X360 Hints & Cheats
Alice: Madness Returns Unlockables
Unlockable Dresses
Dresses are unlocked after every Chapter.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Complete Hatter's Domain (Chapter 1 Steamdress (Breakables drop more Teeth and Roses) Complete Deluded Depths (Chapter 2) Siren (Enemies drop twice as many Roses) Complete Oriental Grove (Chapter 3) Silk Maiden (Enemies drop twice as many Teeth) Complete Queensland (Chapter 4) Royal Suit (Health limited to 4 Roses total) Complete The Dollhouse (Chapter 5) Misstitched (Shrink Sense duration is doubled) Complete Infernal Train (Chapter 6) Classic (Regain health when shrunk)
Alice: Madness Returns Achievements
CODE Effect In American McGee’s Alice, Complete Behind the Looking Glass Dead Hatter (10) Equip a Different Domain Dress Dress-Ups (10) Find the hidden Shrink Sense Decal Eyes on the Size (10) Find all Liddell Memories Family memories fond and faded (10) Complete a Chess Puzzle without failing Grandmaster (10) Kill 5 Bolterflies in a row with the Pepper Grinder Grind 'em All! (10) In American McGee’s Alice, Complete Village of the Doomed Madness Begins (10) Pepper All Snouts in a Chapter Nothing Like the Smell of Bacon (10) In American McGee’s Alice, Complete Wonderland Woods Out of the Woods (10) In American McGee’s Alice, Complete Queen of Heartsland Royal Approach (10) Collect 4 Jars of Rose Paint Shooting the Moon (10) In American McGee’s Alice, Complete Fortress of Doors Skool-Leaver (10) Destroy 10 Ruin Barriers Tea Party (10) Complete Wonderland Chapter 5 The End of Daze (10) Spend 7 minutes on steam vents Venting frustration (10) Hobby Horse to Vorpal Blade to Hobby Horse Combo Weapon Schizo (10) Defeat 52 Card Guards 52 Pick-Up (20) Kill 30 enemies with the Clockwork Bomb Beware of the Lagomorph (20) Kill 10 Bitch Babies with Deflection Brollyant (20) Collect all Peaches in the Scroll of Destiny Just peachy (20) Defeat 100 Ruin Enemies No quarter! No mercy! (20) Complete HMS Gryphon without taking Damage Ship of Fools (20) Complete Off With Her Head Part 2 in under 6 minutes That's Using Your Head (20) Complete Chapter 1 on Nightmare Difficulty The Beginning of the End (20) Complete the Game on Easy Difficulty The Strong Survive (25) While on your last Rose, kill 5 Enemies without activating Hysteria Calm In the Face of Death (30) Defeat the Drowned Sailor without taking any damage Cold Arms, Cold Heart (30) Find all Memories Everything fit to remember (30) Complete all Radula Rooms Painting the Town Red (30) Defeat the Dollmaker without taking any damage. Pulling Strings (30) Pepper All Snouts in the Game Seasoned Campaigner (30) In American McGee’s Alice, Complete the Game Full Recovery (50) Finish the game using Hysteria only once Level-Headed (50) Complete the Game on Normal Difficulty The Imaginative Endure (50) Complete the Game on Hard Difficulty The Persistent Flourish (75) Complete the Game on Nightmare Difficulty Madness Prevails (80) Acquire the Teapot Cannon Death by Darjeeling (10) Complete Vale of Tears End of Innocence (10) Complete Wonderland Chapter 2 Grim Folly (10) Acquire the Pepper Grinder Ground Pork (10) Complete Wonderland Chapter 1 Hatter's Demise (10) Hit 4 Enemies With a Single Hobby Horse Ground Smash Neighslayer (10) Back to Wonderland No Happy Returns (10) Acquire the Vorpal Blade Snicker-snack! (10) Acquire the Hobby Horse Strange Hobby (10) Upgrade a Weapon Strike a Deal (10) Complete Wonderland Chapter 4 The Harder They Fall (10) Complete Wonderland Chapter 3 When Worlds Collide (10) Fully upgrade a weapon More than a Mouthful (20) Fully upgrade all weapons Armed to the Teeth (30) PC Hints & Cheats
Alice: Madness Returns Unlockables
Beat the game.
In order to unlock these features, you must beat the game.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Beat the game once. New Game+ Beat the game once. Dress Specials (Not DLC ones) Dresses
UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Complete Infernal Train (Chapter 6) Classic (Regain health when shrunk) Complete The Dollhouse (Chapter 5) Misstitched (Shrink Sense duration is doubled) Complete Queensland (Chapter 4) Royal Suit (Health limited to 4 Roses total) Complete Oriental Grove (Chapter 3) Silk Maiden (Enemies drop twice as many Teeth) Complete Deluded Depths (Chapter 2) Siren (Enemies drop twice as many Roses) Complete Hatter's Domain (Chapter 1) Steamdress (Breakables drop more Teeth and Roses) PS3 Hints & Cheats
Alice: Madness Returns Unlockables
New Game +
To Unlock this mode , clear the game on any difficulty to start a new game with all your upgraded weapons and clothesStory Mode Dresses
Completing each chapter of the game unlocks a dress specific to the chapter. Completing the game adds an ability to each dress.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Complete Chapter 1 - Hatter's Domain Steamdress (drops more teeth and roses) Complete Chapter 2 - Deluded Depths Siren (enemies drop twice as many roses) Complete Chapter 3 - Oriental Grove Silk Maiden (enemies drop twice as many teeth) Complete Chapter 4 - Queensland Royal Suit (limits health to four roses total) Complete Chapter 5 - The Dollhouse Misstitched (Shrink Sense duration is doubled) Complete Chapter 6 - The Infernal Train Classic Alice (regain health while shrunk)
Alice: Madness Returns
There are 30 Bronze Trophies, 12 Silver Trophies, 2 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.CODE Effect Platinum For All Other Trophies Platinum For All Other Trophies (Platinum) Complete the Game on Easy Difficulty The Strong Survive (Bronze) Complete the Game on Normal Difficulty The Imaginative Endure (Bronze) Complete the Game on Hard Difficulty The Persistent Flourish (Silver) Complete Chapter 1 on Nightmare Difficulty The Beginning of the End (Bronze) Complete the Game on Nightmare Difficulty Madness Prevails (Gold) Upgrade a Weapon Strike a Deal (Bronze) Fully upgrade a weapon More than a Mouthful (Bronze) Fully upgrade all weapons Armed to the Teeth (Silver) Collect 4 Jars of Rose Paint Shooting the Moon (Bronze) Complete all Radula Rooms Painting the Town Red (Silver) Find all Liddell Memories Family Memories Fond and Faded (Bronze) Find all Memories Everything Fit to Remember (Silver) Pepper All Snouts in a Chapter Nothing Like the Smell of Bacon (Bronze) Pepper All Snouts in the Game Seasoned Campaigner (Silver) Complete HMS Gryphon without taking Damage Ship of Fools (Silver) Collect all the Peaches in the Scroll of Destiny Just Peachy (Silver) Complete a Chess Puzzle without failing Grandmaster (Silver) Complete Off With Her Head Part 2 in under 6 minutes That's Using Your Head (Silver) Equip a Different Domain Dress Dress-Ups (Bronze) Hobby Horse to Vorpal Blade to Hobby Horse Combo Weapon Schizo (Bronze) Kill 5 Botterflies in a row with the Pepper Grinder Grind 'em All! (Bronze) Hit 4 enemies with a single Hobby Horse ground smash Neighslayer (Bronze) Destroy 10 Ruin Barriers Tea Party (Bronze) Finish the game using Hysteria only once Level-Headed (Gold) Find the hidden Shrink Sense Decal Eyes on the Size (Bronze) Kill 10 Bitch Babies with Deflection Brollyant (Bronze) Kill 30 enemies with the Clockwork Bomb Beware of the Lagomorph (Bronze) Defeat the Drowned Sailor without taking any damage Cold Arms, Cold Heart (Silver) Defeat the Dollmaker without taking any damage. Pulling His Strings (Silver) Defeat 100 Ruin Enemies. No quarter! No mercy! (Bronze) Defeat 52 Card Guards 52-Pick-Up (Bronze) While on your last Rose, kill 5 Enemies without activating Hysteria Calm In the Face of Death (Silver) Back to Wonderland No Happy Returns (Bronze) Complete Vale of Tears End of Innocence (Bronze) Complete Wonderland Chapter 1 Hatter's Demise (Bronze) Complete Wonderland Chapter 2 Grim Folly (Bronze) Complete Wonderland Chapter 3 When Worlds Collide (Bronze) Complete Wonderland Chapter 4 The Harder they Fall (Bronze) Complete Wonderland Chapter 5 The End of Daze (Bronze) Acquire the Vorpal Blade Snicker-snack! (Bronze) Acquire the Pepper Grinder Ground Pork (Bronze) Acquire the Hobby Horse Strange Hobby (Bronze) Acquire the Teapot Cannon Death by Darjeeling (Bronze) Spend 7 minutes on steam vents Venting Frustration (Bronze) Trophies: American McGee's Alice DLC
There are 4 Bronze Trophies, 1 Silver Trophy, and 1 Gold Trophy.CODE Effect In American McGee's Alice, Complete Village of the Doomed Madness Begins (Bronze) In American McGee's Alice, Complete Fortress of Doors Skool-Leaver (Bronze) In American McGee's Alice, Complete Wonderland Woods Out of the Woods (Bronze) In American McGee's Alice, Complete Behind the Looking Glass Dead Hatter (Bronze) In American McGee's Alice, Complete Queen of Heartsland Royal Approach (Silver) Complete American McGee's Alice Full Recovery (Gold)
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