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Friday, 13 July 2012

Alone in the Dark 2 1994


Alone In The Dark 2
Welcome to the Alone in the Dark 2 cheats page on gamrReview. Here you will find everything you need to help with the game including detailed walkthroughs and guides, hints and tips, cheat codes and unlockables. If you can not find the cheat you are looking for, please check back periodically or sign up and track the game for all the latest updates.

Cheat mode
At the main menu, press L1, L2, Left.

Game Shark Codes
Infinite Energy [Note]801E65BC 0032
Infinite Revolver Ammo [Note]80110AD6 0006
Infinite Thompson Ammo [Note]80110AD8 001E
Infinite Thompson Ammo (INT)801EA39C 03E7
Infinite Pistol Ammo (INT)801EA3AE 03E7
Note: Sometimes these codes work, and sometimes they do not. So if they do not work, then try them again.

Alone in the Dark 2 Walk

Walkthrough by Nikolay Kaleyski

I. Introduction
II. Hints
III. List of common items and weapons
IV. Walkthrough
V. Statements
VI. Contact

                            I. INTRODUCTION
     Well, I don't really have to say much. I've played this game a couple
of times and I believe that I know it quite well. Since I haven't written
a walkthrough in a few months, maybe even a whole year, and since I got
really bored lately, I decided to write this one. I've been planning to
write a set of walktroughs for the whole Alone in the Dark trilogy, however
I got bored the last time I tried write one on AitD 2 or 3, so I abandoned
the whole thing.
     Note that I write my walkthroughs while playing through the actual game
paper and then type them in the form of a file, so that the walkthroughs are
100% correct and nothing's missing.
     If you actually read the introduction, well, thanks a lot. People
usually don't read this stuff.

     Anyway, for a QUICK REVIEW:
The graphics are better than in the original, but are mostly still the
same. I'll give them 8/10 for them.
Well, the sound's not too bad. The music is quite good, actually. There
are a few different themes, all of which are quite good, plus at the final
area you can hear Richard Wagner's "The flying dutchman". Now, the quality's
not perfect, but it's good enough. I'll give it 9/10.
Now, this here's the big fault of this game. Most people dislike it, because
the atmosphere and story of the original were much, much better(they had
special thanks to Lovecraft in the credits, so I guess you know what I'm
talking about). It appears that they abandoned Lovecraft this time and
decided to do a mix between traditional voodoo stories and the legend of the
Flying Dutchman. Well, its not that bad, but you mostly fight gangsters
and pirates. I'm afraid 5/10 will have to do.
Well, like the last game. However, you have much more options. Most people
complain about too much shooting. Well, most fights can be avoided, won
easily or made more easy for you, by using your brain. That's right, instead
of mindlessly shooting all those gangsters and then complaining about it,
you could have instead used your head. For example, without giving too much
away, there was a room with 4 gangsters armed with guns, rifles, etc. There
was also an object in there that you needed. Well, most people go inside
with their Thompson or whatever is it they have, save/load many, many times
until they manage to kill all the gansters and then go and write bad reviews.
How much easier it is to go to the upper floor instead and toss a grenade
down the chimney. Then you just jump in with the armored vest that was also
on the floor yourself and finish off the gangsters. Or, the garden maze
in the beginning of the game with its hidden underground passage is
perfect for escaping your enemies without firing a single bullet. You can
make an ambush or two if you want. Unfortunately, there are some bugs,
which lowers the rating: 8/10.
Well, if you don't think a mix between logical puzzles, a little shooting,
tactical thinking and good graphics/music isn't fun, you should instead go
play one of those mindless action games they make today. The badly
realised story doesn't lower this rating one bit. 10/10!
Final rating
9/10 - some bugs and a bad storyline aren't a reason to hate a game, boy.

Alone in the Dark 2


Warning: The following is a detailed walkthrough of Alone in the Dark 2. It contains information that will help you solve the game. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. You'll ruin the game for yourself. You'll also lose any chance of ever being a happy person. Is that worth it?

ALONE IN THE DARK II - Walkthrough

  o  Fighting can be made really easy by always closing on your target
     punching them as often as you can. Most of the time, they will keep
     shooting toward but behind you. Most of the thompson guys are poor
     aimers and they often fire at some spot on the wall instead of at
     Stay close to the walls sometimes (specially true in the garden).

  o  There is a strange bug you can use to go through some doors and
     When you have a sword, close on the door and make the "dive
     (when you make one step forward while attacking). You'll be able to
     pass through most of the doors (with VERY erratic results though).

  o  This walkthru does not tell you when to drink your vials and when
     reload your guns. You might spend a lot more ammo than I did so
     you'll have to improvise. Maybe the walkthru wont tell you how to
     all the storyline elements (books, pictures, etc.). They are pretty
     obvious and I know you will get all the things the dead guys will
     behind :).

  o  Remember that some weapons seems really weak in attacking power
but they
     can be very useful when speed is important (the revolver, the
beater and
     the good old punch for example).
  o  A rule of thumb : always take everything a dead guy leaves
behind. I 
     think I forgot some stuff like "take the key" or "take the book"
     you should be able to figure what to take. 
  o  Finally, I played the game with the french version and some
objects might
     have different names. Sorry for the incovenience and for my bad


  -  Kill the guy with your bare hands and take his thompson, the clip
and the
  -  Run down the alley to the big statue of the anchor, push it and
enter the
     gardens. If you make your move fast enough, you should be able to
avoid the
     thompson guys.
  -  There is someone just behind that corner. Kill him from the
corner and take
     the picture.
  -  Turn right, get rid of the thompson guy, take the clip and the
vial. Go
     where that guy came from.
  -  Take the rope, remember you saw a DIAMOND card.
  -  Go back where you found the picture, walk to the crossroad. When
     walk past the crossroad, another "hey you" will appear. Fill him
with lead
     and take the way to the top of the screen.
  -  Now that guy is a real pain. Dont let him close on you. Stick to
the left
     wall and fire your thompson at him. If you kill him now, he wont
bother you
     again. ( that's the case of most of the bad guys in the gardens,
     sometimes track you even if you never "met" them). Go the dead
end and take
     the clip.
  -  Go back to the crossroad and go to the bottom of the screen.
There will be
     another tough guy in trench coat. Kill him and continue your way
until you
     find the grapplin. Another "hey you" will appear. If you're not
fond of
     killing, step on the diamond card. If you intend to step on
another card,
     well, save first.


  -  Go straight forward and get rid of that green guy.
  -  Go take the vial and forget about the ladder for now. Go to the
other part
     of the cave.
  -  Push the chest to make the altar raise. Watch out fot the ghost!
     worry, he's thompsonable. Take the pirate's saber.
  -  If you have some "friends" waiting for you at the entrance (place
with 4
     cards on the ground), it would be a good idea to use the mettalic
jack on
     the altar so you can escape via the other trap. If not, forget
about the
     jack and get out of the cave.


  -  If both cases, you should make your way to a 3-ways intesection.
Go in the
     L-path, be scared by the demonic face and turn left. Shoot the
fat 12-gauge
     wielding gangster and proceed. (not turning will get you back
near the
     crossroad, geez, you're so curious, trust me a little more!).
  -  Cut the weaving branches with your saber and SAVE! See that
little brown
     spot behind the trees? That's Shorty Leg and he's quite tough to
kill. Best
     way to kill him is to hide behind the statue and use everything
you've got,
     especially the revolver.
     Dont worry about spending all your ammo. Just kill him.
  -  Take the vial and use the grapplin. Use the grapplin again to
make the
     statue's arm move and enter.


  -  Darn! No more weapons! Take everything you see (a nickel, a crank
and a
     paper bag).
  -  You can cry on Stryker's corpse if you want but take his notes
and the
     pipe-pick. (sorry, cant remember the right word for it now...).
     Stryker off the cliff seems a bad idea but i never did it. Lemme
now if it 
     changes something later in the game...:)
  -  To open the locked door, you need to use the paper under the door
then the
     pick. You'll get the key and you'll get inside.
  -  There are two ways to get rid of that sitting guy :
     The "nice" way : Get behind the barrel, just beside the lever.
Use the
     paper bag twice, wait until the guy raises to his feet and push
the lever. 
     The "direct" way: Tease the guy, fight with him and try to make
him fall
     the cliff...
  -  Take the shotgun, the book and the vial. Go right behind the
     clock and use the crank to open the secret passage. go there and
take the
     shotgun shells.
  -  To get rid of Musicman, just tear his pact( the paper you used to
get the
     key). Dont forget to take the hook.
  -  As you might hear now, there is some heavy shooting nearby. Take
the beater
     and go to the door. DONT GO UPSTAIRS YET!!!
  -  To kill those two guys, stay in the doorway shoot the first guy, go
     backward and wait for the other guy to show up.
  -  Those two guys were shooting at some rotating cards. Try to align
     diamonds to open the door. 90 degrees rotations are possible, you
just have
     to be well positioned.
  -  Kill that guy and get into the cellar. Get the vial (i never
found any use
     to the whiskey bottle. HINT: save before drinking). Use the
nickel in the
     slot machine to get two tokens. You might also take the book in
the back of
     the room.
  -  Return to the shooting gallery. Kill that guy and take the bag.
You can
     also try to get the bag w/o worrying about the guy because he's
so drunk
     but he might shows up a while later...
  -  Open the bag and put on the Santa suit. Okay, you look silly, but
at least
     that little pest upstairs wont alarm everyone.


  -  Turn right and make your way to the kitchen. Watch out for the
statue! Try
     to walk near the door.
  -  In the kitchen, take the frying pan and get near the eggs. Listen
to what
     T-Bone tells you and get ready to fight him. The pan is the best
     because it will block incoming darts.
  -  Take the wine from the stove and the poison beside the
dumbwaiter. Use the 
     poison with the wine.
  -  Get near the door in front of the statue and drop your special
wine. Wait
     for results.
  -  Big Evil Hint : To get rid of that little pest walking down the
hall and to
     remove any danger from the statue, wait until that little fellow
     before the statue and start running to trigger the trident.
     Duck in the kitchen and wait for result. Voila!
  -  Go through the door you opened with the wine and use your two
tokens in the
     juke-box in front of the statue.
     The golden token will make a doublon appear and the wooden token
will open
     the door.

  -  Get in the new room and take all the war material (bulletproof
  -  Now go just beside the statue with the trident and take the
crown. Now go
     upstairs. (i know, i know, there are still two doors left closed,
more on
     them later).
  -  Kill that laughing zombie first. Best way to do it is too close
on him and
     punch, close again, punch, etc. He'll always miss you with his
gun and
     you wont have any problems getting rid of him (it will take some
     though). Open the door and get in the hall. Open the door in the
  -  The guy will throw a derringer. Take it and use it quick. Take
the sword.
     There are a scroll and a book to find in the bookshelf. Get back
in the
     hall and open the nearest door (the other door at the end of the
hall is
     the bathroom, no need to go there). 
  -  The two ghost arms are protecting the other half of the scroll.
It is not
     required to get the scroll but strongly suggested if you want to
     the next puzzle by yourself. Use the sword to kill the arms, stay
     beside the window, hack, get back, hack again and so on.
  -  CHESS AND MAGIK (the riddle) : Use the crown on the white statue.
Go in
     the magic room and take the amulet. (the door in the magic room
is another
  -  Two things to take, a vial and a note. Open the door and go
immediately to 
     the left and take the thompson with the clip. Stay right where
you are and
     get ready to thompson two baddies. If you still have your
bulletproof vest,
     there is no problem, otherwise, try to make the gangster fire on
     karateka. (remember to USE you bulletproof vest though)
  -  Take the grenade and the key. Dont open the door yet. Get in the
open room
     and use the doublon in the jack-in-the-box. Take the pompon.
  -  Now open the door and get inside the room. The only way to get
rid of the 
     clown is to throw the pompon through the archway. The right
position is
     difficult to find. Let the clown go after the pompon and use the
     in the chimney. SAVE!!!. Go down.
  -  The grenade killed two of the baddies but there are still a lot
of people
     down here. The best way to kill them all is to get out as fast as
you can
     and wait for them in the kitchen or the lobby. Slash them when
they go
     through the door. The beater is one of the bet weapon because
it's so fast.
     You could try the Santa suit again but i'm not sure it will work.
     someone find an easy way, let me know...
  -  Take the red ball from the christmas tree and go upstairs again
in the pool
  -  Use the ball on the big box with holes. Use the key on the door
and go
     inside. Wait for result and dont panic.
  -  Listen to what Jack tells you and when he's done, use the hook to
get out 
     of here.
  -  You can try anything you want but you'll always get captured by
     The wisest thing to do is to go downstairs and walk toward the


  -  If you havent figured out that you're now Grace, well...First
thing to do
     is to try all those cute moves (gna gna gna gna). Now push the
plank so
     you can get out. Go near the parrot, take the seeds, the sandwich
and the
     pepper. Give the seeds to the parrot if you want a clue.
  -  Get out of the room and IMMEDIATELY go to your left. Hide in the
     niche until the pirate stops walking. Go back to the ladder as
fast as you
     can. By the way, it's the ladder at the end of the hall, not the
     one. You dont have much time until the pirate starts chasing you
again so
     make it quick.
  -  Dont tease that pirate and climb the other ladder.
  -  Now you're going to play hide and seek with the crew. You must
find a safe
     way to the open hatch without anyone noticing you. Go behind the
     guy. Make your way to the edge of the ship and get behind the
     By the way, for a cute moment, try to fall into the Start trap. 
     Before going down, take the flint&steel on the deck.
          |  Boxes     |_| End                                        
  Mast    | X          Mast             
          |      X                                                    
          |   X                                                       
      _   |                                                           
     |_|  |  Boxes                                                    

  -  Take the small cannonfrom the chest, the vase from the shelf and
the stick
     next to the bed.
  -  Now, position yourself right in front of the door, put down the
cannon, use
     the pepper on the cannon. Throw the vase, wait until the pirate
comes close
     and use the flint&steel on the cannon. Take the bell and get out
the room.
  -  Go through the door in front of you. Take the chicken's foot get
near the
     blue plate, ring the bell and get inside the dumbwaiter. Take the
  -  Use the key on the locker in the kitchen and get the molasse and
     freezer. When you'll try to get out of the kitchen, you'll hear a
     "hey you!". Get back in the kitchen and use the freezer in the
  -  Go upstairs and do the same thing with the molasse. Go to the
pool room.
     Get the token if you want (havent the slightiest idea of what to
do with
     it). Go into the room with the cell and use the stick behind the
     with the broken plate in the corner of the room. You'll find the
key and
     another book.
  -  The door to the chamber and magic room will now open. Get into
the magic
     room and use the stick on the plate. Get back in the kitchen and
hope you
     placed the ice at the right spot. Go next to the dumbwaiter and
ring the
     bell again.                   
  -  Captured again....


  -  Get the key to free yourself and kill that pirate with your bare
     Take the sword, use it and follow Grace outside. Dont worry
if you lose
     track of Grace. Kill anything you encounter.

  -  The guy outside will leave the fuse behind. Get it and go through
the door
     in front of you. Kill the two guys and get the fire-iron and the
pliers as
     well as the key in the corner of the room. Get out.

  -  Go through the door next to the niche where Grace hid, kill the
guy and
     take all his stuff (gun ammo,chainmail,vial,gun).

  -  Push the barrel to the left and get the chainmail.

  -  Go through the door at the end of the hallway, close on the
pistol pirate
     with your sword, take the ammo and the vial. Dont let anyone get
in your
     way to the locked door on that deck. Use the key to get inside.

  -  You're in the gunpowder room. think twice before firing your gun.
Use the
     sword to kill the swordmaster, get the book and the gunpowder
barrel. Get
     on the upper deck.

  -  Open all the doors you can, there are two rooms you can enter. A
     room (dont stay inside too long because you dont want to wake those
     pirates) and a room with a cannon. kill the guy sleeping next to
the cannon
     and use the pliers to free the cannon. Now PUSH the cannon to the
     (this move is difficult, the right position is hard to find). Drop
     the barrel anywhere in the sleeping room( Carnby always places
the barrel
     next to the wall).

  -  Use the fuse on the cannon and use the fire-iron for a nice show...

  -  Go into what's left of the sleeping room. Take the vial and the

  -  Use the gold pieces near the locked doors and kill the two
dwarves. Go 
     where they came from, take the vial. Go kill the cook behind the
door, take
     the metallic diamond card and use it on the last locked door.

  -  Enter and fall (again) under Elizabeth's spell...


  -  And Grace saves the day...Use the stick on the statue, get into
the room
     and use the chicken's foot. Bye Bye Elizabeth!


  -  First, FLEE! that ghost is way too tough for you. Climb the
ladder to get
     on the main deck.

  -  Kill everyone on the bridge. Get the hook and climb up the mast.
Wait for
     the guy, hit him once with your sword to make him fall. Use the
hook on the
     rope. Kill the karateka. jump down and take Nichol's sword.

  -  Free Grace with the pliers. Run to the cannons to stop the fuse.
Now kill
     One-Eye Jack! Dont forget to use Nichol's sword and watch out for

  -  Guess what? THE END!

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