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Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Naval War: Arctic Circle 2012 Cheats

  • Steam achievements
    Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
      Ace: Complete "Arctic Cod Conflict" in NATO campaign on Hard difficulty without losing any aircraft.
      Ace Apprentice: Complete "Air and carrier operations" in NATO campaign without losing any aircraft.
      Admiral: Complete "On the Rocks" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
      Air Overwhelming: Complete "Arctic Cod Conflict" in NATO campaign on any difficulty without losing more than two aircraft.
      And We Have a Winner: Win 1 multiplayer game.
      Bronze: Win 10 multiplayer games.
      Bronze Star: Complete "Convoy 13 No Reply" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      Captain Ahab: Complete 500 multiplayer games.
      Captain Haddock: Complete 200 multiplayer games.
      Captain Nemo: Complete 1000 multiplayer games.
      Carrier Commander: Complete "Air and carrier operations" in NATO campaign.
      Coordinator: Complete "Hide and Seek" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
      Deep Terror: Complete "Sub hunt" in NATO campaign.
      Destroyer of Worlds: Complete "Wild Hand" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
      Dipping Toes: Complete 1 multiplayer game.
      Don't Tread On Me: Complete "Arctic Cod Conflict" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      Eagle Eye: Sink the hidden (unmarked) Astute sub in "Sub hunt".
      Expert Coordinator: Complete "Hide and Seek" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.
      Fleet Admiral: Complete "On the Rocks" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty without losing any surface ships.
      Fleet Commander: Complete "Baltic Breakout" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      Fleet Destroyer: Complete "On the Rocks" in NATO campaign on any difficulty without losing any submarines or aircraft.
      Fully Immersed: Complete 50 multiplayer games.
      Gold: Win 50 multiplayer games.
      Gold Star: Complete the NATO campaign on Hard difficulty.
      Gone Swimming: Complete 20 multiplayer games.
      Ice Warrior: Complete "North by Northwest" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      Like a Castle: Complete "Iron Weasel" in NATO campaign on Hard difficulty.
      Like a Ghost: Complete "Snatch and Grab" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
      Master Bomber: Complete "Wings of Retribution" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      Master of the North: Complete the Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.
      Navigator: Complete "Movement basics" in NATO campaign.
      None Shall Pass!: Complete "Peekabo in the Fjords" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      On the Deep End: Complete 10 multiplayer games.
      On the Reefs: Complete 100 multiplayer games.
      Platinum: Win 100 multiplayer games.
      Shield: Complete "Barents Escort" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      Shield Master: Complete "Barents Escort" in NATO campaign on any difficulty without losing any surface ships.
      Shipwrecker: Complete "Sharks in the Deep" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
      Silent Assassin: Complete "Viking Saga" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.
      Silent Killer: Complete "On the Rocks" in NATO campaign on Hard difficulty.
      Silver: Win 20 multiplayer games.
      Silver Star: Complete the NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      Smersh!: Complete "Swarm" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
      Sub Hunter: Complete "Show of Force" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      Survivalist: Complete "Rear Guard" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.
      To the Waist: Complete 5 multiplayer games.
      Tycoon: Complete "Pickled Herring" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
      Unmovable: Complete the Russian campaign on any difficulty.
      Unruly Waves: Complete "Northern Lights" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
      War Cross with Sword: Complete "Viking Funeral" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
      Wipeout: Complete "Peekabo in the Fjords" in NATO campaign on any difficulty, shooting down at least 10 aircraft in the process.
  • Steam Achievements

    AceComplete "Arctic Cod Conflict" in NATO campaign on Hard difficulty without losing any aircraft.
    Ace ApprenticeComplete "Air and carrier operations" in NATO campaign without losing any aircraft.
    AdmiralComplete "On the Rocks" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
    Air OverwhelmingComplete "Arctic Cod Conflict" in NATO campaign on any difficulty without losing more than two aircraft.
    And We Have a WinnerWin 1 multiplayer game.
    BronzeWin 10 multiplayer games.
    Bronze StarComplete "Convoy 13 No Reply" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    Captain AhabComplete 500 multiplayer games.
    Captain HaddockComplete 200 multiplayer games.
    Captain NemoComplete 1000 multiplayer games.
    Carrier CommanderComplete "Air and carrier operations" in NATO campaign.
    CoordinatorComplete "Hide and Seek" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
    Deep TerrorComplete "Sub hunt" in NATO campaign.
    Destroyer of WorldsComplete "Wild Hand" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
    Dipping ToesComplete 1 multiplayer game.
    Don't Tread On MeComplete "Arctic Cod Conflict" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    Eagle EyeSink the hidden (unmarked) Astute sub in "Sub hunt".
    Expert CoordinatorComplete "Hide and Seek" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.
    Fleet AdmiralComplete "On the Rocks" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty without losing any surface ships.
    Fleet CommanderComplete "Baltic Breakout" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    Fleet DestroyerComplete "On the Rocks" in NATO campaign on any difficulty without losing any submarines or aircraft.
    Fully ImmersedComplete 50 multiplayer games.
    GoldWin 50 multiplayer games.
    Gold StarComplete the NATO campaign on Hard difficulty.
    Gone SwimmingComplete 20 multiplayer games.
    Ice WarriorComplete "North by Northwest" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    Like a CastleComplete "Iron Weasel" in NATO campaign on Hard difficulty.
    Like a GhostComplete "Snatch and Grab" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
    Master BomberComplete "Wings of Retribution" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    Master of the NorthComplete the Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.
    NavigatorComplete "Movement basics" in NATO campaign.
    None Shall Pass!Complete "Peekabo in the Fjords" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    On the Deep EndComplete 10 multiplayer games.
    On the ReefsComplete 100 multiplayer games.
    PlatinumWin 100 multiplayer games.
    ShieldComplete "Barents Escort" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    Shield MasterComplete "Barents Escort" in NATO campaign on any difficulty without losing any surface ships.
    ShipwreckerComplete "Sharks in the Deep" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
    Silent AssassinComplete "Viking Saga" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.
    Silent KillerComplete "On the Rocks" in NATO campaign on Hard difficulty.
    SilverWin 20 multiplayer games.
    Silver StarComplete the NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    Smersh!Complete "Swarm" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
    Sub HunterComplete "Show of Force" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    SurvivalistComplete "Rear Guard" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.
    To the WaistComplete 5 multiplayer games.
    TycoonComplete "Pickled Herring" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
    UnmovableComplete the Russian campaign on any difficulty.
    Unruly WavesComplete "Northern Lights" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.
    War Cross with SwordComplete "Viking Funeral" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.
    WipeoutComplete "Peekabo in the Fjords" in NATO campaign on any difficulty, shooting down at least 10 aircraft in the process.


    1. Steam Achievements

      Complete "Air and carrier operations" in NATO campaign.Carrier Commander
      Complete "Sub hunt" in NATO campaign.Deep Terror
      Complete "Movement basics" in NATO campaign.Navigator
      Complete "Arctic Cod Conflict" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.Don't Tread On Me
      Complete "Arctic Cod Conflict" in NATO campaign on any difficulty without losing more than two aircraft.Air Overwhelming
      Complete "Show of Force" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.Sub Hunter
      Complete "Barents Escort" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.Shield
      Complete "Iron Weasel" in NATO campaign on Hard difficulty.Like a Castle
      Complete "Peekabo in the Fjords" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.None Shall Pass!
      Complete "Peekabo in the Fjords" in NATO campaign on any difficulty, shooting down at least 10 aircraft in the process.Wipeout
      Complete "Baltic Breakout" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.Fleet Commander
      Complete "Viking Funeral" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.War Cross with Sword
      Complete "North by Northwest" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.Ice Warrior
      Complete "Convoy 13 No Reply" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.Bronze Star
      Complete "Wings of Retribution" in NATO campaign on any difficulty.Master Bomber
      Complete the NATO campaign on any difficulty.Silver Star
      Complete the NATO campaign on Hard difficulty.Gold Star
      Complete "Swarm" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.Smersh!
      Complete "Pickled Herring" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.Tycoon
      Complete "Viking Saga" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.Silent Assassin
      Complete "On the Rocks" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.Admiral
      Complete "On the Rocks" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty without losing any surface ships.Fleet Admiral
      Complete "Wild Hand" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.Destroyer of Worlds
      Complete "Hide and Seek" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.Coordinator
      Complete "Hide and Seek" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.Expert Coordinator
      Complete "Northern Lights" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.Unruly Waves
      Complete "Snatch and Grab" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.Like a Ghost
      Complete "Sharks in the Deep" in Russian campaign on any difficulty.Shipwrecker
      Complete "Rear Guard" in Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.Survivalist
      Complete the Russian campaign on any difficulty.Unmovable
      Complete the Russian campaign on Hard difficulty.Master of the North
      Complete 1 multiplayer game.Dipping Toes
      Complete 5 multiplayer games.To the Waist
      Complete 10 multiplayer games.On the Deep End
      Complete 20 multiplayer games.Gone Swimming
      Complete 50 multiplayer games.Fully Immersed
      Complete 100 multiplayer games.On the Reefs
      Complete 200 multiplayer games.Captain Haddock
      Complete 500 multiplayer games.Captain Ahab
      Complete 1000 multiplayer games.Captain Nemo
      Win 1 multiplayer game.And We Have a Winner
      Win 10 multiplayer games.Bronze
      Win 20 multiplayer games.Silver
      Win 50 multiplayer games.Gold
      Win 100 multiplayer games.Platinum
      Sink the hidden (unmarked) Astute sub in "Sub hunt".Eagle Eye
      Complete "Air and carrier operations" in NATO campaign without losing any aircraft.Ace Apprentice
      Complete "Arctic Cod Conflict" in NATO campaign on Hard difficulty without losing any aircraft.Ace
      Complete "Barents Escort" in NATO campaign on any difficulty without losing any surface ships.Shield Master
      Complete "On the Rocks" in NATO campaign on Hard difficulty.Silent Killer
      Complete "On the Rocks" in NATO campaign on any difficulty without losing any submarines or aircraft.Fleet Destroyer

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