- Final additionTo get the final addition for all characters except Miranda and Shana, master the previous ones. You will get their 7-hit master combo. Most of them gain SP of over 100 and damage over 400 %.
- Easy way to master additionsGo to the Forest near Seles. Go to the area where the Merchant was located (with small rabbit-like creatures) and just run around. The battles happen quickly in this area and your opponents are easy to kill.
- Easy experienceIf you are at the Phantom Ship, stay there. Run into the blue flames and fight them. You will get experience easily.
- Ultimate WargodYou can buy an Ultimate Wargod in Lohan. It makes your additions perform perfectly without any penalty. It may cost 10,000, which may be very hard to get at this point in the game. However, it makes battles much easier and your Dragoons will still level up.
- HealingThe following trick allows you to heal without a Mind or Body Purifieron stock. Later on in the game when you have Dragoon Spirits, turn Dragoon and the status will be gone.
- Temple trapsWhen you are in the temple looking for the Dragoni plant to save Shana on Disc 1, there are several traps set to delay you progress. The first is a number combination -- the combo is 352. Almost directly after that are two statues that must be turned in the correct direction to allow you to reach the top of the stairs. There statues are gold and stone. Leave the gold statue facing the front and turn the stone statue to the left. As soon as this is done, you can run up the stairs to find help for Shana.
- Free water bottleWhen you reach the town of Lohan, you must save Shana. To do this you will need to get a bottle to hold water. After speaking with Dabas, go down the stairs to reach the ground level of the town. When you do this, a merchant will get your attention. He has a bottle, but wants to sell it for an amazingly high price. Keep telling him to take down the price he will eventually offer it for 100g. Select the second choice of "..." and the merchant will give you the bottle for free.
- Defeating S.VirageWait until it uses up its ten lives. Just make sure all your characters have a high HP before its final attack, which does a lot of damage.
- Defeating the Dead Captain and 4 Dead KnightsWhen you get to the end of the Ghost Ship, you have to defeat the Dead Captain of the ship and the 4 Dead Knights. However, if you kill one of them after a certain amount of time they will come back to life with full health. Get all of the Knights and the Captain to a red health meter. Once they are low enough, use either Dart's Explosion ability or Kongol's Grand Stream and Meteor Strike magic abilities. Also, if you have any of your Dragoon Spirts to level 5 you can use their Dragon ability to make sure they are defeated.
- Defeating the second Viarge BossYou will have to fight a stronger Viarge Boss in the Gravity Breakdown Valley. Take out his left hand (the hand on the right side of the screen) first and he will not be able to do his instant death attack until it returns. After you take out his left hand, concentrate on his head. If his hand comes back, destroy it again. You will win the battle after doing 1,600 damage to his head. Here is a list of how much health each part has:
- Head: 1600 HP
- Left Arm: 320 HP
- Right Arm: 320 HP
- Body: 600 HP
- Dragoon Stone Locations
- DartYou start with his stone at the beginning of the game but you cannot use it until you defeat Kongol at the Battle of Hoax.
- Lavitz/AlbertTo get the Lavitz Dragoon stone, you have to defeat the Green Tusked Dragon and the man who turns into the Jade Dragoon. Albert will then inherit the Lavitz Dragoon stone at the end of the Disc 1.
- Shana/MirandaYou will get Shana's Dragoon stone after getting to the temple and defeating the Bandit. Then answer the questions that the ghost asks you. Miranda will inherit Shana's Dragoon stone on the Disc 3.
- RoseAfter defeating Kongol at the Battle of Hoax you will get Rose with her Dragoon stone.
- Dart
- HaschelYou will get Haschel's Dragoon stone after defeating Emperor Doyle at the end of Disc 1.
- MeruYou will get Meru's Dragoon stone after defeating the Blue Sea Dragon and Lenus.
- KongolAfter you get Kongol go back to the City of Loan and walk to where the man who sold you the bottle is located. You will automatically walk up to him. After talking he will sell Kongol's Dragoon stone for 1,000G.
- Haschel
Allows Game to Play in a Mod-Chip System | D01BF172 1040 801BF172 1000 D00FAA36 1040 800FAA36 1000 |
Max Gold | 800B995C 967F 800B995E 0098 |
One Fight For Max Gold | 800BB620 FFFF |
One Fight For Max Exp | 800BB65C 423F 800BB65E 000F |
Play Time is 00:00 | 800B9968 0000 800B996A 0000 |
Save Anywhere | 30059068 0001 |
All Weapons (Caetla Users Only) | B0FF0001 00000001 300B9AB0 0000 |
Easy Boss Kills:
Get items like Burnout, Spark net, etc. Then, use the turbo controller to do a lot of damage. You can use them against Kongol at the end of disk one.
Get items like Burnout, Spark net, etc. Then, use the turbo controller to do a lot of damage. You can use them against Kongol at the end of disk one.
Gold Dragoon Spirit:
On the country that Disc 2 takes place in, go to the flower city that is plagued by the bandits. There is a bar in the town near the port. When you first go there, the man you need to talk to won't be there. At some point on Disc 2, though, I think it is after you beat the bandits, there will be a jester in there. Talk to him, and he will say that he saw stones just like yours in Lohan. Go there, talk to the merchant who sold you the water bottle, and he will sell you Kongol's Dragoon Spirit for 1000G.
On the country that Disc 2 takes place in, go to the flower city that is plagued by the bandits. There is a bar in the town near the port. When you first go there, the man you need to talk to won't be there. At some point on Disc 2, though, I think it is after you beat the bandits, there will be a jester in there. Talk to him, and he will say that he saw stones just like yours in Lohan. Go there, talk to the merchant who sold you the water bottle, and he will sell you Kongol's Dragoon Spirit for 1000G.
Dragoon Stones:
On disc 4, return to the tower where Dart met his Father (The end of disc three). Right before entering the room his father was in, go to the save point and go to the rooms with all the spirits of the ancient dragoons. Each dragoon will attack you. After defeating the dragoons, each battle will give you the stone for that dragoon. The stones cut the damage from that elemental attack in half.
On disc 4, return to the tower where Dart met his Father (The end of disc three). Right before entering the room his father was in, go to the save point and go to the rooms with all the spirits of the ancient dragoons. Each dragoon will attack you. After defeating the dragoons, each battle will give you the stone for that dragoon. The stones cut the damage from that elemental attack in half.
Safer Battle with Zieg:
When you fight Dart's father at the end of disc 4, you can defend against him and make the fight much easier if Dart has the red dragon armor, which nullifies fire attacks, and the red-eye stone, which cuts magic damage in half.
When you fight Dart's father at the end of disc 4, you can defend against him and make the fight much easier if Dart has the red dragon armor, which nullifies fire attacks, and the red-eye stone, which cuts magic damage in half.
Easier Battle With Lloyd:
On the third disc have the talisman that prevents an instant death, equiped on Dart only. Do not put it on one of your other characters. This way you can use spirit potions on him to keep him in dragoon, and give him his magic back. Lloyd will attack only Dart but he won't die because of the talisman. Just keep using Final Burst, don't use Red-eye Dragon magic, it does the same amount of damage as Final Burst, it just eats your magic up. If he does attack another character than just have them heal themselves and the battle will be over a lot faster.
On the third disc have the talisman that prevents an instant death, equiped on Dart only. Do not put it on one of your other characters. This way you can use spirit potions on him to keep him in dragoon, and give him his magic back. Lloyd will attack only Dart but he won't die because of the talisman. Just keep using Final Burst, don't use Red-eye Dragon magic, it does the same amount of damage as Final Burst, it just eats your magic up. If he does attack another character than just have them heal themselves and the battle will be over a lot faster.
Dragoon Special:
Fight in Random Fights until all players get maximum SP and if you get extra SP after a while everyone will get a special which appears as a Yin-Yang. The Special turns all players into a dragoon, changes the fight place background, and makes the player who used the special have an automatic perfect dragoon attack.
Fight in Random Fights until all players get maximum SP and if you get extra SP after a while everyone will get a special which appears as a Yin-Yang. The Special turns all players into a dragoon, changes the fight place background, and makes the player who used the special have an automatic perfect dragoon attack.
Easy Addition Level Up:
In order to perform this cheat you must be able to access the Glaciers level. Before the entrance to where you fought Llyod in his Divine Dragoon mode, to the left is a teleport pad. Down that path is Magician Faust. I fought him before I got the Vanishing Stone, but when you attack him, he will not take any damage. If you successfully hit with your addition it will level up without the hassle of some of your characters being stronger than others, and you don't have to worry about the enemy dying too soon before your other party members get a chance to hit. When you start to get down to low life or whatever, just run away, heal up and go back for more.
In order to perform this cheat you must be able to access the Glaciers level. Before the entrance to where you fought Llyod in his Divine Dragoon mode, to the left is a teleport pad. Down that path is Magician Faust. I fought him before I got the Vanishing Stone, but when you attack him, he will not take any damage. If you successfully hit with your addition it will level up without the hassle of some of your characters being stronger than others, and you don't have to worry about the enemy dying too soon before your other party members get a chance to hit. When you start to get down to low life or whatever, just run away, heal up and go back for more.
Easy Addition and Dragoon Level Up:
After defending Hoax and getting Rose in your group, gotto the forrest where you are sapposed to and then goto the broken castle through that forest where all of those soldiers are fighing. When you are givin the choice to fight or run, fight. Do this for all of them until you get to the last guy. When you get to him, choose to run. When you enter that screen again, everyone will be there. You can do this over and over again. You can only level up Dart and Rose's Dragoon because they are the only ones who have them at that point in the game.
After defending Hoax and getting Rose in your group, gotto the forrest where you are sapposed to and then goto the broken castle through that forest where all of those soldiers are fighing. When you are givin the choice to fight or run, fight. Do this for all of them until you get to the last guy. When you get to him, choose to run. When you enter that screen again, everyone will be there. You can do this over and over again. You can only level up Dart and Rose's Dragoon because they are the only ones who have them at that point in the game.
Get Free HP:
Get into a battle and kill every guy execpt one and keep gaurding intil you have lots of HP.
Get into a battle and kill every guy execpt one and keep gaurding intil you have lots of HP.
GameShark Codes
All Characters In Party 5000092C 0000 300BAEF8 0003 Max Dragoon Level (Everyone) 5000092C 0000 300BAF07 0005 Max Level (Everyone) 5000092C 0000 300BAF06 003C Infinite MP (Everyone) 5000092C 0000 800BAEFE 03E7 Infinite HP (Everyone) 5000092C 0000 800BAEFC 270F Have all Dragoon Spirit 300bad6400ff One Fight for Max Exp 800BB65C 423F 800BB65E 000F P.Albert: Max Dragoon Level 300BAFE30032 Meru: Infinite HP 800BB0041770 Meru: Infinite MP 800BB00603E7 Meru: Infinite SP 800BB00803E7 Meru: Quick Level Gain 800BAFFCFFFF Meru: Max Level 300BB00E003C Meru: Max Dragoon Level 300BB00F0032 Miranda: Infinite HP 800BB05C1770 Miranda: Infinite MP 800BB05E03E7 Miranda: Infinite SP 800BB06003E7 Miranda: Quick Level Gain 800BB054FFFF Miranda: Max Level 300BB066003C Miranda: Max Dragoon Level 300BB0670032 Kongol: Infinite HP 800BB0301770 Kongol: Infinite MP 800BB03203E7 Kongol: Infinite SP 800BB03403E7 Kongol: Quick Level Gain 800BB028FFFF Kongol: Max Level 300BB03A003C Kongol: Max Dragoon Level 300BB03B0032 P.Albert: Max Level 300BAFE2003C Haschel: Infinite HP 800BAFAC1770 Haschel: Infinite MP 800BAFAE03E7 Haschel: Infinite SP 800BAFB003E7 Haschel: Quick Level Gain 800BAFA4FFFF Haschel: Max Level 300BAFB6003C Haschel: Max Dragoon Level 300BAFB70032 P.Albert: Infinite HP 800BAFD81770 P.Albert: Infinite MP 800BAFDA03E7 P.Albert: Infinite SP 800BAFDC03E7 P.Albert: Quick Level Gain 800BAFD0FFFF Rose: Infinite HP 800BAF801770 Rose: Infinite MP 800BAF8203E7 Rose: Infinite SP 800BAF8403E7 Rose:Max Level 300BAF8A003C Rose: Quick Level Gain 800BAF78FFFF Rose:Max Dragoon Level 300BAF8B0032 Shana: Max Level 300BAF5F0032 Shana: Quick Level Gain 800BAF4CFFFF Shana: Max Dragoon Level 300BAF5E003C Max Star Dust 300BAC640032 Dart: Infinite HP 800BAEFC1770 Dart: Infinite MP 800BAEFE03E7 Dart: Infinite SP 800BAF0003E7 Dart: Quick Level Gain 800BAEF4FFFF Dart: Max Dragoon Level 300BAF070030 Dart: Max Level 300BAF060032 Have All Items (Everyone) 5000FF010001 300BADB00000 Max Money (Everyone) 800BAC5CFFFF 800BC920FFFF Save Anytime!!! 8005A3680001 Have All Goods (Everyone) 500012010001 300BAD6400FF Lavitz: Infinite HP 800BAF281770 Lavitz: Infinite MP 800BAF2A03E7 Lavitz: Infinite SP 800BAF2C03E7 Lavitz: Max Dragoon Level 300BAF330032 Lavitz: Max Level 300BAF32003C Lavitz: Quick Level Gain 800BAF20FFFF Shana: Infinite HP 800BAF541770 Shana: Infinite MP 800BAF5603E7 Shana: Infinite SP 800BAF5803E7Neat:
If you have a Game Shark put in the code 800BB0F8 01BA then get into any fight and Darts father will be the person that you fight if it's not then get into a boss
fight and beat Zeig once you beat him you will get a movie and it will ask you to put in disk 4 this cheat can be done at any point in the game
Thanks to Revolution readers 2000, Mike O'Bryan, Zander, Sephiroth_00, Cody Baresich, Adam T., Jacob Loney and Mark Burns!
The Legend of Dragoon Walkthrough
Some tips before you start:
1. SAVE OFTEN! The most important rule of any game is to SAVE. It really SUCKS when you play for two hours and then get trashed by a boss or accidently turn the game off. Believe me. I know.
2. The Recommened Levels are portraying Dart's Levels. Dart will undoubtedly have the highest level of all the characters, but it's also wise to have everyone within two to five levels of Dart.
3. PLAN AHEAD. Especially when you're about to face a very deadly boss. Don't go in thinking you're gonna kick a boss's ass because, usually, you won't. ALWAYS make sure you have enough healing items. Even though you can only carry 32 items, think about how many of each items you'll REALLY need. Never EVER go anywhere without Healing Items.
4. Use whatever team you're most comfortable with. That's why I didn't recommend any certain team.
5. TAKE YOUR TIME. Don't rush through this game. Time is not an issue. Concentrate when you're facing a boss or a puzzle.
6. Level up your ADDITIONS. It's just as important (if not more) as leveling up your character. Yes, I know some additions are harder than others, but they only take practice. Remember that if an Addition is very strong, it won't give you much SP. However, an Addition that gives you a lot of SP will likely be weak. But the final addition for each character is both very strong and it gives you a lot of SP, so it's worth getting, and you can only get it by mastering all of your other additions. Your Additions may even become stronger than your Dragoon Attacks!
7. BATTLE TIP! Enemies will often attack characters of the opposite element. For instance, a Frilled Lizard (earth-based) will usually attack Albert (who is wind-based). Be prepared!
8. When switching disks, you do NOT need to turn off the power. Simply open the Playstation and switch disks! (Thanks to Chris for the advice! :)
9. Be a CHATTERBOX! Talk to everyone! The world of Endiness is filled with awesome characters, and at times the NPCs can be hilarious, so talk to them often. They may also provide hints and rumors about places, monsters, and other characters.
Use the keywords below to skip to a certain part:
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 3
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Chapter 4
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Chapter 1: Serdian War
SelesStardust: 1
Items: 1
Item Store: No
Weapons Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
After the awesome intro, you'll find yourself on a hill with a path to the village of Seles. You start out with two Healing Potions and one Burn Out. Walk down the hill and jump over the fence (press X) when the "!" mark is there. You'll find a villager being attacked by soldiers. Go and help him. You'll enter combat.
Speak with the villager, and he'll give you info on what happened. Get the item in the chest (go up to it and press X, and you'll get a Burn Out). Go into the town.
Here, you'll fight some more, including a boss battle.
BOSS: Commander
The Commander and his men are quite simple to defeat. Just use your additions to knock out the soldiers first (defeat one, and the other will run away), then the Commander (who will power up, but still isn't too difficult). Heal when necessary.
After the battle, you'll find out more news about what happened. It seems that your childhood friend, Shana, was kidnapped. She's being held in Hellena, and you have to rescue her.
If you are new to the game, you may want to speak with Master Tasman and learn about Additions.
Recommended Level: 2
Stardust: 0
Items: 3
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: No
Don't worry, the enemies in the forest are not hard at all, and should be dead within one complete Addition. In fact, I highly recommend you level up a couple of times before you move on. Talk to the merchant to learn about elements, items, and how to use items, and buy some items if you have any spare money (once you leave, he won't be back). Go to the right and back into the path to get an item (Healing Potion). Then head north and across the "bridge" to get another item (Charm Potion). The next scene is a maze, but not a hard one. At first there is only one path possible. The next part you have several choices. If you take the one directly below you, you will get to a chest and have another path to take, and if you take that one you will be directed back to the part with several choices. If you go across and down, you'll get to another chest (Burn Out). If you go across and up, you'll exit. In the next scene, you'll have a flashback. After the flashback, go down the "bridge". The next scene is the final scene in the forest. Go down to exit.
Hellena Prison
Recommended Level: 4
Stardust: 0
Items: 4
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes (only if you touch them)
Boss: Yes
On the path to Hellena, you'll notice a cart riding up to the prison. You'll hitch a ride if you follow it. In the gates to Hellena, a gatekeeper will come to inspect the load. As soon as the "!" mark appears, press X and don't wait unless you want to be spotted. Once you're in the prison, go to the northwest room to get an item (Burn Out). After that, return to the main area and head southwest, and the merchant will yell for a guard, and you'll enter combat. This dope is a cinch. After he's gone, you'll be able to buy items from the merchant. Exit at the bottom path. In Hellena you have the choice of whether or not you want to battle, but I recommend it because it builds up your addition and gives you experience points all to yourself (remember experience points are divided up among party members in this game). In the next screen, go to the right and go up the far right stairs (don't worry about the left path yet, it just leads to a broken elevator). At the next scene, climb the ladder by going up to it, pressing "X", and moving the control stick. Cross the bridge and go upstairs to the next scene. You'll be in a room with an elevator and a door, as well as a save point. Go into the door if you want to fight guards and get items (Leather Jacket, Angel's Prayer). Go up the elevator into the next part of the prison, the main prison cells.
After some shouting and confusion, you'll meet a soldier named Lavitz. Although you and him will face off, you won't fight...at least not each other. Some Hellena guards will come in and you'll team up to take them out. From now on, Lavitz will be in your party. You can explore the prisons to get items (Spark Net) if you'd like, but if you want to cut to the chase go back to the room with the elevator. When you get there, you'll have to face a warden. Beat his butt then take the elevator to the highest floor. Cross the bridge on the left and enter the room. Take the stairs above the grate. The key to Shana's cell is at the end of the small bridge, and is seen sparkling. Dart and Lavitz will talk, then Dart will pick up the key. Go back to the elevator area, then cross over to the right and open the door. Go to the left one screen and defeat the three guards who are guarding Shana's cell. After they're gone, the story will automatically advance a little bit. Shana will now be in your group. Again, if you wish, you can explore the prisons to get money. Go all the way back to the main entrance (go back down the elevators to the bottom floor and go right). The merchant is there if you need items. In the next scene, you will face fat Fruegel.
BOSS: Fruegel
Before you attack fatty Fruegel, you need to beat the two Wardens, then the two Senior Wardens. Keep in mind, though, that right before one Senior Warden is defeated, he'll attack one last time with a powerful spell that hits everyone. And as soon as you beat one Senior Warden, the other one's attack and defense increases. Have Shana use any attacking items on the Senior Wardens (Spark Nets work awesome) while Lavitz and Dart use Additions. After the minions are defeated, go after Fruegel. Be careful though: he'll power himself up. If you have any attacking items (like Burn Outs) left over, continue to have Shana use them while Dart and Lavitz use Additions. If you need to be healed, try to have Shana use the items, but if you run out, use "Guard". Fruegel has some pretty mean attacks, but if you've mastered your additions it shouldn't take very long and your reward is great.
After his defeat, Dart, Lavitz, and Shana will escape the prison.
The Prairie
Recommended Level: 5
Stardust: 0
Items: 1
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: No
The story will advance a little bit here, and Lavitz will be hit by an arrow. When you're in control of your character again, go to the lower left exit and enter the shack (if you go back to the previous scene to the right, there's a chest hidden beyond the big rock with gold in it). The story will advance a little bit more and Shana will care for Lavitz's wound. If you ever need to restore your HP, sit in the chair. (For some fun, go up to the horse and press "X".) Go back to the previous screen of the Prairie and take the upper left path. You'll see a river. Go back to the shack,and then take the upper left exit from there (to the left of the horse). You'll see a tree. Go back inside the shack and get the axe, then chop down the tree. It'll fall into the river, but don't worry about it. Go back to that main Prairie area and back to the river (if you're wondering, the upper right path leads to Seles, but you can't go there right now). The tree will fall in place and you'll be able to cross. Go to the next scene and talk to the family if you want to. Don't forget the treasure chest (Angel's Prayer)! Exit and head off to Limestone Cave.
Limestone Cave
Recommended Level: 6
Stardust: 0
Items: 13
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
As soon as you enter the cavern, to the left is an item (Detonate Rock), then go to the lower right path and jump down the rocks when the "!" mark appears. You'll get another item (Healing Potion). Jump back up the rocks and go left. This next scene is fun: Water slides! Use the Control Stick to navigate your path and an item (Bastard Sword). When you're done, exit at the bottom. In the next scene, hop across the stones to get items (Body Purifier, Total Vanishing), then exit at the bottom. In this next part you have several choices. Taking the uppermost path gets you gold (you'll reach that little creature later). If you take the middle path, you'll learn about Rock Fireflies (helpful little critters) and get some items (jump across the ledges, Angel's Prayer, Burn Out). If you take the bottom path, you'll go onto the next screen.
Remember that little rabbit-like thing you saw if you took the top path? Well, go directly north if you want to catch it and get and item (Poison Guard). Don't forget the other chest (Spark Net). After that or if you decide not to, go across the rock bridge and get the item (Charm Potion) and exit at the right. Go down the rocky stairs and enter the door. Save your game, get the chests (Bandana and Body Purifier) and weave your way to the exit at the top. Be prepared! You're about to enter a boss battle!
Boss: Urobolus
Make sure you have someone equipped with that Poison Guard! Start attacking the snake with Additions (don't use attacking items just yet!), and make sure you have some Body Purifiers because Urobolus has some attacks that can poison your characters (and make sure Shana uses them, not Dart or Lavitz because they should be attacking). After awhile, Urobolus will go to a higher position, and only Shana can attack him. If Lavitz or Dart need to recover, have them Guard, but if not then have them use any attacking items they have (however if you don't have any attacking items, use Guard anyway to prevent either of them from getting poisoned).
After his "defeat", a something strange will happen to Shana... after the scene, exit to the upper left and work your way north, but don't forget the money and an item (Healing Potion).
Recommended Level: 6-7
Stardust: 6
Items: 3
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: No
Boss: No
You have two main objectives in Bale: To talk with the King, and to visit Lavitz' mother. If you go in the first house on the left, though, a girl will paint Lavitz' portrait. Go to the path on your left, and then go north to Indels Castle. There are some items in the castle (Sparkle Arrow, Active Ring) and a couple Stardusts. Go up the main stairway to the third floor to meet the handsome King Albert. The story will progress a little from here and you'll get your next objective. When you are in control of Dart again, go outside to the balcony to find Shana. After a little talking, Lavitz will join you. Go into the King's chambers (upper right from the throne room) and find the fun slide and slide down (or you could just use the stairs....BORING!! Go use Albert's slide!). Go back to the village entrance, only go north to a small cul-de-sac (Slambert Plaza), and you'll find Lavitz house. The story will progress a bit from here. Go back to Lavitz' "treasure", and walk across the roof towards the barn. Once in the barn, walk across the beam but press "X" as soon as you see it, or else you'll fall off. Once you are all the way across, you'll get an item (Healing Breeze). When you are done exploring Bale, exit the town (you'll meet Martel) and go to Hoax.
Recommended Level: 6-7
Stardust: 2
Items: 2
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
In the central building, talk with Kaiser, Head of the Eighth Knighthood, and you'll learn what's happening. I certainly hope you've mastered your additions by now. Switch Dart and Lavitz' additions to the ones you are the best with. When you are in control of Dart, explore the town with Shana. In the town is are two items (Healing Potion and Angel's Prayer). When you are done exploring, speak with Lavitz again and the story will progress by itself for a bit and you'll fight some Sandora guards, and then a couple of bosses.
Boss: Sandora Elite
Save your attacking items. Though he has some pretty mean physical and magic attacks, this guy isn't too difficult as long as you've mastered your additions. He'll start with some physical attacks and then move on to some doppleganging magic. When he splits into three, only the real Elite will take damage. However, once he's defeated, don't get too cozy...
Boss: Kongol
This is the reason you need to master your additions. If you don't complete an Addition while attacking him, Kongol will do a nasty counter-attack. If you're still having trouble with additions, use some attacking items until you run out. After a while he'll put down his axe and attack with his fists. He'll also do an attack that strikes both Dart and Lavitz. Just do your best and don't freak out. Heal accordingly, and Guard if you have to.
After he's defeated, the story will progress more by itself, and you'll find yourself a new ally.
If you're new to this game, have Rose teach you the art of Dragoon fighting. You won't regret it. Also, you may want to put in Rose for Shana. Rose is much more powerful and besides, she's a Dragoon.
Recommended Level: 7-8
Stardust: 1
Items: 10 (5 acquired through the side quest)
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: No
As soon as you enter, you'll see a sign. If you want to, you can go northeast to the Seventh Fort and help out the guards there. You'll be a little late, but you do get experience, gold, items (Spirit Potion, Healing Potion, Lance, 2 Sun Rhapsodies), and the Stardust. Be warned that if you start the side quest, leave, and then come back, all the enemies will have returned. You'll get the Wargod's Amulet if you talk to one of the dying soldiers.
If you decide not to go to the fort, or after you've finished, go left up the tree branch and make your way across. You have to go up and around, then down, and then through the hole in the tree to get to the next screen. Once there, you can use the boat to get items. If you want the items, first select "get off boat". After you get the item (Spirit Potion) there and are back in the boat, select "move down", then "get off boat" and get the item (Burn Out). Back to the boat, select "move down". Next, "get off boat" and get the item (Body Purifier). Once in the boat again, select "move to the left". You'll enter a new screen where you get two items (Stun Guard, Magic Stone of Signet). Get in the boat, and select "move up" twice, then "move to the right" to get back to shore. What's with the fish, you ask? I have no clue... o.O
After you're done, go northwest. The story will carry on a little. In the next scene, go northwest again to exit the swamp and enter Volcano Villude.
Volcano Villude
Recommended Level: 8
Stardust: 0
Items: 3
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
After the intro and you're in control of your character again, go east into the next screen (don't forget the item, Spear Frost). Go up a little and hop across the ravine to get the item (Mind Purifier), then hop back and go north. Now you have two paths: to the right is an item (Panic Guard), to the left is the rest of the volcano. You'll see a man walking in the background, but you'll meet him later. Jump across and save your game. In the next scene is a lava pool with rocks. Shana will suddenly run away from your group. Jump across the rocks heading southwest to follow her. Oh boy, this next segment is fun...
Boss: Virage
Though only a mid-boss, the Virage's Laser Beam attack is deadly. Ignore the body and arm and go for the head, because once the head is gone, the other parts will be too. Use Rose's Astral Drain if you run out of healing items. The Virage isn't too difficult. Just finish your additions and your Dragoon Additions (which work great) and you'll be fine. The story will progress a little after you defeat the Virage.
Go back to the lava pool, this time go to the right exit. You'll meet Dabas (the man you saw earlier) and he'll give you an item. Be sure you're healed...the next scene is a boss battle!
Boss: Piton the Firebird
If you have any water-based attacking items, use them here. Whatever you do, don't use Dart's Dragoon Magic...it's fire-based and won't do very much damage to Piton. Piton is fast, and may attack twice in a row. Rose's Astral Drain is great, of course, and have Lavitz use Additions or healing items. Piton has a couple of deadly fire-based attacks. One attacks your entire party, and he'll also summon a couple of volcano balls to help him, but they only stick around for one attack. This battle can be a bit difficult, but just hang in there and attack and heal accordingly. You get the Red-Eye Stone when you win.
After the battle, you'll meet Dabas again, and he'll sell you some items and invite you to his shop in Lohan. If you need money, there's a chest with some next to him. You should buy some (particularly Body and Mind Purifiers)...this next part is a bit dangerous.
Dragon's Nest
Recommended Level: 9
Stardust: 0
Items: 5
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
Start off by going north. In the next scene, Shana will feel sick from the poison in the air and go up. Dart and the others will follow her and help her out. Remember that ugly plant, as you'll come back here later. When you have control of your character again, go right. Hop across the rocks and head down a few screens to get an item (Chain Mail). Then go back across the rocks and up and into the web. You'll fall into the heart of the Dragon's Nest. Down here is a pool of water that heals you. This is a good place to level up if you need to. Also, remember this pool, you'll come back here later.
From here, you can only go up. So go up. Then go right into the purple hole, and then left to get an item (Mind Purifier). Go back and go down, and work your way through the doors and you'll get to a mushroom. Go into the purple hole on the left to get an item (Bravery Amulet). Work your way back through the doors and climb the vine below the door to get to a mushroom and an item (Spirit Potion), and then go up a little ways to get another mushroom. Go down the purple hole on the left to get an item (Body Purifier). Work your way back to where the path first split and climb the vine at the top and go north. Save your game and prepare for battle!....did I say battle? ^_^
Boss: Greham and Feyrbrand
These guys are a deadly duo! Ok, I hope you go into this battle with your SP meter full. Transform into a Dragoon and use Dart's Addition and/or Magic, and Rose's Addition and/or Magic. Lavitz should use Additions. It doesn't really matter who you attack first, but whomever you chose, keep attacking him until he's dead (don't stop halfway and attack the other guy). Make sure you have Mind and Body Purifiers, since the Dragon can poison or fear your character. Greham has some deadly attacks, and Feyrbrand can up his attacking power. This battle can be rather long, but do the best you can. If you run out of healing items, use Rose's Astral Drain, or Guard.
Once the battle and scene are over, climb up that big web behind you and exit the area.
Recommended Level: 10-11
Stardust: 4
Items: 0
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: Yes (Hero Contest)
Boss: No
Lohan is a very confusing place with many of criss-crossing bridges and lots of doors. You can also go on the rooftops (though people will get mad if you run across them). However, once you first enter here, the story will progress by itself. Shana will be in the doctor's office and the doctor will explain the situation. It seems you need to find the Dragoni plant. Next go to Dabas' shop. It's in the area below the doctor's, the building at the farthest right (it has a blue door). He doesn't have a Dragoni plant, but he'll tell you where to get one. Exit the shop, go left across the bridge, and up a little until you get to the stairs, and go down them. You'll come across a merchant trying to sell a bottle. Haggle with him until you can get it for free. After you get the bottle, go back to the Dragon's Nest.
Jump down the Dragon's Nest hole and fill the bottle with that pure water. Go back up and jump across the rocks again. Now, remember where that ugly plant was? Go to it, and pour the water on it. Then proceed down the path the Shirley's Shrine.
Shirley's Shrine
Recommended Level: 11
Stardust: 0
Items: 2
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
The treasure chests here are all empty (but they do have funny messages). Go to the right and up. The story will progress a little here. In the next screen, you have a number of paths to take, as well as signs to read (if you want to). First go on the path to the right. In the bottom right corner of this screen, there's a sculpture that has healing properties. To the left of the sculpture is a statue and the sign "Statue facing left". Remember that. Go back to the previous screen. Go down to the farthest path on the left. Go to the right and turn the dial on the wall. Exit back to the previous screen, and you'll see a new path has opened. Enter into the newly opened door and go down to the gold statue and read the sign "Statue facing front". Remember that. Exit this screen, and then take the last path at the north end of the screen. Go up the stairs and you'll notice another dial. You can't do anything here yet. Go up the stairs on the right, then to the left and up more stairs. Open the chest and go for a ride (WHEEEE!!). You'll see three numbers. Remember them...all right, all right...the numbers are "3", "5", and "2". The ride ends at the entrance. Now, remember that dial at the north end of the area? Go back there. Enter the numbers "3", "5", and "2". You'll open up another path. Go to it. Ok, remember those statues and signs? Face the statues accordingly (The gold is front, the white is left). If you don't get it right, you'll slide down the stairs if you try to climb them. Save your game and walk to the platform ahead. Next up?
Boss: Drake
Be prepared: This battle isn't easy. He has several deadly attacks. His main attack is knife throwing, which isn't too bad, but he may attack a few times in a row. Use the Dragoon Special, and cast Rose Storm if you have it. He'll get out three bombs and put them in front of your characters. Though you can defeat the bombs, don't bother, because chances are they'll explode on you before you destroy them. They'll explode in three turns, so try to Guard before they explode to reduce damage. His other attack is a wire fence. You cannot attack Drake while he is behind the fence; you need to destroy the fence before you can attack him again (if you do try to attack Drake, you'll take damage). He'll also heal himself. Dragoon Magic is great (except Lavtiz' Wind Magic, since Drake is Wind-based). Also, use Pellets if you have any left. Hang in there...it's a long battle.
After this, the story will go on a little, then you'll face Shirley.
Boss: Shirley
Shirley isn't really a boss. Don't attack her, just guard, and answer her questions. Here are the answers:
"To protect those we love"
"To pursue the Black Monster"
"Of course, get revenge"
"That's not like you!"
"Shana needs me!"
"No matter what, I will go"
"Nothing but sacrifice"
After this, you'll get the White-Silver Dragoon Spirit. Go in the room behind Shirley and Drake to get some gold and two items (Healing Breeze, Demon Stiletto).
Return to Lohan.
Once in Lohan, return to the doctor's (the red door at the far-end of town on the bottom level) and give Shana the White-Silver Dragoon Spirit, and Shana will become the newest Dragoon. After this, go to where you bought the bottle from the merchant and head to the right, then north into the tent. Talk around and learn about the Hero Contest. I highly recommend equipping Dart with the Bandit's Ring so he can attack more frequently in the contest. Go to the desk and sign up for it.
You cannot use Dragoon mode in the Hero Contest. Here you'll meet your soon-to-be-ally, Haschel. After talking a little, tell the guy in front of the arena you're ready to fight (Do this for each round; also, you'll have full HP each round). Be prepared, the Contest is about to begin! (Even if you die during battle, events will occur and you'll somehow win.)
Round 1: Gorgaga
Gorgaga will use a poison attack straight up, so use a Body Purifier to heal yourself, then attack with Additions. He will also use the spell Dark Mist, which can be nasty. He is non-elemental and has about 170 HP.
Round 2: Serfius
Not difficult; he uses a spell that increases his attacks and defense for three rounds. He is fire-based and has about 200 HP.
Round 3: Danton
Do not attack him when he has his weapon down or else he'll counter. He is slow, but near the end of the battle he will dish out an attack that reduces your HP to 1. You can either finish him by completing an Addition or heal yourself first, then attack. He is earth-based and has about 220 HP.
Round 4: Atlow
He uses arrows and a fear attack. He's a bit harder then his predecessors since he is faster and can attack multiple times. He will heal himself though, and he also uses the Counter quite often. He is darkness-based and has about 230 HP.
Round 5: Lloyd
You cannot defeat Lloyd. If you try and attack, he'll always dodge, and magic items have no effect on him. Just guard against him the whole time, and the match will end automatically.
After the match, the story will go on a bit. Go to the entrance of the arena and after a bit of talking you'll have some time to spend with Shana. You need to do at least one mini-gamebefore moving on. When you're ready to leave, speak with Lavitz. On your way out of Lohan, a dying knight will tell Lavitz your next objective: To save King Albert. Go directly to Hellena. (Oh yeah, Haschel will join you now).
Return to Hellena
Recommended Level: 13
Stardust: 0
Items: 11
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
When you enter, go to the left of the horse in the stable. Remember that left path from before, that only lead to a broken elevator? You can go up there now. (The room before it houses the merchant.) You'll come to a room with lots of doors and elevators. Though your main goal is to reach the top floor, the other floors hold treasures. At the first stop, "Get off", and climb the ladder to get an item (Leather Armor). Next, go down the ladder and into the door, then proceed to the door on the far left and ride the elevator to get another item (Pandemonium). Then, go back to where the four doors are and go into the next one on the right, ride the elevator, and get an item (Thunderbolt). After you get the item, climb down on the firt black vine (they're kind of hidden, so look sharp) to get the item on the 'branch' (Silver Embroidered Vest). Go back to were the four doors were. Jump across the gap on the far right and enter the door to get to another item (Felt Hat), and follow the winding path to get the last item (Therapy Ring). After all of this, go back to the first elevator and ride it to the top floor. At the top floor you'll enter a familiar room (with a Healing Potion), this time surrounded by guards. But these losers won't fight you, because it's a trap.
After you fall down, you and the others will look for a way out. In the chest is an item (Sachet). Shana finds a crack in the wall. Inspect it to begin the fight.
BOSS: Jiango
Be warned: Jiango can confuse your party, and he has a nasty rock attack that hits everyone. It's best to save your magic and only attack with Additions since there's another battle coming up, but both Lavitz's and Dart's Dragoon magic work very well against him, as does any wind-based attacking item. (To put Jiango to sleep you can use the Satchet, but personally I'd save as many Satchets as you can for enemies such as the Red/Yellow/Blue/Rainbow Bird, 00 Parts, and Magic Jar.)
After the battle, go up the path, then left of the main hall. Along the way is an item (Healing Potion). Continue up the stairs. You'll probably be fighting a lot, but don't waste your Dragoon Mode or healing items. Right when you get outside, there's a save point and two items (Spear and Broad Sword). Save your game and go north to find fat Fruegel.
After a short scene, the battle will begin.
Boss: Fruegel, Guftas, and Rodriguez
Take out the fat man's pets first (Guftas is the dog, Rodriguez is the bird). It doesn't really matter which you attack first, just keep attacking until one is dead, then go after the other. Guftas can confuse your party, but Rodriguez has more deadly attacks. However, once the two are gone, the battle will be quite easy. Just use Dragoon Additions and Magic, heal accordingly, and you should be all set.
After the battle, a scene will take place. In short, Lloyd will kill Lavitz, and Albert will join your party.
After this, the group will meet in Seles, and Albert will explain what Lloyd was after. Your next destination is the Black Castle in Kazas.
Black Castle/Kazas
Recommended Level: 14-16
Stardust: 6
Items: 9
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: Yes (only if you touch them)
Boss: Yes
If you don't want to bother with items or talking to the villagers, head straight to the castle. Otherwise, there are items, shops, and an inn you can stay at. In the first house on the right, answer "Yeah" to Mercenary A's question to get 100G. Upstairs from here is an item (Attack Ball). In the second door on the right is another item (Twister Glaive). When you're done, go north. Since you can't enter the castle from the front gate, go northeast and you'll be in the slums. You can talk to more people here, but your main goal is to enter the house on the lowest floor on the left and find a boy named Popo. A bit of talking will take place, and he'll ask you three questions. The answers are actually said in the city by a middle-aged man in one of the griping rooms, but here they are:
"I cannot say which"
"Take care at home"
"To protect something"
When you're done, Popo will lead you to a secret entrance. Once you're out, you need to go to the other ledge. You can fight the guards only if you want to. Once you've climbed the ladder and are on the stairs, go down the path and into the castle.
Once you're in, head to the right and get the item (Spark Net). You'll come to an open place with two options (walkway or ladder). Take either one, since they lead to the same place. Go into the door at the right. You'll talk with two researchers, and you'll get the Purple oil that controls the elevators. You can use the white-yellow flame to heal yourself, but if you do, all the enemies will come back.
Your next objective is to get the Red, Blue, and Yellow Stones. First, go for the red one. In that same research room with the two researchers, take the elevator. You'll be in another research room; go left. You'll come to the trash room. Try to make it across the bridge before it collapses and without getting hit by the falling trashbags. If you're on it when it collapses (or if you get hit by the trash), you'll fall, but you'll get some items (Dark Mist and Trans Light). If you fall, climb back up the ladder and try again. Once you're across, open the chest to get the Red Stone.
Go back through the research room to the left, in the main area. Defeat the soldiers, then go up the elevator on the left side of the main area. You'll face some more guards, and then go into the next room on the right. There you'll meet Mr. Magi. After some talking and he turns into a dog, get the Blue Stone that's in the chest.
Go back to the main area and take the last elevator. Once you're on the second floor, you could go either left or right because the room loops, but find the next elevator. You'll probably come across a merchant, and in the door above the merchant is an item (Beast Fang). Once on the third floor, defeat the three guards. You'll then be able to get to the Great Commander's room, and he'll give you the Yellow Stone.
After this, go right, defeat the guards and the Sandora Elite, then go all the way into the far right elevator. In the chests are items (Spear Frost and Spirit Ring). Go back, take the other elevator down, and go right to get another item (Spinning Gale).
Return to the elevator that took you to the three guards and go up to the fourth floor, which has a chamber with a huge statue. Wind your way across the stairs so that you're in front of the statue, and put the stones in the altar. Go into the new door and up the elevator. Before you meet Doel, however, you have to defeat Kongol again.
Boss: Kongol
Kongol is tougher (he's wearing armor) and faster (he may attack twice in a row) this time, but he doesn't have any attacks that damage your entire party. Still, you MUST complete your additions or else he'll counter attack. One attack does a huge amount of damage...you'll know it when you see it. Although it's tough, it's not wise to waste your Dragoon mode on him, unless you plan to go back, use the white flame to heal yourself and fight your way to the top again. You can use healing items, though, because you can always go back and buy some more from the merchant on the second floor. If you use Albert, make sure he has the Twister Glaive equiped, as it does wind-damage and Kongol is earth-based. As always, the best way to beat him is to use complete additions and magic, guarding if necessary. It'll only be a long battle if you want it to be. After you defeat him, go back and save your game...this next battle is tough.
Boss: Emperor Doel
If you use Albert and have his Rose Storm, use it right away, but have your other two party members not be in Dragoon form unless you're having trouble. Rose's Astral Drain is always good. There are two phases to Emperor Doel. First, he'll attack as a human, and after about 800 points of damage, he'll change into a Dragoon...the Violet Dragoon, to be exact. This is where the battle gets tough. Have Albert use his Rose Storm again, and have Dart use his Dragoon Magic. Doel has some nasty Thunder-based attacks that hits everyone in your party. I hope you have a lot of healing items and some Angel Prayers as well. However, Doel may give you a break...he might raise a shield, and you can't attack him. Guard when he has his shield to recover and take 1/2 less damage, and recover with healing items. It's a long battle, but it's not impossible.
After this, you'll get some clues on your next destination and Haschel will get the Violet Dragoon Spirit. Congratulations on beating Disc One!
By this time in the game, you should have 20 Stardust and Dart should be around level 16 with everyone else either the same or a couple levels below.
Chapter 2: The Platinum Shadow
FletzRecommended Level: 16-17
Stardust: 7
Items: 2 (in castle)
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: No
Boss: Yes (Later)
You will start in the city of Fletz. Go to the bridge and a short scene will occur. You can enter the bar (the big building across the bridge and up the stairs) but it's not open yet. Go into uptown Fletz to trigger another scene. Talk to the guard. He won't let you in.
The Bar will be open now. Speak with the waitress, Kaffie. She'll recommend visiting Fester. Fester's house is on the upper left side of the bar. When you get in (Shana will get his attention), he'll tell you a story. When he's done, he'll have to leave, and you'll need a place to crash for the night. Across the bridge and to the lower left is Nello's house. He'll let you stay.
When you're done exploring Fletz, it's off to the Barrens.
Recommended Level: 16-17
Stardust: 0
Items: 2
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
Going through the Barrens is pretty straightforward. There is a cave to the right that gets you an item (Warrior's Dress), but other then that, go north. In the second screen, you'll have a battle.
Mini-Boss: Mappi
Take out the two bandits first, than go for Mappi. Mappi has a couple of deadly moves, one is instant death, and the other blocks your character from combating. Other then that, though, this battle should be fairly simple.
However, after this battle, Dart will lose his Dragoon Spirit. Thus, he cannot transform into a Dragoon. After the battle, take the top right exit (don't worry about the left exit yet). Go through the cave to get to the item (Recovery Ball). Proceed north and west to exit.
Recommended Level: 16-17
Stardust: 2
Items: 0
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: No
Boss: No
After a quick talk, a scene involving Lloyd and Wink will take place.
Go into the first house on the right and talk to Kate, and she will tell you about her fiancé Lynn. She'll give you a letter to take to his father, the mayor.
The Mayor's house is in the screen to the left, the big house. You have to walk up the stairs. Show the letter to the butler, and he'll let you visit the mayor.
After talking with the mayor and leaving his house, a scene will take place and you will have a new ally: Meru the dancer.
Go back to Fletz. You need the King's permission to enter the Valley of Corrupted Gravity.
Talk to the guard in front of the castle and he'll chase you away. Talk to Kaffie and Nello, but neither will help. Talk to Fester; he's in the item shop. Follow him uptown and talk to him again. Follow him home, and after the talk you'll be able to enter the castle.
Once in the castle, follow Fester to the Sun Chamber and the King will grant you permission. On your way out, the maid Libria will ask King Albert to speak with Princess Lisa. After you're done speaking with her, you'll be invited to dinner. After the odd dinner scene and some chitchat, you'll be escorted to the guest room. When morning comes, go to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity.
To get to the Valley, go to the Barrens. Remember where the path branches off? Go left.
Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Recommended Level: 17-18
Stardust: 0
Items: 5
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
This is one weird place and can be a bit confusing (so I apologize if these directions are a bit, well, confusing!). It has many paths that lead to items. You can jump on the rocks to get across gaps. If you jump on the second rock to the right to get the item (Sachet), it won't come back. You have to go down through a small open cave and you'll come across another rock that will lead you back to the beginning. You can jump on the rock to your left and go down to get a treasure (Speed Up), or go up to heal yourself with Rock Fireflies (this is another great place for experience). When you're done, go up to the little cavern with the yellowish light. This next scene is "fun".
In the next screen, you have several choices. First, press "X" when the "!" mark appears to climb up the tree trunk. A rock will come your way. Hop on it to go to the first island. There will be another rock on your left. Hop on it to go to the next island. Just keep rock hopping until you get to the top. When at the top and if you want to get the treasure that's at the lower right (Meteor Fall), hop back on the previous rock and it'll take you to a different island. Hop your way to the chest. When you're done, though, you'll have to start all over again from the bottom.
In the next screen - oh boy this is LOADS of fun - you'll notice little spots of light. First, go up to the right and hop on the rock. If you want to test out a spot of light, get off of the rock at the first stop and go on the spot of light, pressing "X" when the "!" mark appears. You'll be upside down (don't worry, if you run into an enemy, you won't have to fight it upside down ^_^). Don't bother going on that rock, you'll get nowhere, so instead go back on the spot of light and turn right side up. Go to the left until the "!" mark appears, and press "X". You'll have two choices. If you take the first stop, you'll be taken up one screen. Go up the island and to the left to get an item (Talisman). Go back down. If you take the second stop (or after you get the treasure chest) go to the light spot and flip upside down. On the left is a rock that will take you down. Once down on the island with two lights, down below is a rock that will lead you to another treasure (Knight Helm). Enter the other light spot (the one on the right). You'll have to flip a few times, but make it to the island with the small tree. The rock on the left will lead you back to the beginning, while the rock on the right will take you up one screen.
Once there, go left to the next rock. On the island is a save point. Make your way to the enemy by hopping on the rock below the save point.
Boss: Virage
Unlike the Virage in the volcano, this one has a full body. But still, this shouldn't be too difficult. You may want to destroy its left arm, though, because it has some pretty mean attacks (including instant death). Be warned, though, it will come back. Perhaps you should attack it with one character and have the other two go for the head (don't worry about the other parts of the Virage). Again, watch out for the nasty beam attack, as well as an attack that dishes out various abnormalities on your characters. Dragoon Additions work fabulously, but remember Dart can't transform into a Dragoon.
After this battle and another scene of talking, go up to the home of Gigantos.
Home of Gigantos
Recommended Level: 18-19
Stardust: 1
Items: 2
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
Ok, the first thing you'll probably notice is that you're showered with arrows. You can stop the shooting. Go into the building on the left. In the far left corner is a small sparkling. Touch the sparkling and when given choices, try pushing it. Go into the door closest to the right to get a treasure (Bandit's Ring). Go back outside and go up the stairs. When the bandits start shooting, run to the door, then run to the exit, and then run around until they give up. You'll face a Gangster and a couple of Crafty Thieves, but nothing too serious. Haschel will break down the door. In the next scene, Haschel will run away. Don't worry about the stairs on the left; they won't be of use to you for a long time. The chest contains an item (Angel's Prayer). Follow Haschel up the stairs and face the boss.
Boss: Gehrich and Mappi
Mappi's attacks haven't changed, although he may vanish for a few turns. However, sometimes he'll team up with his boss, Gehrich, for a dynamic attack. Defeat Mappi first. Remember that Dart cannot transform into a Dragoon, but Haschel and whoever your third party member is can. Gehrich and Mappi's physical attacks are nothing compared to your Dragoon attacks. This shouldn't be a long battle.
When it's over, there will be a scene and Kongol will be your newest party member.
After the scene, go downstairs and free Lynn, then find Dart's Dragoon Spirit in the bottom right corner (you'll see a sparkle and a "!" will appear).
Go back to Fletz, unless you want to go to Donau and watch the wedding. Also, if you want to, you can go to Lohan and talk to the guy who sold you the bottle to get Kongol's Dragoon Spirit. If you don't, you'll still get the Dragoon Spirit, but not until MUCH MUCH later in the game (like, near the end).
When in Fletz, go into the castle, but don't get caught by any of the guards (they're really bandits). You'll need to find Princess Lisa. She's in the tower at the right. Go outside to the balcony and enter the tower on the right while avoiding the bandits. When you meet her, you'll have to escort her to her sister's room on the left side, again while avoiding the bandits. Once inside her room, inspect the painting on the right and you'll find Princess Emille. Press the large sparkle on the wall to make a bridge, and then you'll free the princess. Now go to the Sun's Chamber inside the castle and down the center hallway. You'll now face the fake Princess Emille, who's actually the Wingly Lenus.
Boss: Lenus
No question about it: Lenus is tough. And fast. Go into this battle with your Spirit Points to the max (I highly recommend being at least a Level 3 Dragoon) and your HP full. Lenus is water-based, so you're lucky that Dart can transform into a Dragoon and use his Red-Eye Dragoon Magic, which is Fire-based and therefore can hurt the Wingly a great deal. However, make sure you have enough Sun Rhapsodies to refill Dart's MP. Bring along some healing items as well, since Lenus has deadly magic. This battle may take awhile, so be ready.
When you've beaten her, she'll escape and you'll have to chase her via the Queen Fury. After the talk, go back to Donau. Remember where you met Meru? Go straight past that spot down the path and board the ship.
Queen Fury and Ghost Ship
Recommended Level: 19-21
Stardust: 2
Items: 2
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: Yes (only if you touch them, and only on the Ghost Ship)
Boss: Yes
First off, there are no battles while on the Queen Fury. You'll first be in control of Shana and you need to find Dart, who's up the stairs in the headroom (where the sailors steer their ships). When you control Dart, go find Rose, who's directly above you in the crow's nest. When you're Rose, you need to find Haschel, whom you should have seen while looking for Dart. When you're Haschel, go find Kongol. He's down below in the broiler room (below Shana's location). Kongol will find Albert inside the ship in one of the guest rooms. Albert will find Meru bored to death in another guest room with bunk beds. Have Meru find Dart (he's in the same location) and have Dart speak with Rose again (she's in the same location as well). This will trigger a scene.
After the scene, go after Shana. You'll find her on the Ghost Ship. Now you'll be able to explore the area. If you need items, weapons, or rest, go to the left and hop on the Queen Fury. First, go into the room behind the stairs (captain's quarters) and watch the scene, then back out and step on the grate where you first found Shana. After the two scenes, go downstairs and into the first room. Go up the ladder, open the chest, and a purple Bogey will appear, but he'll run off and have you fight some skeletons. When this is over, go into the next room and repeat the process, this time you'll fight the Bogey along with skeletons. He'll scurry away after battle. Enter the last room and go to the top left chest. This time you'll fight three Bogeys. This shouldn't be a big battle. When you're done, go back to the captain's quarters at the top of the stairs.
There's also a "mini-game" you can play on the Ghost Ship, but I wouldn't bother with it. You see, if you go exit the Bogey Battle area and go to the top right, there will be a shiny object. If you touch it, four ghosts will appear and give you four numbers. Towards the entrance to the ship from the Queen Fury is a door that has a treasure chest in it and a combination. Three of the four numbers, when put in a certain order, will open the chest. Good luck if you decide to do this. If you fail after 10 tries, you'll have to fight a battle, and the combination will change so you'll have to go back to the ghosts and get four different numbers. If you do open the chest, it'll close again and change the combination. If you go back to the ghosts, you'll get four different numbers and have to do it again. You can get up to six items this way. However, the items are minor and it isn't really worth the frustration. The items are 100G for 1 try, Ultimate Wargod for 2 tries, Talisman for 3 tries, Magic Ego Bell for 4-5 tries, Stun Guard for 6-9 tries, and Panic Guard for 10 tries. And you can't cheat either...every time you reset the game, the combination changes.
Whatever you decide to do, when you're done, go to the captain's quarters. The captain's ghost will appear and talk to you. When he's done, get the key (the shiny object). Exit this area and go to the locked door near the grate where you first found Shana. Get the chest (Bravery Amulet) and then try to exit to the left, where you'll face a boss battle.
Boss: Ghost Knights
This battle can take a long time if you don't know what you're doing. In order to beat the ghosts, there's a certain twist: They must all die at the same time. How should you do this? Well, attack the four knights until they're "in the red" (a red arrow will appear above them) but NOT DEAD, then go for the Commander, and beat him until he's "in the red" but NOT DEAD. (NOTE: Depending on your level, Dragoon mode may be "too" powerful for the regular knights) Then use any all-enemy-attack items or magic (Dart's Explosion works great, as does the Dancing Ray item). If one is still hanging around (most likely this is the Commander), beat the crap out of him until he's down (this is where Trans Light works great). If you don't follow these directions, after a few rounds, the knights and commander will regenerate and attack. The ghosts have some pretty deadly attacks, so you should buy stuff from the item shop before you start this battle. Good luck!
After the battle, a scene takes place. Go into the next room, where there is a treasure chest (Dancing Dagger). Also, examine the cradle. After this, the Ghost Ship will sink and Rose and Dart will fall into the ocean. You'll be treated to an awesome movie. You'll be in control of your characters again in the town of Lidiera, but you'll only have Dart and Rose.
Recommended Level: 20-22
Stardust: 1
Items: 3 (2 in cave)
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes (in Undersea Cavern)
Boss: No
Basically the only thing you need to do in Lidiera is to agree to take Pete and his mom to the hospital in Fueno. You'll need to travel by boat to get around. In the chest towards the exit is an item (Healing Potion). Exit Lidiera and go through the cave. There is only one way to go. When the path ends, you'll be in the city of Fueno.
Recommended Level: 20-22
Stardust: 2
Items: 0
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: No
Boss: No
Look around Fueno for a while, but you can't enter the hotel yet. Go down to the lower level in the back and down another screen. You'll find the Queen Fury's second mate, Kayla, and she'll tell you everyone is staying in the hotel. On the way back, you'll see Meru. Follow her into the hotel, and once there and reunited, go upstairs to see Shana. When the scene is over, go back to the Queen Fury and Commander Puler will tell you what to do next. Go back to Lidiera.
Once in Lidiera again, you'll need to find the Mayor, who is south of Pete's house (on the ocean terrace). After a bit of talking (answer: "We need to see the monster."), he'll open up a small cavern to the north. Go back to Pete's house and jump on the stones that lead to the cave. Once in there, open the valve, which will lower the water in the cave you passed through to get to Fueno. There are a couple of items in the cave as well (Healing Rain, Healing Fog). Go back to the Undersea Cavern, and you'll notice another path has opened. Take the new path.
Undersea Cavern/Island of the Jailed Dragon (Prison Island, San Christ Islands)
Recommended Level: 20-22
Stardust: 0
Items: 7
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
In the chest is your first item (Attack Ball). Once you're in, you have quite a few options. To the immediate right is another chest (Jeweled Crown). If you go straight up the path to the left (not down and around), you'll come to the next scene and get another item (Recovery Ball). If you go down the hill and around, the path will branch off again. To the left is an item (Gushing Magma). To the right is another screen. If you go left, you'll enter another screen and get another item (Recovery Ball). If you go down the stairs on your right, you'll be able to ascend the staircase. To get the item (Burn Out), jump across the gap. Keep going up, and you'll get to an item (Attack Ball) and save point. When you're at the top, go straight to the Island of the Jailed Dragon and you'll meet Lenus again, only this time she's a bit different and has an ally (not Lloyd).
Boss: Lenus and Regole
That giant blue dragon is Regole. He can do a lot of damage with his water-based attacks, and it will particularly hurt Dart (who is fire-based). However, Dart can retaliate with his Dragoon Magic. His magic doesn't seem to hurt Lenus much, but it kills Regole. Lenus is now the Blue Sea Dragoon, so she has some dangerous water attacks as well. Both Lenus and Regole have magic attacks that attack your entire party. You should probably go for Regole first, but it doesn't matter too much. Both of them have around the same number of HP. You should have Dart's Final Burst by now, perhaps even his Red-Eye Dragon summon. If you do, use it. A couple of hits with that, along with some normal attacks with your other party members, should take care of Regole. Just stick with normal Additions or Dragoon Additions on Lenus. Use healing when necessary. This can be a long battle and you'll probably be close to death a couple of times, but hang in there.
When the battle is over, Meru will be the next Blue Sea Dragoon. Go back to Fletz via Queen Fury in Fueno. When asked by Commodore Puler, answer "A man of the sea, not bad" to get 100G. You'll dock in Donau, and have to walk the rest of the way.
Once in Fletz, the King will talk to you. Then Shana and Dart will be alone. After their talk, you need to find the rest of your party. Haschel and Meru are in the dining room, Albert is with Princess Emille, Kongol is in the training room with two items (Moon Serenade and Sun Rhapsody), and Rose is in the guest room. When you're all done, go visit Libria in the fitting room. The celebration will begin afterwards, and you'll have to find Shana, who's out on the balcony to the right and a cute scene follows.
Congratulations on beating Disc Two! You should have 35 Stardust by now, and Dart should be at least at level 22.
Chapter Three: Fate and Soul
FurniRecommended Level: 22-25
Stardust: 2
Items: 0
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: No
Boss: No
The first thing to do when entering the Water City is to get a boat or else you won't be able to go much of anywhere. Go up the stairs to the right, then to the path on the left. You'll come to a scene of hunters preparing to depart to kill Kamuy, a boy's pet wolf gone violent. When the scene is over, go up the stairs to the left. When you're in the inn, go left and down the stairs and get a boat license and a boat (either answer will get you the boat). With the boat, you can buy items and weapons and explore more of the town (the weapon shop is to the left below the inn, and the item shot is one screen down from the inn and to the left). When you're done, go to the upper right from the inn. Then go to the Mayor's house and learn more about Fa, Teo, and Kamuy. You'll be invited to dinner and some scenes will unfold.
The next day, exit to the right and go to the Evergreen Forest.
Evergreen Forest
Recommended Level: 22-25
Stardust: 0
Items: 4 (1 in tent)
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes (Optional)
Right away, the path splits. Go right to get an item (Destone Amulet), go left to the save point. Once at the save point, the path splits again. Go left to the exit and get an item (Body Purifier). Going right leads you to another screen. Once again, the path splits. If you don't want to fight Kamuy, go left. If you do, go right. If you go right, talk to Teo (and remember this location!) and a scene will take place. To the right is an item (Depetrifier), but you cannot take the far right path yet. When you're done, go back and take the left path. If you want to fight Kamuy, go up. If not, go down, up the stairs, and across to the left. Here, Meru and Rose will leave the party. Continue down to go to Deningrad.
Boss: Kamuy
Kamuy is one tough pup. He has a few nasty tricks up his fur. He has powerful moves that attacks a single ally and a devastating attack that hits your entire party. Also, try to keep your HP high, because sometimes Kamuy will attack several times in a row. Dragoon Mode is always good, as is complete additions. This battle can take a while, but remember it is OPTIONAL. When the battle is over, you can return to Furni to collect your reward (500G). Harris' house is in the middle. screen on the right.
Recommended Level: 23-25
Stardust: 5 (you can only get them after the Dragon destroys the town)
Items: 2 (in Crystal Palace)
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: No
Boss: No
You need to speak with Bishop Dille in Deningrad. He's in the temple to the right. He'll tell you about the Divine Tree. Next, you need to talk to the librarian (he's in the black and white at the far end of the church) and he'll open the library for you. The library is in the next screen down, across from the save point. In the library, you need to talk with the others in your group and gather information, then talk to Ute. A movie will take place. Follow him upstairs and talk to him again, and he'll tell you about the Black Monster with yet another movie.
The scene shifts to Rose, who's in Neet (Dart's birthplace). Go up and speak with Luanna and Setie. (Remember to come back here later for the Stardust, the directions are in the next section on the Evergreen Forest).
The next scene features Meru, who's in Wingly Forest. She'll talk to her friend Guaraha, and then go up onto a teleporter. Go to the right, but she'll be kicked out of town.
Another cinema shows.
You'll be back in Deningrad. Head towards the exit and reunite with Rose and, after a few more scenes, Meru. You'll be invited to the castle. Up the small set of stairs to the left is a chest with an item (Angel's Prayer). Up to the second floor, the first room on the left has an item (Holy Ankh). Go all the way up the stairs to the third floor to see Queen Theresa and learn more about the Divine Dragon. After the talk, find Shana. She's back in the Queen's chamber in the room to the right.
After another scene, Miranda will be the new White Silver Dragoon. Shana's stats are now Miranda's.
Return to Evergreen forest and to the location you first met Teo. If you don't remember, here are the directions: Go up to the next screen. Go to the right and exit to the right into the next screen. Go down and around and up to the little plateau. Take the north exit (note: if you want the Stardust in Neet, take the south exit and follow the path). You'll arrive in Wingly Forest.
Wingly Forest
Recommended Level: 23-26
Stardust: 2
Items: 0
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: No
Boss: No
The Ancestor wishes to speak with you. Go to the area with the tree and talk to the Wingly in the back, who will carry you up. Inside the tree are three sections. The first section contains a couple of Winglies, the second section has three teleporters, and the third section has Meru's parents. In the second section, towards the left, the teleporter/water puddle leads you out of the tree. There are two teleporters on the right. The higher one leads you to the weapon/items shop, Guaraha's room, and a monument dedicated to the Archangel (Meru will tell you about it). The lower teleporter will lead you to another room. Go into the blue/purple teleporter to the right to go into the higher room (which heals you) and exit. Talk to the Wingly outside to meet the Ancestor.
After you talk to him, he'll teleport you to the Forbidden Land.
Forbidden Land
Recommended Level: 23-26
Stardust: 0
Items: 4
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
There's only one path to take when you first enter here, so go up. In the next screen, go left to enter the mini-maze. The down path leads you to a treasure (Mind Purifier), and the right path leads you out. The next screen is simple: Go onto the teleporters and ride them until you get to the door with the blue-green light. You have a couple options here. The upper left teleporter will eventually lead you to an item (Dancer's Shoes). The right path leads to an exit. Go through the two teleporters and enter the door. Just work your way through the teleporters until you come to another door with a blue-green light. On the other side you'll come to an area that looks like a coliseum. Go to the northeast and enter the door, then work your way to the top. You'll then come to a place with a save point, a pink healing circle (great place to level up!), and several options. Both paths will eventually lead you to the same place.
Option 1, Path to the North: You'll come to a room with six statues and you'll have to enter a certain order to proceed. Use the sequence below, in numerical order.
This means that the Virage is first, the Gigantos second, the Minitos third, the Dragons fourth, the Humans fifth, and the Winglies sixth. Once you've entered the correct order, go into the teleporter, than follow the other teleporters down until you get to the Virage.
Boss: Virage
You cannot defeat this Virage. Just guard against everything it throws at you, and heal accordingly. After ten rounds (you'll see a "Lives remaining" countdown), the Virage will shoot its killer beam (about 1000 damage if you don't guard!), and then die. You'll be victorious if you just guard the entire time (provided you're still alive after the beam attack, of course). When you're done, go into the blue-green door at the back. You'll come to a spiral staircase. Go down and into the door at the middle section.
Option 2, Green Teleporter: You'll go down one level, then head up into the door. You'll come into a room filled with Spinningheads. Here's how this room works: There are five red discs and five Spinningheads. You cannot defeat the Spinningheads by merely fighting them. The only way to "truly" defeat the Spinningheads is to destroy the red discs by driving your sword in them (press "X" when the "!" appears, and the red disc will turn blue). Be quick though...these buggers are pretty nimble. Once all five red discs are destroyed, the green door at the top will be unlocked. Enter it.
In the next room, the first rock you jump on stops at several places. If you want to go straight to the boss, wait until the rock is at the very bottom, then go across and jump on the other rock. If you want to get an item (Power Up), jump on the rock and get off at the second stop. Get on the rock again and get off at the first stop, and you'll jump onto another rock. You'll come to another platform, so jump off onto it. Go to the right and jump on the rock, which will go down one level. Jump off, than jump on the rock directly below it, which will do the same thing. Down a bit are two rocks. Press "X" immediately when the "!" appears or else you'll have to start all over. When successful, you'll get an item (Mind Crush). Jump on the rock and let it drop to the lower level. Go to the right and hop on the rock that will take you to the door. You'll come to a room with a spiral walkway. Go up halfway and enter the door.
Boss: Grand Jewel
You cannot use Dragoon Mode here (unless you use it for only one round), so try not to enter this battle with any SP. Grand Jewel uses a deadly light-based attack called Spectral Flash, which attacks your entire party. It's worst attack, however, is probably its Level Decrease...which, as the name implies, will decrease your level in incriments of five! (But it'll also increase them near the end of the battle, so when Grand Jewel gives you back your levels, you're almost done...and even if it doesn't give you back all your levels, the effect isn't permanent). The Grand Jewel will also heal itself. If you use Dragoon Mode for more then one round, Grand Jewel will immediately use the Dragon Block Staff, and your stats as a Dragoon will greatly decrease and you'll almost certainly die. So the key rule in this battle is to only use Dragoon Mode for one round. It's a long, hard battle, but not impossible. Be sure to have plenty of healing items and a few Angel Prayers on hand, because you'll most definitely need them.
After the battle, exit to the right and make your way back to the entrance. After a short scene, you'll be back in Deningrad. A cinema will show. Follow Miranda to the palace and more scenes will take place. Your next stop will be to the Mountain of Mortal Dragon. To get there, go back to the Evergreen Forest. Go up, then to the right and down the stairs. Go left to the guard at the tent with the treasure chest inside (Mind Purifier), and he'll let you pass to the Mountain.
The Mountain of Mortal Dragon
Recommended Level: 24-27
Stardust: 0
Items: 7
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
When you first enter, take the only path you can. In the second screen is an item (Attack Ball). In the third screen, the road will split. Going right leads you to an item (Mind Purifier). Going left goes to a cave. Go down the path in the cave. The next screen will have several exits. There is a cave right above and below the cave you just exited that will both take you to items (Healing Breeze at the top, Giganto Armor at the bottom). Go to the northernmost exit and down the cave where there's an item (Dragon Helm), then up and around to the next screen. Go up the path, and you'll come to a save point and an item (Total Vanishing). Up ahead in the next screen is and item (Body Purifier), and after that the Divine Dragon.
Boss: Divine Dragon
This is one tough battle. Dragoon Mode is completely useless here, since Dart will use the Dragon Block Staff right away. However, if you use Albert, have him transform for ONE round to do Rose Storm. Other then that, do NOT transform at all! If you do, you will surely perish. (Even if you wanted to transform for only "one round", your physical and magical attacks will do very little damage.) The Divine Dragon has several nasty attacks: His Divine Dragon Canon (hits two targets; one gets 100% damange and the other 50% damage) and the Divine Dragon Ball (which hits all targets). You can destroy the Ball and the Canon if you wish, but if you just go for the Dragon itself, when you defeat it, the other parts will be gone as well. This will not be a short nor easy battle. Be sure to equip your strongest Additions (not the ones that give you the most SP) and take along a lot of healing items and Angel Prayers. This battle is about brute strength, endurance, and nothing else.
When you're done, a lengthy scene will take place and you'll have to chase Lloyd down the mountain, and then you need to go back to the Crystal Palace in Deningrad. On the way back, another scene involving Lloyd and Wink will show. You'll learn about Lloyd and the Queen, and then your next stop will be the Kashua Glacier.
Kashua Glacier
Recommended Level: 27-30
Stardust: 0
Items: 13 (2 acquired through the Vanishing Stone)
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
Once you enter, you'll see an item (Thunderbolt). Follow the winding path upwards and take the right path to get another item (Heat Blade) and the left path to continue. Equip the Heat Blade to Dart, even if it lowers his stats. Why? Because most enemies here are Water-based, and the Heat Blade will hurt them tremendously. Go up the path and take the exit to the right of the sign. You can't go up the left path yet; Miranda won't let you (but there is an item (Heavy Mace) below it, you can get that). The path to the upper right leads to an item (Meteor Fall). In the next scene are the Peddler Brothers Cuarto (who sells items) and Segundo (who sells weapons) and an item (Gushing Magma). In the next scene you get to slide down icicles. Go down the first icicle. Taking the following icicle on the left leads you to an item (Dancing Ray), and going down the right one takes you further down. When you get to two more icicles, the one on the right leads you to an item (Phoenix Plume), and the one on the left takes you to the save point at the bottom. Before you go up the ramp in the next scene, go under it and to the right to get an item (Fatal Blizzard). If you go up the ramp, you'll fight Windigo.
Boss: Windigo
This guy isn't too tough, but don't underestimate him. Use Dart's Dragoon Magic. Being a water-based enemy, his fire magic does massive damage. Windigo may capture a member of your party, and if he does, do NOT attack him, because you'll also attack your pal as well. Windigo will call for two Snow Cannons (which will attack at the same time), so take them out if you can't attack Windigo himself. Every now and then an option of Windigo's Heart will appear. Don't bother attacking the heart. This battle shouldn't take too long.
When you're done, the path to the left leads to a treasure (Black Rain). After that, go north. In the next screen, continue going north. Get the item (Rave Twister), and then go into the green light at the left. There will also be an item (Spirit Ring). Next, you'll come to a weird room with circles and portals. The easiest way to explain the path is to pretend each circle is a clock, and there are green portals on several of the "numbers of the clock". To find Lloyd, take the portal that points to 4 O'clock (first right), then take the portal that points to 2 O' clock (furthest right). In the next room, get the item (Mage Ring) and take the teleporter. Take the only other portal, then the one that points to 11 O'clock (the one to the left). Save your game and go into the green door in the center.
Boss: Lloyd
Lloyd, in short, is a bully. He has dangerous attacks that can kill you in one hit, and his Dragon Buster Sword can kill Dragoons in one hit, so be sure not to be a Dragoon for very long. He has a mean magic attack that hits everyone in your party. Lloyd can also avoid your attacks and taunt you. Try to take along some healing items that cure your entire party since it'll save you time and more often Lloyd WILL attack the entire party. However, if you use your strongest Additions, you should do mega damage. This battle is long and on the hard side, but not impossible.
When you're done, a scene will unfold and you'll go back to the entrance of the portal area and learn something bad. Remember that path to the left of the sign you couldn't take before because of Miranda? Now you can go there. It'll lead to the Snowfield and Fort Magrad in the small snowy country of Gloriano.
Optional Boss: Faust
You cannot get to Faust until after you have collected all 50 Stardust and met Martel in Rouge on Disc 4. However, Faust is here in the lower regions of Kashua Glacier.
Go back to the screen before you met Lloyd (with the save point) and enter the green portal on the right. You'll enter a room with a chest (Therapy Ring) and a portal; take the portal. Whichever path you take from here, you'll be lead to a new room. The easiest way to explain the path is to pretend each circle is a clock, and there are green portals on several of the "numbers of the clock". In the first "clock", take either of the portals. The following path works for either of the portals: 8 O'clock, 4 O'clock, 11 O'clock, and 7 O'clock. You'll come into a new room with a save point and a chest (Dragon Helm) and three portals at 3 O'clock, 6 O'clock, and 9 O'clock. Go into the 9 O'clock one, then follow the path of: 2 O'clock and 8 O'clock. You'll come into a new room, but the bridge will collapse. Go back to the room with the save point. Next, enter the one at 6 O'clock. Go into the one at 6 O'clock and then 4 O'clock. You'll come to that same room, and the other bridge will collapse. Go back to the room with the save point, and enter the 6 O'clock one again. This time, the path is 6 O'clock, 10 O'clock, 11 O'clock, 1 O'clock. You'll be back in that room, and the last bridge will collapse. Time to fight Faust!
In short, Faust is a killer. Be AT LEAST at level 35 with all your characters BEFORE you fight him, and master the FINAL addition because it's the most powerful. Also, try to buy an Angel Scarf and/or Phantom Shield and equip it both of them to your party members (you can get both in Lohan, but they're VERY expensive) because these will reduce the damage from his magic attacks, and Faust attacks with only magic, and is very fast. This is a very long, very hard battle (probably the hardest in the game), but not impossible, and Dragoon Mode is a must since it increases your defense. Take along lots of healing items and Angel Prayers. If you're well into the battle, though, and one of your allies dies, it might be best just to leave him/her dead, and then have one of your other party members attack while the third heals. This is what happened to me, and it was actually kind of easy after that. You will be well rewarded after the battle by receiving a Phantom Shield, a ton of experience points, money, and items (Magical Hat, Holy Ankh, Dancer's Ring). Good luck!!
Snowfield/Fort Magrad
Recommended Level: 27-30
Stardust: 0
Items: 10 (5 in Snowfield, 5 in Fort Magrad)
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes (optional)
When you first enter, you'll go into a cave and Lloyd will tell you a story. To the right of the cave is a treasure (Burn Out). To the left is the exit. If you continue going north, you'll go to Vellweb. To the left side of this screen near the sign are slides that lead you to treasures. If you slide down the left side (that is, YOUR left side, not Dart's) of the sign, press the "X" button on the first, third, and fourth "!" mark (Magic Shield). If you slide down on the right side, press the "X" button on the second and fourth "!" mark (Dancer's Ring). When you fall to the bottom, press the "X" button or else Dart will land on his butt (which is kind of funny, so you may want to do it for the heck of it). If you want to go back and get the other treasure, climb up the stairs to the right and weave your way to the top (there's also a couple items (Burning Wave, Gushing Magma) up this path). While at the bottom, you'll notice a green sign, which Rose will interpret.
OPTIONAL: Go north of the sign to get to Fort Magrad. Go down the stairs and into the arch, to the left of which is an item (Midnight Terror). Go down to the save point and get the two chests (Stunning Hammer and Poison Needle), then onto the platform to fight the Polter Armor.
Polter Armor is kind of tough, and will attack several times in a row. There are three parts to it: the Helmet, the Sword, and the Armor. They all need to be destroyed. Go after the Armor or the Sword first, but whatever you choose, keep slashing at it until it's gone, then go after the other one. I went after the Armor first because it had the more deadly magic attacks. However, the Sword has an instant death attack (and will usually use it right before it dies). After these two parts are gone, though, the Helmet is really no threat. Using Dragoon Mode in this battle is good. When the Polter Armor is gone, you get the infinite Smoke Ball and the Soul Eater. (This is Dart's most powerful weapon. However, each time you use it you lose HP. If you want to use this weapon without losing any HP, equip the Therapy Ring on Dart along with the sword. You can also get the Soul Eater from the Human Hunters in Mayfil, but they're a very rare enemy and getting the item is even rarer.)
When you're done, get the chests (Armor of Yore and Panic Bell) or if you choose not to tangle with the Polter Armor, go to Vellweb.
Recommended Level: 27-30
Stardust: 1
Items: 3
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes (Optional)
When you first enter, there's only one path to take. In the next screen, go up the stairs to the left. If you take the arched doorway in the next screen, you get an item (Attack Ball). Continue left (you'll see merchants below you). In the next screen, take the path below to get to Peddler Brothers Primero (who sells weapons) and Tercero (who sells items). Back to the previous scene, and you'll trigger a sequence. In the next scene is a save point, and you'll also meet Shirley. She'll tell you about the undead Dragoons whose spirits you need to set free, but you can't do that now. Go up to save your game (in the doorway next to this save point is the entrance to wear the Dragoons are, and though you can enter the area you cannot fight them yet). Around this area is a good place to level up, since Shirley's healing powers are there. Go down to the left, then down the stairs and into the doorway across the bridge. Go down the stairs. There's nothing out that first door. Continue going down. The second door will lead you to an item (Rose's Hair band). Continue down the stairs. Going into the fourth door gives you another item (Spirit Potion), and the third door leads you to your destination.
After the next lengthy scene, you will have completed disc 3. Congratulations! You should have 46 Stardust now, and Dart should be at least level 27.
Optional Bosses: Dragoons
You can't get to this part until you've met Coolon on disc three, and this is only optional. These are the Dragoons Shirley spoke of. You'll find them in that tower (there is also a Stardust piece here). There is no order in which you have to defeat them.
Syuveil (first room on left)
Syuveil is the old Jade Dragoon. Earth magic is his worst enemy, but Meru's magic seems to work well too. He uses magic quite a bit, and he'll also summon his Jade Dragon. Overall, he isn't too difficult, and, compared to some of the other Dragoons, his physical attacks are a bit on the weak side.
Kanzas (first room on right)
Kanzas, the ex-Violet Dragoon, is tough. Both his magic and physical attacks are powerful (Thunder God is a killer). Since he's thunder-based, he doesn't have a weak spot. He's probably the hardest of the Dragoons, but he's surprisingly weak against physical attacks. He's fast and may attack several times in a row. He'll also summon the Violet Dragon to attack. Be ready for this one!
Belzac (second room on right)
Belzac, the Golden Dragoon from long ago, has the highest HP out of all the Dragoons. He's tough, and he'll summon the Golden Dragoon at least once. His magic isn't too powerful (though it does attack the entire party), and Wind Magic is his weak spot (in fact, all magic against him works great). His physical attacks are strong, though, so be prepared to heal.
Damia (third room on left)
Damia, the ancient Blue Sea Dragoon, is the easiest of the Dragoons. However, she does have very powerful magic, and is fast. But she has the lowest HP and weakest physical and Dart's Fire Magic can really hurt her! You may even defeat her before she summons the Blue Sea Dragon.
After you defeat each of the Dragoons, you get their respective stones.
Chapter 4: Moon and Fate
Death FrontierRecommended Level: 27-31
Stardust: 0
Items: 10
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: No
Death Frontier is nothing but a huge maze. The only time you'll fight is if you run into enemies (which will probably happen, but you can outrun most of the enemies here). This is a good place to level up since there are three healing springs. Once you're there, you'll notice a cave to the lower left. Down there are two treasure chests and a spring (that heals), but you can't get to them. Go back up the cave and south.
No-Nonsense Route
For those of you who want to just LEAVE the Death Frontier and not bother with treasures, here's the easiest way: Right, Down, Down, Down, Right, Up, Right, (first oasis) Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Up, (second oasis) Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, and Up into the world map.
Treasure in Cave 1
First Chest: Left, Down, Down, Down into sand whirlpool (Healing Rain)
Second Chest: Left, Down, Right into sand whirlpool (Moon Serenade)
Healing Spring: Right, Down, Down, Down, Left into sand whirlpool
Treasure on Surface 1:
First Chest: Right, Down, Down, Left, Up (Healing Breeze)
Second Chest: Left, Down, Down, Right, Down, Left (Healing Fog)
Treasure in Cave 2 (starting from the first screen Up after the first oasis)
First Chest, plus Chest in open: - Left, Up, Up, Right into sand whirlpool (don't forget the white chest in the open in the same screen - Power Down) (Sun Rhapsody)
Second Chest: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left into sand whirlpool (Recovery Ball)
Third Chest: Right, Up, Left, Up, Up. This leads you to a new area with another oasis. From here, go Right, Up, and Up into the sand whirlpool. (Bandit's Shoes)
Treasure on Surface 2 (starting from first screen Up after first oasis)
First Chest: Right, Right, Down, Down (Gladius)
Treasure on Surface 3 (starting from first screen Up after second oasis)
First Chest: Left, Up, Up, Right, Right (Healing Potion)
Recommended Level: 28-31
Stardust: 3
Items: 2
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: No
Boss: No
Grab the item (Sun Rhapsody) in the chest before you warp to Ulara. After you meet Caron, go northeast. You'll come to two paths. Go up to get to a save point. There will also be a bed of roses which Miranda will comment on. To the left of this screen is the weapon shop, and, at first, the woman in the same room sells items (later she'll be below the weapon shop; take the portal to the left of the guy selling weapons). If you go right, there will be two more paths. The portal below leads to the bar (which isn't open yet), and the path to the north leads to a patch of piranha plants. You'll speak with Miata and a young man there will tell you of Melbu Frahma and Faust. Go left from there and speak with Charle Frahma, who gives a long talk. When you're done, you'll have to find your other companions. You're in control of Dart. (Upstairs in Charle's house is an item, Moon Serenade) When he's at the patch of piranha plants, Rose will walk in on him. When you're in control of the two again, go to the bar. Miranda and Haschel are there. After your drink, you'll find Kongol and Albert in the weapon shop. When you're done, go to where you first entered Ulara. Meru will be there. She won't join you unless you have the others in your party first. The next morning, return to the entrance, and the Winglies will see you off.
The path you take will lead you to the Land of Gigantos. You need to make your way back to Fletz.
Once you're in Fletz, return to the castle, and you'll learn about the dock for the Queen Fury. Go on board the Queen Fury and sail to Rouge. This time, expect a couple of battles on the ship, but nothing too difficult.
Recommended Level: 29-32
Stardust: 1
Items: 2
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: No
Boss: No
When you arrive in Rouge, go up the ladders to the left and speak with the mayor inside the hut. After the talk, go to the ladder on the right and climb down it to get to a path with an item (Satori Vest). Go back up the ladders to the mayor's lounge. If you go to the exit on the bottom right, you'll get another item (Wargod's Calling). The exit at the center bottom leads you through a small jungle and to a platform. You'll see the "stick" and talk with Rose. As you go to leave, there will be a cut scene of a man and a few creatures watching you. Aglis will then pop up from the sea. NOTE IF YOU'VE BEEN COLLECTING STARDUST: In the hut, go to the north exit. You'll see Martel and her daughter. Go up again and to the left. In the next room is a box with 100G, and next to that is your final Stardust. Return to Martel and give it to her. If you've collected all 50 Stardust, she'll give you the Vanishing Stone, which is needed to fight Faust.
To get to Aglis, go into the boat that first brought you to Rouge.
Recommended Level: 29-32
Stardust: 0
Items: 10
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
Prepare to do a lot of battling in Aglis. In the first screen, there is only one way to go. Take the portals. You'll find yourself at the lower level. In the next room there is a creature, a door to the left (you can't enter) and a path to the northeast. In the next screen, take the first portal and get the item (Burn Out). Take the next portal to the second treasure chest (Gushing Magma), where you have two choices: Taking the portal or the path behind the portal. If you take the portal, you'll come to more portals, which will eventually lead you to two treasure chests (Magical Hat, Moon Serenade). If you take the path behind that first portal, continue going through the one-way portals and you'll come into a strange room with two creatures, and a treasure chest (Angel's Prayer) to the left. After talking with the two creatures, go to the upper right to proceed.
After you take the first portal, you'll have three choices. The portal in the middle leads you up to a treasure chest (Sun Rhapsody) and another portal, that which leads you down below to where you had three choices. Your only choice left, then, is to take the portal to the far left. Take the other one-way portals and come into a strange room with a camera-like beam. Exit to the room on the upper left.
Take the only portal. The next part has two paths: The right leads you to an item (Healing Fog) the left is another portal. After taking the portal, you're led to another one-way portal, and then the exit. After taking the first teleporter, you have four choices. The bottom right teleporter leads you to the far left, and then the next portal brings you to a path that leads to another item (Healing Rain). The teleporter on the left and the teleporter up are connected. The teleporter to the upper right leads you to a new room, where you'll meet Savan and take his tests.
Here are the answers to Savan's tests.
Kongol: Take Doel's Sword
Miranda: "For the world", "I cannot die yet"
Albert: "I...cannot do that"
Meru: "I still cannot die!"
Haschel: "I couldn't stop her"
Rose: No test
Dart: "I will save Shana no matter what!"
After the tests, go to the left. In the next room, after the first portal, you have two more choices. The first portal leads you to the platform on the upper left, which has one portal that leads you to the bottom platform. The second portal takes you immediately to the bottom platform. On this bottom platform, take the portal to the bottom left. This will lead you to the exit. In other words, any combination of the portals here will eventually lead you to the exit.
In this next room, the Psychedelic Bomb is made, and, depending on how you did on the tests, you may get the Psychedelic Bomb X, which is repeating (though you can only use it once per battle). If you didn't do so hot (I don't know why you wouldn't, given the answers are right above you), you'll just get the Psychedelic Bomb, which can only be used once. Exit at the bottom.
After taking the first portal in the next room, you'll come to some gold and a second portal. Taking the second portal brings you to yet another item (Healing Breeze) and a third portal. Taking the third portal leads you to a save point and, in the next room, a boss.
Boss: Last Kraken
The easiest way to take out this guy is to use Dragoon Special right away. Have Dart use his fire magic, which hurts Kraken big-time! So be sure to have plenty of Sun Rhapsodies for this battle. Kraken will also summon two Cleones to the battle. When he does, you can use the Psychedelic Bomb X (if you just have the Psychedelic Bomb, though, you may want to save it). You can either attack Kraken or the Cleones, it doesn't matter. The Cleones have an attack that instantly kills them, but hurts you in the process. But if you defeat Kraken before the Cleones, the Cleones will still have to be destroyed. This battle shouldn't be too hard if you're at the recommended levels.
After the battle, you need to go all the way back to that one place where the door was shut tight (it's near the beginning). The room will be open and lead you to Zenebatos.
Recommended Level: 31-33
Stardust: 0
Items: 9
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
After you meet Coolon, who will fly you to several places in Endiness (in case you missed a Stardust, want to go back to Vellweb to fight the Dragoons, or the like), go to the green portal. It will take you up one level and you'll speak with Lapto Guide 00. Remember the Code Article highlighted in red (703). Go back down and exit to the right, and you'll be in the Flying Disc Station. There is a save point and Guide Lapto 04. He'll ask you if you want to go to the Law Factory, Law Launcher, and Legislation Center. If you choose "Law Factory", you'll come to an item and weapon store. However, your first goal is to go to the Legislation Center.
In the Legislation Center are one-way portals and doors, and two treasure chests (Frozen Jet on top, Burning Wave in middle), guarded by Laptos. If you're caught by one of the Laptos, you'll be sent to a prison, but Kongol will break you out of it. You'll also have access to two treasure chests (Flash Hall). Take the disc that's to the upper left, and you'll be back to square one. The key to avoiding the guards is to use the doors. Have one guard chase you to a door, then enter the door. You'll be at the other side, away from the guard and closer to the next portal.
If you don't get caught by guards, you'll eventually come to the Legislation Council. You have to wait in line for your turn. When it is your turn, you'll be asked if it is a bill. Answer "No". You will then be asked if it is a law. Answer "Yes". Enter the article number "7" "0" "3". Next, return to the Flying Disc Station, speak with Guide Lapto 46, and go to the Law Factory.
You'll enter another room with guarding Laptos, one-way teleporters, three treasure chests (Spectral Flash at top, Night Raid in middle, Rainbow Dress at bottom), and one-way doors. Again, the key to getting past the guards is to use the doors to your advantage (except with the last portal. After you materialize, WAIT until the guard passes you on the right, than dash for the portal).
When you're in the Law Factory, speak with Guide Lapto 64. He'll ask for the Law Production License. After you give it to him, he'll give you the Law Launching License. Return to the Flying Disc Station, speak with Guide Lapto 55, and go to the Law Launcher.
Here is yet another section filled with portals, one way doors, and three treasure chests (Down Burst on bottom, Spirit Cloak on top, Gravity Grabber in middle). You still need to avoid the guards, and, as usual, use the doors to your advantage.
In the next area, there is a flying disc to your left. Step on it and wait until you're taken to Lapto 17. He'll ask you for your Law Launching License. After this, go all the way back to the Flying Disc Station and speak with Guide Lapto 28 and go to Teleporting Device, Etc. Go back to where Coolon is, and take that green portal to Guide Lapto 00. He'll take you to the Great Court (with a save point) and Signet Sphere.
Take the stairs to the right, save your game, and you'll have to confront a boss...well, three bosses.
BOSS: Kubila, Vector, Selebus
Fighting these guys is a bit tricky at first, but just concentrate on one of these losers at a time. Use the Dragoon Special right away, or use the Psychedelic Bomb X if you have it. Go for Selebus first, since she heals the other two, petrifies you, and has the fewest HP. Next, go for Kubila, since he is the strongest and has some deadly attacks, one of which is instant death. Also, he'll also use "instant death" on one of your allies before he dies. Revive the unlucky one, then go after Vector (even though he's huge, isn't very strong).
After the battle, there will be a scene. You need to go back and change yet another law, this time the number is 410 (which will allow you to teleport to Mayfil). So, go to the Legislation Center and when asked if it is a revision of the law again, answer, "Yes", then put in the numbers "4" "1" "0". Take the Law Production License to the Law Factory, and then take the Law Launching License to the Law Launcher. Go back to where you first warped to Zenebatos, and this time select "Mayfil".
If you want to, you can also turn off the guards by revising the law "659", and turn off the monsters by revising the law "666". However, each time you revise a law you have to go through the entire process all over again.
Recommended Level: 33-37
Stardust: 0
Items: 9
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
When you enter, go up to the right and teleport to the door below. In the next room is the soul of Feybrand. You can fight him only if you choose.
The next room is filled with teleporters and invisible bridges that appear when you approach them. After the first teleport, go up and a bridge will appear that leads you to a chest (Poison Guard). (There's also a chest to the lower left, but you can't get it yet). To the left AND right of the chest are other bridges that lead to other portals. These portals will lead you to different screens screen and to more items (to the left, Stun Guard, to the right, Panic Guard and Protector). Go back to where the first bridge was, only go to the right. The next teleporter will lead you to another room.
In this room is the soul of Regole. You can fight him only if you choose.
In the next room, after the first teleporter, is a bridge that leads up. If you take it, it'll lead you back to the previous screen with the bridges and portals, and you'll get that chest that was to the lower left you couldn't get before (Active Ring). Go back to the first bridge, and head right onto the teleporter. In the next room is the soul of the Divine Dragon. You can fight him only if you choose.
NOTE: If you defeat Zackwell BEFORE you fight the Dragon souls, the souls will disappear, and you'll only get the Destone Amulet left by the Divine Dragon.
In the next room is a save point and only one path (this is where you got that chest above). It leads you to a room where sparks fly from the bottom and hit a screen. Some of the sparks turn red. To get across, you have to step ONLY on the red ones.
Here is the run through of the room with the red tiles:
Up (onto right square), up, right, right, up, right, up, up, right (into room). Left onto square, up, up, left, left, up, left, left (into room). Down onto square, down, left, down, down, down, left, left, up, up.
It's ok if you fall though, you'll just have to start over (and there's a treasure chest (Bravery Amulet) on the bottom). You'll come to a door on the right side. In this room are a chest (Magic Ego Bell) and a healing pod (this is one of those comfy places to level up). To the left is the exit that brings you back to the tile room. While only stepping on the red ones, make your way up. In the next screen Rose will speak. Make your way to the left and you're back in the room with the red tiles. Work your way to the left and enter the next room.
This next room will have a save point, an item (Healing Rain) and Lavitz. When he runs away, follow him.
Boss: Lavitz' Spirit and Zackwell
Do NOT attack Lavitz. When given the choice, select "Talk to him". When Lavitz turns around and you see that ugly monster on his back, THEN you attack the monster! When you defeat the little monster (careful, he can do a confuse attack), a bigger, badder one will appear.
When Zackwell makes the scene, start with a Dragoon Special. Stick to your Physical attacks; since Magical attacks usually don't do as much damage as they should (except Miranda's Light-based Magic, since Zachwell is Darkness based, it will do a lot of damage). He has several nasty attacks, including an "instant death" one, and he'll sink into the ground so you can't attack him. Use one of your party members to heal the others when necessary, and have the other two attack. This battle shouldn't be too hard or too long. If you're low on HP after the battle, go back to that one room with the healing pod in it before moving on.
Optional Boss: Dragon Spirit Feyrbrand
Dragoons. Magic. Any questions? (Being a Dragoon will also prevent you from getting poisoned.)
Optional Boss: Dragon Spirit Regole
Regole is a bit harder than Feyrbrand. He uses that dreaded whirlpool attack and is fast. Again, Dragoon magic works very well.
Optional Boss: Dragon Spirit Divine Dragon
Wow, what is with these Dragon Spirits being weak against Dragoon Magic? Yes, you can be a Dragoon against this guy, and yes, again you should stick with your magic. But be careful! He's not as easy as the other two. He's fast and uses the Divine Dragon Ball and Divine Dragon Canon religiously.
NOTE: There is NO turning back from this point on. Make sure you have completed everything that you wanted to. Did you get all the Stardust? Did you fight the Dragoons at Vellweb? Did you complete all the Sidequests that you wanted? Did you get Kongol's Dragoon Spirit in Lohan? If you still have something you want to do, go back to Zenebatos and talk to Coolon.
After you've finished everything you wanted to, take the portal up and get the chest (Spectral Flash). After you confont Zieg, exit to the left and have Coolon take you to the Divine Tree. As he approaches it, Coolon will be hit by a Virage and no longer be able to fly once he crashes into the Divine Tree.
Divine Tree
Recommended Level: 35-38
Stardust: 0
Items: 2
Item Store: No
Weapon Store: No
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
Throughout the entire area of the Divine Tree, there is only one path, so you can't get lost. In the second screen you'll see a shiny spot, and it turns out to be an item (Phoenix Plume). As you make your way up, you'll notice little shiny spots. Rose will tell you about them if you inspect them. You'll eventually come to a place with a "stream". Go through it. When you land you'll notice a caterpillar and another shiny spot (White Silver Dragon Armor). Also here is a revitilizing pond, so it's a good place to level up. Continue going up the one-way path. Eventually, the caterpillar will attack.
BOSS: Caterpillar/Pupa/Imago
Don't waste your Dragoon Mode on the Caterpillar or the Pupa. Both are considerably weak. Be cautious, though, since the Caterpillar can shoot out different abnormalities. Once the Caterpillar is a Pupa, it won't attack at all. If you need to recover, use Guard. When your HP is maxed, hack at the Pupa until it turns into Imago. The next round is tougher. Imago has a couple of mean attacks, including an instant death one. Using the Dragoon Special, however, you should easily overcome him. Magic doesn't do much damage though, so stick to your physical attacks. This guy isn't too hard.
After the battle, go up. After the conversation, enter the moon to the left.
The Moon
Recommended Level: 38+
Stardust: 0
Items: 9
Item Store: Yes
Weapon Store: Yes
Enemies: Yes
Boss: Yes
Go down the path and into the blue-green light. When the screen comes out of the white fade, you'll notice you're in a strange place that looks nothing like a moon. To the right is a treasure chest (Frozen Jet). Go up and right to enter the next part. Go to the right to enter a snowy meadow. Here, Miranda will leave your party and you'll have to face a boss with just Miranda.
Miranda's Boss: Death Rose
Death Rose isn't hard at all, though it will drain life from you and heal itself occasionally. During this battle you'll learn a bit more about Miranda. Just keep shooting arrows at the monster until you get the choice of forgiving or not. Choose "I'll Forgive You" to end the battle.
After Miranda joins you again, go down and to the left, but don't forget the two chests (one is in a Minitos house, the other is a Down Burst). In the new screen, exit to the bottom and you'll be in the weapon/item store/inn/clinic. When you enter, Haschel will notice a young Claire. When you approach her, she'll run away. Follow her into the portal, then down. Keep chasing her until she's cornered (there'll be a chest (Spectral Flash) along the way). Haschel will need to fight her.
Haschel's Boss: Claire
Claire is tougher then she looks. She has a lot of bad attacks, and can bring you down to one HP in a flash. When she does this, heal yourself right away. After a while into the battle, Haschel will have the choice of awakening the Mind's Eye or asking for forgiveness. Chose "Mind's Eye, Awaken" to stop the battle.
When you're done, you can explore this place a bit to get an item (Flash Hall), but eventually you'll have to go back to the inn and exit at the bottom. You'll come to a castle-like area. You can talk to the guards if you want (the little boy is Lavitz), and when you're done, exit to the left. Take the only other exit in the next screen and you'll be high in the air. Take the upper left exit (the other is a dead end). A Dragon'll attack you, and the group will be separated.
In this next scene, you'll be in control of Albert who is leading Kongol, Meru, Miranda, and Haschel. Kongol will have a flashback. Afterwards, go up the stairs and exit. Kongol will talk some more, and then he'll go up the stairs to face his brother, Indora.
Kongol's Boss: Indora
Remember how, when you fought Kongol, you had to complete your additions? The same rule applies here. Indora has some bad attacks, but nothing too difficult. This battle shouldn't be very hard. There is no option like in the previous battles. If you didn't get Kongol's Dragoon Spirit in Lohan, Indora will give it to you.
Go downstairs to get some armor for Kongol (there's a switch on the wall that opens a door with the chest containing Golden Dragoon Armor in it). When you're done, go to the left and enter the portal. You'll be back to where Haschel fought Claire. Go back to the inn. The screen will switch over to Dart and Rose.
As they walk, Dart and Rose will talk. Take the exit to the upper right, get the item (Night Raid) and then go up one more screen (to get the item above (Burning Wave), take the exit to the upper right of where Michael is). There will be an exit to the lower right, but Rose won't let you take it. Instead, go to the north exit. There you'll fight Michael.
Dart and Rose's Boss: Michael
Don't attack Michael at first. Just Guard or build up your SP. When given the choice, have Rose unveil Michael's weak spot. Michael's chest will open up and there will be his core. Michael attacks with the Dark Cannon; this is a deadly attack! (Although, if Rose is wearing the Dark Dragon Armor, it won't hurt her at all.) He usually does it right before he opens his core, so try to guard against it. The core will stay open for a bit longer, but it will close again. Do not attack it when it is closed. Guard. Attack Michael only when his core is open.
When Michael is defeated, go back to the door Rose wouldn't let you enter. It'll take you back inside a cave. The door on the lower left will take you back to the inn and you'll reunite with everyone. If you have enough supplies, go to the castle area that's beyond the bottom exit.
When you enter, go up to the gate and talk to the guards. Albert will be called to meet Doel.
Albert's Boss: Doel
Doel is really easy. Just defeat his two swords first (the Psyche Bomb works well here), and then concentrate on Doel himself. During the battle, Albert will settle his differences with Doel. There are no options like in the previous battles.
After you beat Doel, go back down the portal to the left. You'll be in the clouds again. Go north to where the Dragon attacked you. You'll be able to proceed to the right. Go up the stairs and you'll come to a palace. Lastly, it'll be Meru's turn to fight.
Meru's Boss: Archangel
Archangel really only has one bad attack that'll reduce your HP down to 1. Heal right away, then attack with additions. Sometimes, the Archangel will heal you. There are no options in this battle. Just keep attacking Archangel until it is defeated.
When its over, go into the light beam. You'll be taken to a weird room filled with screens. There is only one-way to go: to the left. Enter then next room, which has one chest (Gravity Grabber). Work your way to the left and into the next weird room. There is a save point here. Go into the door on the right and fight the next boss.
Boss: Super Virage
Like the Virages before it, this one has three main parts: The Arm, the Head, and the Body. Defeating either the Head or the Body will kill the entire thing. However, there is a catch: The Head has less HP than the body, but does a deadly explosion before it dies. The Body has more HP, but does not explode after it's defeated. The Super Virage has one deadly attack (you'll know it when you see it), but overall it isn't too difficult. Dragoon Magic works great on it, especially the Head.
After the battle, refill your SP gauge if you need to. In the next room is a save point and the last item (Detonate Arrow). Go up to the left and into the final room, where you fight Zieg. Make sure Dart has the Red Dragon Armor equipped! Zieg will steal Dart's Dragoon Spirit in this battle, so Dart cannot transform into a Dragoon.
Boss: Zieg
Having the Red Dragon Armor equipped to Dart is a guarantee he won't die from Zieg's Fire attacks. Other then that, however, Zieg isn't too difficult. His magic attacks are the same as Dart's (Flameshot, Final Burst, etc). Your other two members can still transform into Dragoons, and that should be good enough if you're at the recommended levels. Magic or physical, either will work against Zieg.
After Zieg is defeated, something weird will happen, people will talk, then Lloyd will appear. Lloyd and Dart will enter a "battle" against Melbu Frahma, but this isn't a real battle. Lloyd will die, but before he dies he'll give Dart the Divine Dragon Spirit (so Dart can become the Divine Dragoon) and he'll give Rose the Dragon Buster. If you want to, you can fight Melbu Frahma now, or go back and fill up your SP gauge again. When you're ready for the final battle, approach Melbu Frahma.
This battle is made up of four rounds, and each round is like starting a new battle (except you'll still be in Dragoon mode if you were in the last round). During the first round, immediately use the Dragoon Special. Use Dart's Divine Dragon Ball attack to kill the tentacles (if they are still hanging around, use it again). Have the other two attack Melbu Frahma. When the tentacles are gone, have Dart go after Melbu as well. He'll use a Virage Summon that's kind of nasty, but he'll rarely use it.
He'll transform after he gets about 8500 points of damage. In this next scene, Melbu will capture one of your team members, then shoot him/her back at you. He also has a dreaded cannon. He does have a laser sword, but that isn't too powerful.
After about 12000 more points of damage, he'll transform again. He looks really different in this next part...kind of like a spaceship. Melbu has some powerful magic attacks that hit all in your party, and he'll summon four exploding crystals to attack you. Don't bother with the crystals; they're weak. Just keep hitting Melbu. He'll also change night into day, and this does several things: He uses different attacks, and if you have an item that automatically does your additions for you, it will be disabled (thanks, Kim, for the tip!). After about 10000 points of damage, he'll transform into the fourth, final round.
This fourth part is probably the hardest. Melbu can confuse you, and if you stay in Dragoon form for too long, he'll use the Block Staff and lower your power and defense, leaving you helpless. He'll also summon a couple monsters (which you shouldn't worry about, unless you want to use the Psychedelic Bomb if you have it). Melbu can also petrify you. He still has his powerful magic that attacks your entire party.
You know you've won the battle when Dart transforms and goes in for the final blow.
Sit back and watch the beautiful, lengthy ending and listen to the pretty song.
Congratulations on beating the game!
NOTE ABOUT LAVITZ *~Provided by Kallero~*
Kallero sent me an e-mail about the cup next to Lavitz's portrait at the end of the game. Now, a lot of people (myself included) have tried to guess, "Just what the heck is that glass of liquid all about?"
Here is what Kallero has to say:
"Remember back in Lohan when Lavitz told Dart to look towards the future and not the past, and that revenge doesnt solve anything? Dart took that advice, and is now happy with Shana. Lavitz said he would except a few drinks for that advice after their journey was done, so Dart thanked him by giving him that drink."
Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Thanks Kallero, you genius you. :D
Thanks for the codes