Now you can immerse yourself in the Cold War, thanks to 688 ATTACK SUB. You're the commander of the Los Angeles, a powerful 688 SSN nuclear attack sub, and your mission is to seek out and destroy a Soviet Typhoon-class missile sub. You'll have to learn all the ins and outs of your submarine's controls if you hope to ever get back to shore. You see, you aren't the only one playing predator in the depths of the ocean; you'll be up against all kinds of Soviet subs that are on the lookout for you. You'll have to use strategy, intelligence, and even some defensive maneuvers as you troll the depths waiting for that familiar 'ping' on the sonar that alerts you to another vessel. The entire Western World is depending on this mission, so take control...and don't come back without a confirmed kill!
688 ATTACK SUB ------------------------------------------------- *** Sonar Identification AMERICAN & ALLIED VESSELS SOVIET & ALLIED VESSELS 1. Submarines O O O OO O O O O OO O ooooOoOoOooooooo ooooOOoOoooooooo 688 Class Attack Sub ALPHA Class Attack Sub OO O OO OO O OO ooooOOoooOoooooo oooooooOOooooooo TRAFALGAR Class Fast Attack Sub VICTOR III Class Fast Attack Sub OOOO OOOO oooooOOOOooooooo AKULA Class Fast Attack Sub O O O O oooooOoooOoooooo FOXTROT Class Diesel Sub OOOOO OOOOO ooooOOOOOooooooo CHARLIE II Guided Missile Sub O OOO O OOO ooooOoOOOooooooo OSCAR Class Missile Sub O O oooooooooOoooooo TYPHOON Class SSBN 2. Torpedoes OOO OOO OOO OOO ooooooooooooOOOo ooooooooooooOOOo Mark 48 Torpedo 450mm Torpedo O OO OO O OO OO ooooooooooooOoOO oooooooooooooOOo Mark 50 Torpedo 533mm Torpedo O O O O ooooooooooooOoOo Spearfish Torpedo? O O oooooooooooooooO Spearfish Torpedo? 3. Military Surface Vesslels OOO O O OOO O O oOOOoooooooooooo OooOoooooooooooo Oliver Hazard Perry Class FRIGATE Koni Class FRIGATE O OOO O OOO Oooooooooooooooo OOOoooooooooooo Forrest Sherman Class DESTROYER KIROV O O oooOoooooooooooo KRIVAK II O O O O oOoOoooooooooooo Slava Class CRUISER O OO OO O OO OO OoOOoooooooooooo oOOooooooooooooo Kidd Class GUIDED MISSILE DESTROYER Kara Class MISSILE CRUISER OO O OO O OOoOoooooooooooo Nimitz Class ARCRAFT CARRIER OO OO ooOOoooooooooooo Iowa Class BATTLESHIP 4. Civilian Surface Vessels O O oOoooooooooooooo MERCHANT SHIP OO OO OOoooooooooooooo CARGO SHIP OOOO OOOO OOOOoooooooooooo Sacramento Class OILER O O O O OoooOooooooooooo TANKER O OO O OO oooooooooOoOOooo
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