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Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Confrontation 2012 Cheats

  • Steam achievements
    Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
      Attacker: Spend 10 Weapon Points.
      Belisarius Slayer: Kill 20 Belisarius.
      Biopsist Slayer: Kill 20 Biopsists.
      Chaplain: Play Melian for 5 hours.
      Darkness Hunter: Play Nekhys for 6 hours.
      Dasyatis Slayer: Kill 20 Dasyatis.
      Defender: Spend 10 Armor points.
      Duelist: Play Taelyn for 4 hours.
      Executioner: Play Fera for 5 hours.
      Exorcist: Play Nemrod for 5 hours.
      Experience: Spend 10 Attribute points.
      Experienced: Reach level 20 with a unit.
      Fanatic Slayer: Kill 15 Fanatics.
      Farmer: Earn 3,000,000 XP points.
      Fireball: Use Fireball 50 times with Nekhys.
      Fusilier: Play Caan for 5 hours.
      Immortal: Use Holy Prayer 50 times with Darius.
      In the Shadows: Use Shadow's Kin 50 times with Fera.
      Infallible Support: Use Exorcism 50 times with Nemrod.
      Initiate Slayer: Kill 15 Initiates.
      Inquisition: Use Wave of Fervour 50 times with Lothaire.
      Inquisitor: Play Lothaire for 5 hours.
      Land of the Brave: Finish Chapter 2.
      Magistrate: Play Haeth for 5 hours.
      Masochist: Let your units fall to the ground in agony 150 times.
      Merin's Champion: Finish the solo campaign.
      Mummy!!!: Suffer 50 fears.
      Noob: Reach level 10 with a unit.
      Officer: Play Darius for 5 hours.
      Pack Leader Slayer: Kill 10 Pack Leaders.
      Praetorian Guard: Play Dalon for 6 hours.
      Pro Gamer: Reach level 40 with a unit.
      Pyromancer: Play Zelia for 6 hours.
      Pyromancer: Use Meteor 50 times with Zelia.
      Ritualist Slayer: Kill 10 Ritualists.
      Saviour: Use Divine Favor 50 times with Lanwys.
      Sibyl Slayer: Kill 10 Sibyls.
      Stunned: Suffer 100 stuns.
      Syrharhalna: Kill 100 Scorpions.
      Thallion: Play Lanwys for 6 hours.
      The Ivory Dunes: Finish Chapter 1.
      The Origin of Evil: Kill a Mecasyatis.
      The Red Oak: Finish Chapter 3.
      They Must Die!: Kill 100 Orcs.
      Totem Bearer Slayer: Kill 15 Totem Bearers.
      Veteran: Reach level 30 with a unit.
      Winter is Coming: Kill 100 Wolfen.
  • Steam Achievements

    While playing the game you can unlock the following Achievements:
    AttackerSpend 10 Weapon Points
    Belisarius SlayerKill 20 Belisarius
    Biopsist SlayerKill 20 Biopsists
    ChaplainPlay Melian for 5 hours
    Darkness HunterPlay Nekhys for 6 hours
    Dasyatis SlayerKill 20 Dasyatis
    DefenderSpend 10 Armor points
    DuelistPlay Taelyn for 4 hours
    ExecutionerPlay Fera for 5 hours
    ExorcistPlay Nemrod for 5 hours
    ExperienceSpend 10 Attribute points
    ExperiencedReach level 20 with a unit
    Fanatic SlayerKill 15 Fanatics
    FarmerEarn 3,000,000 XP points
    FireballUse Fireball 50 times with Nekhys
    FusilierPlay Caan for 5 hours
    ImmortalUse Holy Prayer 50 times with Darius
    In the ShadowsUse Shadow's Kin 50 times with Fera
    Infallible SupportUse Exorcism 50 times with Nemrod
    Initiate SlayerKill 15 Initiates
    InquisitionUse Wave of Fervour 50 times with Lothaire
    InquisitorPlay Lothaire for 5 hours
    Land of the BraveFinish Chapter 2
    MagistratePlay Haeth for 5 hours
    MasochistLet your units fall to the ground in agony 150 times
    Merin's ChampionFinish the solo campaign
    Mummy!!!Suffer 50 fears
    NoobReach level 10 with a unit
    OfficerPlay Darius for 5 hours
    Pack Leader SlayerKill 10 Pack Leaders
    Praetorian GuardPlay Dalon for 6 hours
    Pro GamerReach level 40 with a unit
    PyromancerPlay Zelia for 6 hours
    PyromancerUse Meteor 50 times with Zelia
    Ritualist SlayerKill 10 Ritualists
    SaviourUse Divine Favor 50 times with Lanwys
    Sibyl SlayerKill 10 Sibyls
    StunnedSuffer 100 stuns
    SyrharhalnaKill 100 Scorpions
    ThallionPlay Lanwys for 6 hours
    The Ivory DunesFinish Chapter 1
    The Origin of EvilKill a Mecasyatis
    The Red OakFinish Chapter 3
    They Must Die!Kill 100 Orcs
    Totem Bearer SlayerKill 15 Totem Bearers
    VeteranReach level 30 with a unit
    Winter is ComingKill 100 Wolfen


    1. Steam Achievements

      While playing the game you can unlock the following Achievements:
      Kill a MecasyatisThe Origin of Evil
      Kill 100 ScorpionsSyrharhalna
      Spend 10 Weapon PointsAttacker
      Finish Chapter 1The Ivory Dunes
      Reach level 10 with a unitNoob
      Reach level 20 with a unitExperienced
      Reach level 30 with a unitVeteran
      Reach level 40 with a unitPro Gamer
      Kill 20 DasyatisDasyatis Slayer
      Kill 20 BiopsistsBiopsist Slayer
      Kill 20 BelisariusBelisarius Slayer
      Kill 15 Totem BearersTotem Bearer Slayer
      Kill 15 FanaticsFanatic Slayer
      Kill 15 InitiatesInitiate Slayer
      Kill 10 Pack LeadersPack Leader Slayer
      Kill 10 RitualistsRitualist Slayer
      Kill 10 SibylsSibyl Slayer
      Kill 100 OrcsThey Must Die!
      Kill 100 WolfenWinter is Coming
      Use Meteor 50 times with ZeliaPyromancer
      Use Holy Prayer 50 times with DariusImmortal
      Use Divine Favor 50 times with LanwysSaviour
      Use Wave of Fervour 50 times with LothaireInquisition
      Use Fireball 50 times with NekhysFireball
      Use Exorcism 50 times with NemrodInfallible Support
      Use Shadow's Kin 50 times with FeraIn the Shadows
      Let your units fall to the ground in agony 150 timesMasochist
      Suffer 100 stunsStunned
      Suffer 50 fearsMummy!!!
      Earn 3,000,000 XP pointsFarmer
      Spend 10 Armor pointsDefender
      Spend 10 Attribute pointsExperience
      Play Darius for 5 hoursOfficer
      Play Zelia for 6 hoursPyromancer
      Play Lanwys for 6 hoursThallion
      Play Lothaire for 5 hoursInquisitor
      Play Melian for 5 hoursChaplain
      Play Nekhys for 6 hoursDarkness Hunter
      Play Nemrod for 5 hoursExorcist
      Play Dalon for 6 hoursPraetorian Guard
      Play Fera for 5 hoursExecutioner
      Play Taelyn for 4 hoursDuelist
      Play Caan for 5 hoursFusilier
      Play Haeth for 5 hoursMagistrate
      Finish Chapter 2Land of the Brave
      Finish Chapter 3The Red Oak
      Finish the solo campaignMerin's Champion

      Cold Front DLC Trophies

      Unlockable               How to Unlock
      Additional Firepower (Silver)500 kills with new cold front weapons, 50 kill assists with new cold front weapons, 25 kills while using a thermal scope
      Cold Front Domination (Gold)200 wins CF maps,laun.100 missi.arms run,destroy 100 missi.arms run,250 mounted turret kill,25 melee kill,specia.veteran,add.firepower,CF tour of duty
      Cold Front Tour of Duty (Bronze)Play 25 games of arms run play, 25 games on each cold front map
      Mounted Destruction (Bronze)50 mounted turret kills, 5 mounted turret kills in one game
      Specialized Veteran (Silver)Earn a gold star in primary weapon specialization,earn a silver star in secondary weapon specialization,50 kills w/unlocked primary specialized weapon
      Specialized Weaponry (Bronze)Unlock one of the specialization-specific weapons, 25 kills with unlocked primary specialization weapon

      Cold Front DLC Unlockable Weapons

      UnlockableHow to Unlock
      417 Assault RifleChoose Dutch KCT as your country's faction.
      AG-94 Assault Rifle     Choose Russian Spetsnaz as your country's faction.
      AlicePrimary weapon specialization set as assault rifle.
      GladysPrimary weapon specialization set as pistol.
      GloriaPrimary weapon specialization set as machinegun.
      MotokoPrimary weapon specialization set as sub-machinegun.
      SPAS-15 ShotgunChoose Italian Comsubin as your country's faction.
      TillyPrimary weapon specialization set as sniper rifle.
      VeraPrimary weapon specialization set as shotgun.


      Unlockable         How to Unlock
      Admirable Service (Bronze)Escort 25 VIPs to safety, defuse 10 bombs, extract 25 hostages, defend 10 control points
      Assault Rifle - 2nd Class (Silver)600 assault rifle kills, 7 assault rifle kills with 20% accuracy in one game, 50 kills with 5 different assault rifles
      Assault Rifle - 3rd Class (Bronze)250 assault rifle kills, 5 assault rifle kills with 15% accuracy in one game, 25 kills with 4 different assault rifles
      Assault Rifle - Elite (Silver)1000 assault rifle kills, 10 assault rifle kills with 25% accuracy in one game, 75 kills with 7 different assault rifles
      Bronze Star (Bronze)5 mvp awards, 25 kill assists, 300 kills, 35 headshots, 50 games on the winning side
      Confrontation Champion (Platinum)Get all gold, silver and bronze trophies!
      Demolitions Expert (Silver)10 grenade kills, 2 breaching charge kills, 2 claymore kills, 10 kills by blowing up cars or other explosives
      Distinguished Service Medal (Bronze)Capture 10 control points, plant 10 bombs, extract 10 hostages, escort 15 VIPs to safety
      Expeditionary Medal (Silver)Play 50 games as a mercenary, play 50 games as a commando/special forces
      Gallantry Medal (Gold)200 sniper rifle kills, 5 MVP awards on each map, 50 melee kills, special operators medal, superior service medal
      Good Conduct (Bronze)Achieve 150 consecutive kills without killing a team-mate
      Legion of Merit Medal (Gold)50 MVP awards, 5000 kills, 250 headshots, 500 games on winning side, extract 150 hostages, plant 100 bombs, capture 125 control points
      Legion of Merit Medal (Gold) (Continued)eliminate 125 vips, silver star, military cross, gallantry medal, all service medals, all weapon specialties elite
      Marksman Medal (Silver)Achieve 15 kills in a game with accuracy above 75% (explosive kills do not count)
      Meritorious Service (Silver)Win 25 rounds via hostage rescue in Extraction, win 25 rounds via bomb defusal in Demolition, win 25 rounds via VIP Extraction in Escort
      MG - 2nd Class (Silver)100 MG kills, 6 MG kills in one game, 25 kills with 3 different MGs
      MG - 3rd Class (Bronze)50 MG kills, 4 MG kills in one game, 15 kills with 2 different MGs
      MG - Elite (Silver)250 MG kills, 75 MG headshots, 8 MG kills in one game, 60 kills with 3 different MGs
      Military Cross (Silver)Extract 50 hostages,eliminate 50 VIPs,defuse 25 bombs,plant 25 bombs,capture 35 control points,meritorious service medal,distinguished service medal
      Pistol - 2nd Class (Silver)100 pistol kills, 4 pistol kills with 20% accuracy in one game, 10 kills with 4 different pistols
      Pistol - 3rd Class (Bronze)50 pistol kills, 2 pistol kills with 15% accuracy in one game, 5 kills with 3 different pistols
      Pistol - Elite (Silver)150 pistol kills, 35 pistol headshots, 6 pistol kills with 25% accuracy in one game, 20 kills with 5 different pistols
      Pow Medal (Silver)Play 50 games of Extraction without killing a hostage
      Purple Heart (Silver)50 kill assists
      Shotgun - 2nd Class (Silver)100 shotgun kills, 6 shotgun kills in one game, 25 kills with 3 different shotguns
      Shotgun - 3rd Class (Bronze)50 shotgun kills, 4 shotgun kills in one game, 15 kills with 2 different shotguns
      Shotgun - Elite (Silver)250 shotgun kills, 60 shotgun headshots, 8 shotgun kills in one game, 60 kills with 3 different shotguns
      Silver Star (Silver)20 mvp awards, 1000 kills, 15 consecutive kills without taking damage, 100 headshots, 200 games on the winning side, bronze star, stealth medal
      SMG - 2nd Class (Silver)600 SMG kills, 7 SMG kills with 20% accuracy in one game, 50 kills with 5 different SMGs, 3 SMG headshots in one game
      SMG - 3rd Class (Bronze)250 SMG kills, 5 smg kills with 15% accuracy in one game, 25 kills with 4 different SMGs, 2 SMG headshots in one game
      SMG - Elite (Silver)1000 SMG kills, 125 SMG headshots, 10 SMG kills with 25% accuracy in one game, 75 kills with 5 different SMGs, 4 SMG headshots in one game
      Sniper Rifle - 2nd Class (Silver)200 sniper rifle kills, 4 sniper rifle kills with 35% accuracy in one game, 50 kills with 3 different sniper rifles
      Sniper Rifle - 3rd Class (Bronze)100 sniper rifle kills, 3 sniper rifle kills with 30% accuracy in one game, 25 kills with 2 different sniper rifles
      Sniper Rifle - Elite (Silver)350 sniper rifle kills, 75 sniper rifle headshots, 6 sniper rifle kills with 90% accuracy in one game, 60 kills with 3 different sniper rifles
      Special Operators Medal (Bronze)75 sniper rifle kills, 15 kills in a row without dying, 25 melee kills, 3 headshots in a row
      Stealth Medal (Bronze)5 consec. kills w/ no damage,25 kills w/ suppress assault rifle,15 kills w/ suppress pistol,20 kills w/ suppress SMG,20 kills w/ suppress sniper rifle
      Superior Service Medal (Silver)1 MVP award on each map, 1 MVP award in each game mode, 200 kills as a mercenary, 200 kills as commando/special forces
      Tour of Duty Veteran (Bronze)Play 25 games of each game mode, play 25 games on each map

      Unlockable Clan Country Weapons

      Whatever country you choose will unlock an additional weapon for your Commando.
      Unlockable                    How to Unlock
      Ameli Machine GunChoose Spain as your clan country
      FAMAS G2 Assault RifleChoose France as your clan country
      GMP Submachine gunChoose Germany as yourc lan country
      IW-80 A2 Assault RifleChoose U.K. as your clan country
      SCFR-LW Assault RifleChoose U.S. as your clan country

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