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Thursday, 19 July 2012

Armored Core V 2012 Cheats

  • Achievements
    Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
      Rookie (5 points): Awarded for joining a team.
      Assembler (5 points): Awarded for assembling an AC.
      Color Customizer (5 points): Awarded for setting an AC's coloring.
      Emblem Designer (5 points): Awarded for editing an emblem.
      Communicator (5 points): Awarded for editing a message.
      AC Wrecker (15 points): Awarded for winning a battle against an AC.
      Charge Master (5 points): Awarded for destroying an enemy with a boost charge.
      Complete Custom Part (15 points): Awarded for continuing to use an arm unit to maximize its performance.
      Story 00 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 00.
      Story 01 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 01.
      Story 02 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 02.
      Story 03 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 03.
      Story 04 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 04.
      Story 05 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 05.
      Story 06 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 06.
      Story 07 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 07.
      Story 08 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 08.
      Story 09 (10 points): Awarded for completing Story Mission 09.
      Complete Story Missions (50 points): Awarded for completing all Story Missions.
      Story Master (50 points): Awarded for completing all Story Missions with Rank S.
      Order Mission (10 points): Awarded for completing at least one Order Mission.
      Complete Order Missions (40 points): Awarded for completing all Order Missions.
      Subquests 30% (20 points): Awarded for completing 30% of all Story Mission and Order Mission subquests.
      Subquests 50% (20 points): Awarded for completing 50% of all Story Mission and Order Mission subquests.
      Subquest Master (50 points): Awarded for completing all Story Mission and Order Mission subquests.
      Emblem Master (30 points): Awarded for getting all emblems and emblem pieces by buying them at the shop and/or destroying ACs.
      Mercenary (5 points): Awarded for accepting and going on a job as a mercenary.
      A Job Well Done (10 points): Awarded for successfully completing a job as a mercenary.
      Team Sortie (15 points): Awarded for going on a Conquest Mission or Territory Mission with four or more team members.
      Operator (15 points): Awarded for leading your team to victory on a Conquest Mission or Territory Mission.
      Territory Mission Sortie (5 points): Awarded for going on a Territory Mission.
      Accomplish Territory Mission (10 points): Awarded for claiming victory on a Territory Mission.
      Territory Mission Victory (30 points): Awarded for claiming victory on a Territory Mission in an emergency state.
      Conquest Mission Sortie (5 points): Awarded for going on a Conquest Mission.
      Conquest Mission Victory (30 points): Awarded for claiming victory on a Conquest Mission.
      Territorial Claim (30 points): Awarded for claiming victory on a Conquest Mission as an Invasion Mission.
      Customize Territory (10 points): Awarded for acquiring territory and uploading custom gun battery positions.
      Perfect Mission (30 points): Awarded for completing emergency Territory/Conquest Mission w/four or more members, all surviving.
      Team Level 10 (15 points): Awarded for belonging to a team with a team level of 10 or higher.
      Team Level 50 (40 points): Awarded for belonging to a team with a team level of 50 or higher.
      Migrant (20 points): Awarded for raising your money to 10 million Au or more.
      Overlord (30 points): Awarded for belonging to a team that holds ten different territories at the same time.
      Ruler (50 points): Awarded for belonging to a team that holds one or more territories in all areas.
    Additionally, there are seven secret achievements:
      Blackbird (30 points): Awarded for destroying Exusia.
      Giant Killing (30 points): Awarded for destroying LLL.
      Sea Master (30 points): Awarded for destroying St Elmo.
      Air Master (30 points): Awarded for destroying Raijin.
      Earth Master (30 points): Awarded for destroying Type D No. 5.
      MoH (30 points): Awarded for wiping out MoH.
      Zodiac (40 points): Awarded for destroying all Zodiac members.
  • Trophies

    A Job Well Done (Bronze)Awarded for successfully completing a job as a mercenary.
    AC Wrecker (Bronze)Awarded for winning a battle against an AC. Any type of mission counts.
    Accomplish Territory Mission (Bronze)Awarded for claiming victory on a Territory Mission.
    Air Master (Bronze)Awarded for destroying Raijin.
    Assembler (Bronze)Awarded for assembling an AC in a workshop.
    Big Bird (Platinum)Awarded for getting all trophies.
    Blackbird (Bronze)Awarded for destroying Exusia.
    Charge Master (Bronze)Awarded for destroying an enemy with a boost charge. Any type of enemy counts.
    Color Customizer (Bronze)Awarded for setting an AC's coloring in a workshop.
    Communicator (Bronze)Awarded for editing a message from the team member list.
    Complete Custom Part (Bronze)Awarded for continuing to use an arm unit to maximize its performance.
    Complete Order Missions (Bronze)Awarded for completing all Order Missions.
    Complete Story Missions (Silver)Awarded for completing all Story Missions.
    Conquest Mission Sortie (Bronze)Awarded for going on a Conquest Mission.
    Conquest Mission Victory (Bronze)Awarded for claiming victory on a Conquest Mission.
    Customize Territory (Bronze)Awarded for acquiring territory and placing gun batteries.
    Earth Master (Bronze)Awarded for destroying Type D No. 5.
    Emblem Designer (Bronze)Awarded for editing an emblem in a workshop.
    Emblem Master (Bronze)Awarded for getting all emblems and emblem pieces by buying them at the shop and/or destroying ACs. (Excludes downloadable emblems.)
    Giant Killing (Bronze)Awarded for destroying LLL.
    Mercenary (Bronze)Awarded for accepting and going on a job as a mercenary.
    Migrant (Bronze)Awarded for raising your money to 10 million Au or more.
    MoH (Bronze)Awarded for wiping out MoH.
    Operator (Bronze)Awarded for leading your team to victory on a Conquest Mission or Territory Mission.
    Order Mission (Bronze)Awarded for completing at least one Order Mission.
    Overlord (Bronze)Awarded for holding ten different territories at the same time.
    Perfect Mission (Bronze)Awarded for completing emergency Territory/Conquest Mission w/four or more members, all surviving.
    Rookie (Bronze)Awarded for joining a team.
    Ruler (Gold)Awarded for holding one territory in all areas at the same time.
    Sea Master (Bronze)Awarded for destroying St Elmo.
    Story 00 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 00.
    Story 01 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 01.
    Story 02 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 02.
    Story 03 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 03.
    Story 04 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 04.
    Story 05 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 05.
    Story 06 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 06.
    Story 07 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 07.
    Story 08 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 08.
    Story 09 (Bronze)Awarded for completing Story Mission 09.
    Story Master (Gold)Awarded for completing all Story Missions with Rank S.
    Subquest Master (Gold)Awarded for completing all Story Mission and Order Mission subquests.
    Subquests 30% (Bronze)Awarded for completing 30% of all Story Mission and Order Mission subquests.
    Subquests 50% (Bronze)Awarded for completing 50% of all Story Mission and Order Mission subquests.
    Team Level 10 (Bronze)Awarded for raising the team level of your team to 10 or higher.
    Team Level 50 (Silver)Awarded for raising the team level of your team to 50 or higher.
    Team Sortie (Bronze)Awarded for going on a Conquest Mission or Territory Mission with four or more team members.
    Territorial Claim (Silver)Awarded for claiming victory and taking territory on a Conquest Mission.
    Territory Mission Sortie (Bronze)Awarded for going on a Territory Mission.
    Territory Mission Victory (Silver)Awarded for claiming victory on a Territory Mission in an emergency state.
    Zodiac (Silver)Awarded for destroying all Zodiac members.

    Unlockable - Achievements

    A Job Well Done (10) - Awarded for successfully completing a job as a mercenary.
    AC Wrecker (15) - Awarded for winning a battle against an AC. Any type of mission counts.
    Accomplish Territory Mission (10) - Awarded for claiming victory on a Territory Mission.
    Assembler (5) - Awarded for assembling an AC in a workshop.
    Charge Master (5) - Awarded for destroying an enemy with a boost charge. Any type of enemy counts.
    Color Customizer (5) - Awarded for setting an AC's coloring in a workshop.
    Communicator (5) - Awarded for editing a message from the team member list.
    Complete Custom Part (15) - Awarded for continuing to use an arm unit to maximize its performance.
    Complete Order Missions (40) - Awarded for completing all Order Missions.
    Complete Story Missions (50) - Awarded for completing all Story Missions.
    Conquest Mission Sortie (5) - Awarded for going on a Conquest Mission.
    Conquest Mission Victory (30) - Awarded for claiming victory on a Conquest Mission.
    Customize Territory (10) - Awarded for acquiring territory and placing gun batteries.
    Emblem Designer (5) - Awarded for editing an emblem in a workshop.
    Emblem Master (30) - Awarded for getting all emblems and emblem pieces by buying them at the shop and/or destroying ACs. (Excludes downloadable emblems.)
    Mercenary (5) - Awarded for accepting and going on a job as a mercenary.
    Migrant (20) - Awarded for raising your money to 10 million Au or more.
    Operator (15) - Awarded for leading your team to victory on a Conquest Mission or Territory Mission.
    Order Mission (10) - Awarded for completing at least one Order Mission.
    Overlord (30) - Awarded for holding ten different territories at the same time.
    Perfect Mission (30) - Awarded for completing emergency Territory/Conquest Mission w/four or more members, all surviving.
    Rookie (5) - Awarded for joining a team.
    Ruler (50) - Awarded for holding one territory in all areas at the same time.
    Story 00 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 00.
    Story 01 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 01.
    Story 02 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 02.
    Story 03 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 03.
    Story 04 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 04.
    Story 05 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 05.
    Story 06 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 06.
    Story 07 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 07.
    Story 08 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 08.
    Story 09 (10) - Awarded for completing Story Mission 09.
    Story Master (50) - Awarded for completing all Story Missions with Rank S.
    Subquest Master (50) - Awarded for completing all Story Mission and Order Mission subquests.
    Subquests 30% (20) - Awarded for completing 30% of all Story Mission and Order Mission subquests.
    Subquests 50% (20) - Awarded for completing 50% of all Story Mission and Order Mission subquests.
    Team Level 10 (15) - Awarded for raising the team level of your team to 10 or higher.
    Team Level 50 (40) - Awarded for raising the team level of your team to 50 or higher.
    Team Sortie (15) - Awarded for going on a Conquest Mission or Territory Mission with four or more team members.
    Territorial Claim (30) - Awarded for claiming victory and taking territory on a Conquest Mission.
    Territory Mission Sortie (5) - Awarded for going on a Territory Mission.
    Territory Mission Victory (30) - Awarded for claiming victory on a Territory Mission in an emergency state.

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