bronze Trophy)
Qualify & Score in the finals using any team that's been to the finals & not scored.
Qualify & Score in the finals using any team that's been to the finals & not scored.
Single Star Group Stage (Bronze Trophy)
Finish the Group Stage in the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1/2 - 1 star team.
Finish the Group Stage in the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1/2 - 1 star team.
Solid Performer (Bronze Trophy)
Achieve an average match rating of 8 at the end of a single Captain your Country campaign.
Achieve an average match rating of 8 at the end of a single Captain your Country campaign.
South America Qualifier (Bronze Trophy)
Qualify as a team from South America in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
Qualify as a team from South America in 2010 FIFA World Cup single player only.
The Captain (Bronze Trophy)
In a Captain your Country campaign play a game as the captain for your country's first team.
In a Captain your Country campaign play a game as the captain for your country's first team.
Three Star Group Stage (Bronze Trophy)
Finish the Group Stage in the Online FIFA World Cup with a 2.5 - 3 star team.
Finish the Group Stage in the Online FIFA World Cup with a 2.5 - 3 star team.
Two Star Group Stage (Bronze Trophy)
Finish the Group Stage in the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1.5 - 2 star team.
Finish the Group Stage in the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1.5 - 2 star team.
Ultimate Underdogs (Silver Trophy)
Win the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1.5 - 2 star team.
Win the Online 2010 FIFA World Cup with a 1.5 - 2 star team.
Undefeated Group Stage (Silver Trophy)
Win all three group games and advance to the knockout stage in the Online FIFA World Cup.
Win all three group games and advance to the knockout stage in the Online FIFA World Cup.
Victorious (Gold Trophy)
Win the FIFA World Cup in a Captain your Country campaign.
Win the FIFA World Cup in a Captain your Country campaign.
We'll just score more (Bronze Trophy)
Concede 14+ In the Finals (Record) & Win the World Cup. Semi-Pro or higher difficulty.
Concede 14+ In the Finals (Record) & Win the World Cup. Semi-Pro or higher difficulty.
World Cup Champion (Platinum Trophy)
Unlock all Trophies In the game.
Unlock all Trophies In the game.
World Cup Winner (Gold Trophy)
Win the FIFA World Cup Final in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Win the FIFA World Cup Final in 2010 FIFA World Cup.
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