PAL Cheats
These are codes that will work only for the PAL version of the game. If you aren't in that region or don't have a PAL version of the game, these codes will not work. Note: The 1.6 update disables sponsor code entry.
- GameStop Car - B179 8M20 XA09 80FF
- Steel Wheels GT - Z891 4K88 IN25 79AA
Company Cars
If you have at least an A level license and want to unlock cars with company skins on them, insert the following passwords at the in-game cheats menu. Note: The 1.6 update disables sponsor code entry.
- Best Buy Car - BESTBUY
- Circuit City Car - CIRCUITCITY
- Gamestop Car - GAMESTOP
- Wal-Mart Car - WALMART
You'll need the Septermber 18, 2008 update to access bikes in Burnout Paradise. Once you have it, perform the actions below to unlock additional bikes:
- Nakumura Firehawk GP Competition
- Complete all Burning / Midnight Rides
Perform the actions below to unlock the desired car(s):
- Carbon Hydros Custom - Complete all Showtime Road Rules
- Carbon Ikusa GT - Complete all Time Road Rules
- Rossolini Tempesta - Achieve an A Class License
- Carson Fastback - Achieve a B Class License
- Nakamura SI-7 - Achieve a C Class License
- Hunter Mesquite - Achieve a D Class License
- Carson GT Concept - Achieve a Burnout Driving License
- Jansen Carbon X12 - Land All 50 Superjumps
- Montgomery Carbon Hawker - Break All 120 Billboards
- Carson Carbon GT Concept - Break All 400 Smashes (yellow fences)
- Krieger Carbon Uberschall 8 - Finish 2 Sets of Online Challenges
Gold and Platinum Paint Jobs
You can use alternate paint colors on your car that wouldn't otherwise be available to you immediately. If you earn the Elite level license, you can use gold paint. If you have a 100% completion file attached to your Elite level license, you can use platinum paint.
To unlock the licenses listed on the left side below, win the corresponding number of events in the game listed on the right side.
- A - 26
- B - 16
- Burnout Paradise - 45
- C - 7
- D - 2
- Elite - 110
Cheats and Unlockables
The following Burnout Paradise cheat codes unlock different cars for use within the game. To enter a code on the PS3 (PlayStation 3) version of Burnout Paradise pause the game using Start or Select, press L1 or R1, and enter one of the following codes in the Sponsor code area.
Unlock Best Buy Car
Cheat code: BESTBUY
Note: A rank license required to use off-line.
Cheat code: BESTBUY
Note: A rank license required to use off-line.
Unlock Circuit City Car
Note: Burnout Paradise license required to use off-line.
Note: Burnout Paradise license required to use off-line.
Unlock Gamestop Car
Cheat code: GAMESTOP
Note: A rank license required to use off-line.
Cheat code: GAMESTOP
Note: A rank license required to use off-line.
Unlock Walmart Car
Cheat code: WALMART
Note: Burnout Paradise license required to use off-line.
Cheat code: WALMART
Note: Burnout Paradise license required to use off-line.
Unlock Steel Wheels Car
Cheat code: E60J 8Z7T MS8L 51U6
Alternate code: Q83E 3H1S BI3B 40P4
Note: This code must be entered with all capital letters and the spaces must also be included.
Note: Burnout Paradise license required to use off-line.
Info on above cheat submitted by James G.
Cheat code: E60J 8Z7T MS8L 51U6
Alternate code: Q83E 3H1S BI3B 40P4
Note: This code must be entered with all capital letters and the spaces must also be included.
Note: Burnout Paradise license required to use off-line.
Info on above cheat submitted by James G.
Unlocking License Requirements
Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Repair your first wrecked car. Lookin' Good (5) Set a Time Road Rule on Watt St. Watt? (10) Set a Showtime Road Rule East Crawford Drive. It's Showtime (10) Win a Race. Great Start (10) Collect 5 Billboards. Misdemeanor (10) Collect 25 Smashes. Off the Beaten Path (10) Get your D Class License. Bottom of the Class (20) Get 10 Takedowns in Road Rage without Wrecking. Perfect Rage (5) Repair your car at critical damage in a Road Rage event. Rising From the Ashes (10) Perform a 360 Flatspin in any car. Spinnin' Around (10) Get your C Class License. Underachiever (30) Successfully land 5 SUPERJUMPS. Learning to Fly (10) Win a Marked man without being taken down. Duckin' and Weavin' (10) Get a 10x multiplier in Showtime. The Show Must Go On (20) Get a Takedown Rampage. Rampage! (20) Get your B Class License. Must Try Harder (40) Power Park with a 100% rating. Parallel Park (20) Landed a 2 barrel roll jump. Daredevil (25) Get a x20 Boost Chain. Boosting Around the World (25) Get your A Class License. Flying Colours (50) Score over a 1,000,000 in Stunt Run. Millionaire's Club (25) Win 25 Burning Routes. Supercharged (20) Get 500 Takedowns (online and offline). Car in a China Shop (20) Win your Burnout Driving License. Paradise Won (60) Win all Burning Routes. All Pimped Out (10) Find all Events. Explorer (10) Collect all Billboards. Bustin' Out (20) Collect all Smashes. Totally Smashed (20) Successfully landed all SUPERJUMPS. Flying High (20) Set a Time Road Rule on every road. Speed King (20) Set a Showtime Road Rule on every road. Crashin' All Over The World (20) Find all Drive Thrus and Car Parks. Shopaholic (10) Win your Burnout Elite Licence. Elite (70) Get your Elite License, win every event, find all discoverables and beat every Road Rule. Criterion Elite (20) Complete an online Race. Online Racer (10) Win Your first 8 Player online Race. First Win (10) Win 10 online Races. Online Champion (20) Complete 20 online Events. Online and Kicking (30) Make 50 online Rivals. Firestarter (20) Make Your First online Rival. Just for Pics (10) Send 5 Camera Shots. Happy Snapper (10) Send 50 Camera Shots. Notorious (20) Get 50 Snapshots in your Lineup. Hotshots (20) Complete 1 online Challenge. Join the Party (10) Complete 25 online Challenges. Party Crasher (15) Complete 250 online Challenges. Party Animal (25) Complete 2 whole sections of online Challenges. Block Party (35) In 8 Player online Freeburn lead 6 of the Today's Best Scores. Burnout Skills (30) Enter all 11 Parking Garages Paid and Displayed (20G) Takedown someone who has this achievement Criterion Fever (20G) Unlocking Licenses
UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Win 2 events D License Win 7 events C License Win 16 events B License Win 26 events A License Win 45 events Burnout Paradise License Beat all Events Burnout Elite License Unlockable Car List
UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Land All 50 Superjumps Jansen Carbon X12 Find All 400 Smashes Carson Carbon GT Concept Hit All 120 Billboards Montgomery Carbon Hawker Get a D Class License Hunter Mesquite Get a C Class License Nakamura SI-7 Get a B Class License Carson Fastback Get an A Class License Rossolini Tempesta Get a Burnout Driving License Carson GT Concept Beat all Showtime Road Rules Carbon Hydros Custom Beat all Time Road Rules Carbon Ikusa GT Win all Elite License Events Gold Paint Finish 100% Completion Platinum Paint Finish Complete 2 Sets of Online Challenges Krieger Carbon Krieger Uberschall 8 Party Pack Acievements.
The following Achievements are available from the party pack, DLCUNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Complete a Party game where every player scores in every round. Perfect Party Game (25G) Complete a Party game of 8 rounds with 8 players. Massive Party Game (25G) Cops and Robbers DLC Achievements
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Awarded for being on the winning Cops team in a Cops and Robbers game on Xbox LIVE The Right Side of the Law (30) Awarded for being on the winning Robbers team in a Cops and Robbers game on Xbox LIVE The Gang Is Back In Town (30) Awarded for delivering the Gold to your team base in a Cops and Robbers game on Xbox LIVE Golden (30) Big Surf Island DLC Achievements
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Collect 20 Island Smashes Smash n' Grab (20) Collect 15 Island Billboards Surf Boards (20) Find all 15 Island events Island Explorer (20) Land the Mega Jump from the Crash TV Ski Jump and get at least 4.5 seconds of Air Time Crash TV Air Time (25) Awarded when you complete all 10 Island Freeburn Challenges. These can be completed by 2 - 8 players People Person (25) Unlockable Island Cars
These cars can be unlocked with their certain requirements. You must have Big Surf Island to unlock them.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Smash all 75 Island Smashes Toy Spirit Land all 15 Mega Jumps Toy Bootlegger Break all 45 Billboards Toy 88 Special Complete Dust Storm Burning Route Dust Storm Superturbo 50% Complete Your Island License Olympus Governor 100% Complete Your Island License Street Rod Rule all 12 Island Roads (Get Timed and Showtime) Toy Nighthawk Complete all 500 online challenges. Jansen P12 Diamond PC Hints & Cheats
Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box (PlayStation3 the Best) Unlockables
Car List and Paint Jobs
These are the unlockable cars and paint jobs.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Beat all Showtime Road Rules Carbon Hydros Custom Beat all Time Road Rules Carbon Ikusa GT Find All 400 Smashes Carson Carbon GT Concept Get a B Class License Carson Fastback Get a Burnout Driving License Carson GT Concept Win all Elite License Events Gold Paint Finish Get a D Class License Hunter Mesquite Land All 50 Superjumps Jansen Carbon X12 Hit All 120 Billboards Montgomery Carbon Hawker Get a C Class License Nakamura SI-7 101% Completion (All Events Completed; All Roads Ruled; All Discoveries, Car Parks and Drive-Thrus Found; Two sets of Online Challenges Completed) Platinum Paint Finish Get an A Class License Rossolini Tempesta Complete 2 Sets of Online Challenges Krieger Carbon Uberschall 8 License Upgrades
These are the number of events for each license upgrade.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Win 26 events A License Win 16 events B License Beat all Events Burnout Elite License Win 45 events Burnout Paradise License Win 2 events D License Win 7 events C License PS3 Hints & Cheats
Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box (PlayStation3 the Best) Passwords
Unlock retail themed cars (Pre-Patch)
Codes require profile to have a Class A license or better to activate. Note: PAL codes are for the European version of the game.PASSWORD Effect circuitcity Unlocks Circuit City skinned car walmart Unlocks Wal-mart skinned car gamestop Unlocks Gamestop skinned car bestbuy Unlocks Best Buy skinned car Z891 4K88 IN25 79AA PAL Steel Wheels car. Q83E 3H1S BI3B 40P4 Steel Wheels Car B179 8M20 XA09 80FF PAL Gamestop Car H211 1Z99 LZ00 00BB French Micromania car Unlock themed cars
Codes require profile to have a Class A license or better to activate.PASSWORD Effect bzfriction Unlocks B'Z Friction Ikusa GT (Japanese disk version only)
Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box (PlayStation3 the Best) Unlockables
Extra Paint Colours
UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Earn The Elite License Gold Paint Earn The Elite License With 100% Completion Platinum Paint Carbon Cars
These cars are unlocked by collecting or completing the following.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Smash all 120 Billboards Hawker Land all 50 Jumps X12 Drive Through all 400 Smash Gates GT Concept Beat all Offline Times on the 64 Roads Iskusa GT Beat all Offline Showtimes on the 64 Roads Hydros Custom Beat 2 sets of the Online Challenges Uberschall Beat all Showtime Road Rules Carbon Hydros Custom Beat all Time Road Rules Carbon Ikusa GT Get a B Class License Carson Fastback Get a Burnout Driving License Carson GT Concept Get a D Class License Hunter Mesquite Get a C Class License Nakamura SI-7 100% Completion Platinum Paint Finish Get an A Class License Rossolini Tempesta Unlocking Licenses
Win a number of events in order to gain your next license.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Win 26 events A License Win 16 events B License Beat all Events Burnout Elite License Win 45 events Burnout Paradise License Win 7 events C License Win 2 events D License Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 47 Bronze Trophies, 12 Silver Trophies, 4 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Awarded for driving through any Auto Repair Repair your car (Bronze) Awarded for beating any of the original Time Road Rule scores Set a Time Road Rule on any road (Bronze) Awarded for beating any of the original Showtime Road Rule scores Set a Showtime Road Rule on any road (Bronze) Awarded for winning any Offline Race Win a Race (Bronze) Awarded when you smash through your 3rd pristine Burnout Billboard Smash 3 Burnout Billboards (Bronze) Awarded when you smash through your 30th pristine Burnout Billboard Smash 30 Burnout Billboards (Bronze) Awarded when you drive through your 10th set of Yellow Smash Gates Drive through 10 sets of Yellow Smash Gates (Bronze) Awarded when you drive through your 50th set of Yellow Smash Gates Drive through 50 sets of Yellow Smash Gates (Bronze) Awarded when you Shutdown the Nakamura SI-7 Shutdown the Nakamura SI-7 (Bronze) Awarded for reaching a x3 Multiplier in Showtime Score a x3 Multiplier in Showtime (Bronze) Awarded for performing your third Takedown Perform 3 Takedowns (Bronze) Awarded for driving through an Auto Repair during any Offline Road Rage Drive through a Repair Shop during a Road Rage (Bronze) Awarded for performing a Flatspin of at least 180 degrees Perform a 180 degree Flatspin (Bronze) Awarded when you successfully land your 1st Super Jump Successfully land your first Super Jump (Bronze) Awarded for achieving your first Boost Chain of x2 Score a Boost Chain of x2 (Bronze) Awarded for winning any Offline Marked Man Survive a Marked Man (Bronze) Awarded for winning any Offline Stunt Run Beat the target score in Stunt Run (Bronze) Awarded for successfully Power Parking your car between two other vehicles Power Park your car (Bronze) Awarded when you set your 10th Showtime Road Rule Set 10 Showtime Road Rules (Bronze) Awarded when you set your 10th Time Road Rule Set 10 Time Road Rules (Bronze) Awarded when you complete your 5th Burning Route Complete 5 Burning Routes (Bronze) Awarded for driving a distance of 547 yards in Oncoming Traffic in one go Drive on the wrong side of the road for 547 yards (Bronze) Awarded when you Shutdown the Carson Inferno Van Shutdown the Carson Inferno Van (Bronze) Awarded when you successfully land your 10th Super Jump Successfully land 10 Super Jumps (Bronze) Awarded for successfully landing a Barrel Roll jump Land a Barrel Roll jump (Bronze) Awarded when you have discovered every event in Paradise City Find all the Events around Paradise City (Bronze) Awarded when you discover every Car Park in Paradise City Visit all the Car Parks in Paradise City (Bronze) Awarded for sending an online game invite to another player Invite a friend to join you in Paradise City (Bronze) Awarded when you complete your 1st Freeburn Challenge Complete a Freeburn Challenge (Bronze) Awarded for driving through a Gas Station during any Offline Race Visit a Gas Station during a Race (Bronze) Awarded for driving through any Paint Shop to change your vehicle colour Visit a Paint shop to change your vehicle colour (Bronze) Awarded for entering any Offline Road Rage in the Carson Inferno Van Enter a Road Rage in the Carson Inferno Van (Bronze) Awarded for visiting the Airfield in Silver Lake Visit the Airfield (Bronze) Awarded for visiting the Quarry in White Mountain Visit the Quarry (Bronze) Awarded when you first jump over Dead Man's Edge in White Mountain Jump Dead Man's Edge (Bronze) Awarded for jumping over another player's car in an online game Jump over another Player's Car (Bronze) Awarded for meeting up with 7 other players inside the Wildcats' Baseball Stadium in an online game 8 Players meet in the Wildcats' Baseball Stadium (Bronze) Awarded for sending a Mugshot or Smughot to another player during an online game (requires a USB camera to be connected) Send a Mugshot or Smugshot (Bronze) Awarded for taking part in an Online Stunt Run Take part in an Online Stunt Run (Bronze) Awarded for taking part in an Online Marked Man Take part in an Online Marked Man (Bronze) Awarded for taking part in an Online Road Rage as a Runner on the Blue Team Be on the Blue team for Online Road Rage (Bronze) Awarded for taking part in an Online Road Rage as a Chaser on the Red Team Be on the Red team for Online Road Rage (Bronze) Awarded when you reach a total bike distance ridden of 50 miles Ride 50 Miles Offline on a bike (Bronze) Awarded when you set your 1st bike Day Road Rule Complete any Bike Day Road Rule (Bronze) Awarded when you set your 1st bike Night Road Rule Complete any Bike Night Road Rule (Bronze) Awarded for riding 10 miles on a bike in an 8 player online game Ride 10 miles on a bike in an 8 player lobby (Bronze) Awarded when you complete your 5th Freeburn Challenge on a bike Complete 5 Bike Challenges (Bronze) Awarded when you drive through your 200th set of Yellow Smash Gates Drive through 200 sets of Yellow Smash Gates (Silver) Awarded when you receive your 'D' Class License Earn your 'D' Class License (Silver) Awarded when you receive your 'C' Class License Earn your 'C' Class License (Silver) Awarded when you receive your 'B' Class License Earn your 'B' Class License (Silver) Awarded when you receive your 'A' Class License Earn your 'A' Class License (Silver) Awarded for reaching a x5 Multiplier in Showtime Score a x5 Multiplier in Showtime (Silver) Awarded for achieving your first Boost Chain of x4 Score a Boost Chain of x4 (Silver) Awarded for scoring over 50,000 in any Offline Stunt Run Score over 50,000 in a Stunt Run (Silver) Awarded when you reach a total car distance driven of 750 miles Drive 750 miles (Silver) Awarded when you complete your 10th Freeburn Challenge Complete 10 Freeburn Challenges (Silver) Awarded when you complete your 1st Timed Challenge Complete your first Timed Challenge (Silver) Awarded for spending a full 24 hour day and night cycle riding a bike 24 hours in Paradise on a bike (Silver) Awarded when you smash through your 60th pristine Burnout Billboard Smash 60 Burnout Billboards (Gold) Awarded when you receive your 'Burnout' Driving License Earn your 'Burnout' Driving License (Gold) Awarded when you complete your 10th Timed Challenge Complete 10 Timed Challenges (Gold) Awarded when you reach 100% complete on your Bike License Earn 100% on your Bike License (Gold) Awarded for successfully collecting all trophies from Burnout Paradise (excluding Additional Content trophies) Burnout Paradise Elite (Platinum) Party Pack DLC Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 3 Bronze Trophies and 4 Silver Trophies.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Awarded when you complete the 1st Round of your 1st Party. Complete your 1st Party Round (Bronze) Awarded when every player successfully completes a Party Round. Every player succeeds in a Party Round (Bronze) Awarded when 8 players have completed an 8 Round Party. Complete a Massive Party (Silver) Awarded when 5-7 players have completed a Party. Complete a Big Party (Silver) Awarded when 2-4 players have completed a Party. Complete a Small Party (Silver) Awarded upon completing a Party in which every player successfully completes every Game of every Round. Every player succeeds in every Party Game (Silver) Awarded when every player in a Party takes a photo of themselves. Requires a USB camera to be connected. Every player take a photo for a Party (Bronze) Legendary Cars DLC Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 4 Bronze Trophies.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Awarded for winning any Offline Stunt Run driving the P12 88 Special Win a Stunt Run in the P12 88 Special (Bronze) Awarded for using the flashing lights of the Manhattan Spirit during an Online Freeburn Challenge or Timed Challenge Light up the Manhattan Spirit during an Online Challenge (Bronze) Awarded for achieving a Boost Chain of x3 driving the GT Nighhawk Score a Boost Chain of x3 in the GT Nighthawk (Bronze) Awarded for sounding the horn and successfully landing a Super Jump in Silver Lake driving the Cavalry Bootlegger Sound the horn on a Silver Lake Super Jump in the Cavalry Bootlegger (Bronze) Boost Specials DLC Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 2 Silver Trophies.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Awarded for winning any Offline Marked Man driving the Extreme Hot Rod Survive a Marked Man in the Extreme Hot Rod (Silver) Awarded when you complete any Timed Challenge driving the Hawker Mech having used all 3 boost types Complete a Timed Challenge using all 3 Boost types in the Hawker Mech (Silver) Toy Car DLC Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 2 Silver Trophies and 1 Bronze Trophy.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Awarded for successfully landing a Barrel Roll in the Airfield driving any of the Toy Cars Barrel Roll a Toy Car in the Airfield Awarded when you complete any Timed Challenge using the Toy Bike Complete a Bike Timed Challenge using the Toy Bike Awarded for winning any Offline Race driving any of the Toy Cars Win a Race in a Toy Car Cops and Robbers DLC Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 3 Bronze Trophies and 5 Silver Trophies.UNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Awarded for being the first player in an Online Cops and Robbers game to pick up the Gold. Be the first to reach the Gold (Bronze) Awarded for successfully picking up the Gold once it has been dropped in an Online Cops and Robbers game. Pick up dropped Gold (Bronze) Awarded for successfully delivering the Gold to your team base in an Online Cops and Robbers game. Bank the Gold (Silver) Awarded for successfully performing a Takedown on the player carrying the Gold in an Online Cops and Robbers game. Take down the Gold carrier (Silver) Awarded for being on the winning Cops team in an Online Cops and Robbers game. Win a game on the Cops team (Silver) Awarded for being on the winning Robbers team in an Online Cops and Robbers game. Win a game on the Robbers team (Silver) Awarded for being on the winning team of a best of five round game of Online Cops and Robbers. Win a best of five round game (Silver) Awarded for being on the winning team of an Online Cops and Robbers game driving the Watson R-turbo Roadster. Win a game driving the Watson R-turbo Roadster (Bronze) Island DLC Trophies
Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies.There are 7 Bronze Trophies and 3 Silver TrophiesUNLOCKABLE How to Unlock Awarded when you complete a 750 yard drift inside the Inspiral Car Park Complete a 750 yard drift inside the Inspiral Car Park (Bronze) Successfully land the Island Mega Jump from the Crash TV Ski Jump and get at least 4.5 seconds of Air Time 4.5 seconds of Crash TV Air Time (Bronze) Successfully land the Mega Jump through Deese's Donut Jump through Deese's Donut (Bronze) Awarded when you successfullty land your 5th Island Mega Jump Land 5 Island Mega Jumps (Bronze) Awarded when you smash through your 15th pristine Island Billboard Smash 15 Island Billboards (Silver) Awarded when you drive through your 20th set of Orange Island Smash Gates Drive through 20 Island Smash Gates (Bronze) Awarded when you successfully complete your first Island Tour Complete your first Island Tour (Bronze) Awarded when you find all 15 events on Big Surf Island Find all Island Events (Bronze) Awarded when you successfully complete all 10 Island Freeburn Challenges. These can be completed by 2 - 8 players Complete all 10 Island Freeburn Challenges (Silver) Awarded when you've smashed through all 45 Island Billboard Smash all 45 Island Billboards (Silver)
D License - Win 2 races
C License - Win 7 races
B License - Win 16 races
A License - Win 26 races
Burnout Paradise License - Win 45 races
Elite License - Win 110 races
C License - Win 7 races
B License - Win 16 races
A License - Win 26 races
Burnout Paradise License - Win 45 races
Elite License - Win 110 races
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